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Spiral Wizard

Burning through karma: Hedonism & Hypocrisy

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I was wondering how to differentiate between getting stuck in a loop of hedonism (indulging in shallow pleasure) vs doing that consciously to burn through karma? 

“What you focus on grows” is a popular quote. How do I know that there will come a point where the desire or spiral dynamics stage is exhausted?

The same question applies to selfishness or hypocrisy. I can be very conscious of my selfishness but thoroughly enjoy it. I think this non-judgmental/ accepting/ self-loving approach is much more effective than guilt tripping yourself but then again, if I keep doing it, it’s also feeding the behavior or neuronal connection. 

I guess introspection and intellectual integrity will tell you when enough is enough? 


"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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Awareness alone is curative.

Just Be aware that Not having materialistic desires is BETTER than having them.

What I'm saying is that  making money for things like cars, jewelry, and things you don't even need is NOT the only way to life live. Infact, it's one of the worst ways to live life. You'll forever be stuck in an endless loop of buying the latest gadget or the new cool thing to make yourself happy.

I find that sort of living shallow. Others might disagree, but there's more than one way to live life.

Personally ,I don't have any materialistic desires(except maybe some sex lol) and I'm happy I don't. I don't need to buy a fancy car etc .

You just need to find your passion. Do you want to help other people as it makes you happy? Do you want to travel the world and experience all that it has to offer? Just do what makes you happy. There is no one way to live life. Don't go by other peoples standards of what should make you happy, majority of the people are idiots .


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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