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Ideas on how to manage ADHD

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For those struggling with adhd, I was curious what sorts of habits you have developed to keep yourself in check and stay productive throughout the day, even on tasks that can seem boring but necessary. I found that creating a todo list and prioritizing it first thing in the morning is helpful, listening to brown/white noise. Tried Adderall too for about 2 months but didn't like how mechanical and bland it makes the mind. 

Im also curious how timing your meals plays a part in helping you be more focused. 

It also seems that sticking to a fixed routine does not work for me, I will be experimenting with multiple routines throughout the week as doing the same thing at the same time every day is close to impossible. So still keeping the same behavioral patterns but moving them around within the day. 

Looking forward to hearing if you have any more ideas, thanks. 

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