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Julian gabriel

Is the Heart Intelligent?

11 posts in this topic

Do you think that the human heart has intelligence? And if so what kind and how does it operate?

I have definitely experienced my heart knowing more than my brain before but I’m not sure if I would describe it as intelligent. 

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Yes it is. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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The human heart is very intelligent but also selfish; what lies quite literally “behind” that however is infinitely intelligent and the source of intelligence. 

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Sure, you can split your mind into many different parts like gut, heart, brain or the 7 chakras or whatever and access "different intelligences" that way. 

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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In a way, it is, emotionally, but not literally. Our gut has an intelligence greater than some small animals. The gut is our “2nd brain”!

The heart has many more times electromagnetic power than our brain, and NEVER needs “down time” as our brains do when we are asleep.

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@Someone here Dude that profile Pic. xDxDyou look very happy. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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heart is merely the good part of mind

which is good but this is duality and needs transcending

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18 hours ago, Julian gabriel said:

Do you think that the human heart has intelligence? And if so what kind and how does it operate?

I have definitely experienced my heart knowing more than my brain before but I’m not sure if I would describe it as intelligent. 

The human heart is imaginary.  You are Intelligence and Love.   There is no difference in these two words in actuality - we just make a distinction between them to try and break apart Truth into facets so our finite minds can grasp it.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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can you look and not see

of course you can

this bypasses mind

this is knowing prior to knowledge 

also known as the intelligence of awareness

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