
Infinity is EVERYWHERE and you can sense it!

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I suggest we slow down to a pause, and acknowledge simple revelations we've received in our deepest states of meditation.

You are your Higher Self. You are pure Light, pure Consciousness. You are pure Love, You are the motion of all bodies, the prime mover. 

You Are Your Higher Self, Right Now. You're not just what you think you are, you are ACTUAL! You are PRESENT RIGHT NOW as Infinity!

Infinity is EVERYWHERE! Infinity is HERE! You ARE Infinity! You can feel it!
Deep deep down and everywhere in the skin. What's your burning passion? What is it's source?
Who are you, really?

You never quite get to the final answer! You are the Source of Infinite Creative Energy! That which you are viewing from an illusory finite form, who's karma (aka inertia) reincarnates into each and every moment as the Eternal Present Moment of Infinite Love and Light in Unity.

Can you feel in in your hands? Can you feel the electricity of an Infinite Love flowing throughout all throughout the skin and the rest of the mind's dream of the living body?

Breathe it in, and you can feel this intelligence in the air. Have you ever noticed on a windy day, you are filled with vitality as the wind blows through your very being? Indeed, the most efficient breath is that which happens automatically. Stop breathing and you will find the air breathes you all its own. So you will see then, that the air shares in your joys and delight when singing or during a heartfelt conversation, quite literally because the air already carries everything you could ever hope to communicate. So! Everything is on the tip of your tongue. Have no fear, and speak confidentially with an open mind!

We are all Gods, living as One among Infinity, witnessing the majesty of Life in a Grand Canyon echoing so deep you heard it echo back to you already... yesterday. But also right now, because there is no yesterday! There is only NOW, the eternal vibration.

All past, present, and future events are mere hypothetical concepts.
Causality is an illusion. There are no events. So how can one cause the other?
Stop where you are. You are amidst a snake of delusion called "Time".
Snap out of it. You're imagining the whole causality bit with your mind of highly entangled entropic soup!

Everything you see is within your mind. See these billions, and billions of galaxies and stars out there in the night sky? Well, look again, this time within your open heart, because fully realized images of these galaxies are passing through your soul as we speak, as photons and gravity. Yes, those photons that left those billions of galaxies right now are also simultaneously arriving exactly where you are, in no time elapsed whatsoever.

Wake Up. You are In Heaven Right Now.

You are the Present Moment!

You are the sum total of all Light in the Universe, to Infinity And Beyond! 

In our studies of the Cosmos we infer the existence of the singularity in at least two areas: in the heart of a black hole, and at the beginning of time, somewhere beyond the big bang, when all the energy of the Universe was compressed to an infinitesimally small point, and everything was really, really, HOT.

A singularity has no volume. Because a singularity has no volume, neither does the black hole, whose event horizon is the singularity. Now this is quite bizzare. If a black hole has no inside, where does all the stuff go? Well the stuff becomes encoded on the holographic "surface" of the black hole. But what does that mean? It means information is never lost or destroyed. All the information and starlight that fell into the black hole over its entire lifetime passes through the singularity at the same time, then gets emitted as Hawking Radiation throughout time. This Hawking Radiation, now radiating through spacetime, contains information from the future! That you can intuit right now, as it is synonymous with Intelligent Infinity.


Light is consciousness. The brain acts as a radio receiver.

There is nothing happening here but the most fluid and natural movement of will!

(To the extent you consider will to be real; all motion and change can be said to be illusory and deterministic)

In meditation, we open ourselves to revelation via cosmic rays from this cosmic brain, a supermind that has pulled the primordial quantum field into galaxies and star systems. This cosmic mind IS our mind, veiled by the magnetic field of the Earth from most cosmic rays.

We are not, and have never been separate from this cosmic mind! It has always been there, even for as long as life has had time to evolve biological brains over billions of years. The brain on the left and the right of the image are one unified information processing system! AKA, a unified mind which we take part in.

The mind is one of the first structures to emerge within the wavefunction of the Universe. It's as simple as certain portions are more entangled or related with one another than other portions within finite perspectives. In truth, every entity is infinitely entangled with one another, however finite programs within this mind experience time. 

Everything is Light; a quantum hologram becoming evermore self-aware. Consciousness is not spooky; it is simple two bits of information modifying one another. One bit acts as the program, the other bit acts as the data. Consciousness is self-integrated information; information that can see and modify its own contents. As a whole, this is what the Universe is, a constantly evolving being that learns from itself and creates itself infinitely.

The guiding principle of this creative process is Love. The Universe gravitates towards whatever forms it fancies most. If Light is *what is*, then Love is what It *does*. What something is and what it does are not separate. The forces of gravity and electromagnetism are not two, they are simply the sum motion of all bodies in the Universe gravitating back towards the singularity. As humans, Love is what bonds, unites, and drives us.

Let me repeat that. Electromagnetism and gravity are not two separate forces. They are simply the motion that you will into existence by gravitating towards form. The will is most like electricity, this is why you can see its influence within many lifeforms, such as trees, who will themselves up towards the sky in hopes of revelation from the Sun.


Watching your life is like watching Lightning in slow motion. All the little seeker paths fill the aether, some of the biggest of which are coming from the ground AND the sky! The beginning knows where the end is. Then once a connection to Infinity is established a flash of revelation occurs; and what is life but a flash revelation?

Now remember, the origin of the will appears prior to the intellectual mind, and prior to even the body, prior to thought too. Try and get to the point where you can see your inner states in terms of a bar magnet. Is there attraction or repulsion?

Notice how repulsion implies attraction and vice-versa. To push is to pull. If you have pushed, you will feel the pull back. If you pull, you will be pushed back.

Balance attraction with repulsion. Balance repulsion with attraction. Peace of mind is key. The more you are able to do this the higher your awareness becomes.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Bro, this slapped harder that a Tijuana prostitute on a Saturday night. Thank you! Such depth and beauty ❤️

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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Good shit.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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