Jake Chambers

Transitioning Soon

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I am passing on very soon from this world. I am not that scared of death.  But I am quite uneasy with what comes after it.

What happens after death?

In my Awakenings I have come to know that Consciousness is invincible. So Consciousness will continue in some fashion. The question is in what way? I am hoping to have a great life in my next life without physical and mental illness, and I hope it will be here on earth in this time again. I love you motherfuckers :) truly do. That I’ll be able to enjoy and celebrate life and the Universe with a great energy. Reminds me of this:


TBH it really pisses me off when Leo says death literally cannot happen, that the physical limited body cannot die. It’s such a slap in the face to people who are terminally ill like me. He never elaborates what he means with it and the statement is just said in such a crude and not understandable fashion. Does he really think he is helping anyone with it? He is such a giant dick. Imagine if I said you cannot turn off your xbox. Because it is on right now. It’s the same type of nonsense.

Saying you cannot die and the way he says it hurts me so bad. He doesn’t have any fucking respect. I mean at least explain it. Is Leo just the biggest and best troll to have ever existed? 

Respect to Leo for inspiring people to live their best lives. That he is great at. I guess it is my shadow hating on him because my life is over.

I just hope so bad I’ll get a shot at another life. It would be the best because life and the universe are so great and good, I know that even after all the pain I’ve been through.

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Dark Tower rules, man!

God be with you and be strong!

I'll recommend the book "Home with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. It deals with the subject of death, the stages transitioning, experiences in the afterlife and it is written in a very compassionate manner. 

Hope you still have enough time to read it before, you know...


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Eternal Unity Good to know there is another DT fan here. I'm hoping my fate will be the same as Roland's. ;)

Thanks for that book recommendation. Yes I will have enough time to read it. I will.

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@Jake Chambers I'm not sure what to say. 

Cancer. What's your age? 

I can't even comprehend what you're going through. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Raptorsin7 I'd rather not go too deep into the details of my medical situation. It's not what I'm here for.

@Tyler Robinson I'm in my late twenties.

I've made my peace with it, parts of my mind are very mature, stable and developed. I am just so curious as to what will happen after life. 

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Sorry to hear about your cancer situation. 

Don't give up. 


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Potentially incorrect scientific opinion: You were dead before you were born, you're going back there

Lots of young peope with illnesses these days, god protect you man

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Sending you love. The book suggestion by @Eternal Unity seems appropriate (I haven't read that one yet but others by the same author). You're indeed returning home. It may be that you feel this iteration is coming to an end abruptly...or some unfinished business... Maybe something you could set an intention for going forward. ? 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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@Jake Chambers Very sorry to hear that man. You're in a sad situation and I get why saying death isn't real would only add insult to injury.

Death appears real from unawake states of consciousness. But saying that doesn't help you. What would help is accessing those states in which death is realized to be imaginary.

Psychedelics have been shown to be very helpful and effective for helping people in terminally ill situations.

If it makes you feel any better, you're not really gonna die, you will simply change forms.

I would recommend psychedelics to help you gain hope. Not fake hope, but genuine hope, cause your consciousness truly is immortal. It's a question of what shape you take.

Basically, with "death", you melt into Infinity, then you can dream anything you want.

If you would like to discuss further, PM me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I lost two family members to cancer. I wonder if this will be comforting, but on the day my nan died, she'd been very delirious but suddenly became completely alert; she said to my grandad that she'd had a dream. He asked her what about, and she mentioned the crucifix.

Then she smiled, genuinely.

It's a common thing that on the brink of death people have some sort of major realization, which seems to be very comforting. The specific religious imagery isn't really important, just the realization behind it.

Ultimately "everything is going to be alright". You are safe, you will be okay. It's natural to be apprehensive but as the time gets closer you might get a realization like everybody else, which puts you totally at ease.

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I don't like statements like "Death is not real", either. Spirituality is not just about seeing the illusion of death. It's also about accepting the ever-present reality of death. Consciousness doesn't die because it was never born, but that doesn't change anything about the fact that physical bodies die all the time. I recommend Adyashanti's teachings on the subject of death.

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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1 hour ago, The Mystical Man said:

doesn't change anything about the fact that physical bodies die all the time.

This is actually incorrect.

"Bodies die all the time" is your dream. No body has ever died -- you are imagining they did.

But this requires a level of consciousness which few of you here comprehend.

If you are deeply conscious enough, there literally is no such thing as death. Will this help you at the human level? No. Not at your level of consciousness. You are stuck in a dream, and your dream involves the death and suffering of bodies. But actually none of this has absolute reality. It is an elaborate illusion which you call life. And your mind clings to it.

Have you never died in your dreams? What happens?

Death is a dream. The reason this doesn't help you is because you're dreaming and terrified of the dream ending.

All this may should theoretical, but actually it is the opposite. Death is theoretical.

If you were conscious enough nothing could kill you. But you are not conscious enough, so you will die, cause that is your dream.

Realizing this is the whole point of spirituality. But it requires levels of consciousness which almost no one is capable of. From the POV of your current state of consciousness, you will die. But only from that limited POV.

As much as it might pain you to hear this, but terminal illness is still a dream. You cannot escape the fact that you're dream just by dreaming up something horrible. The most horrible shit in the world is still nothing but a dream. In fact, this is where you find salvation.

Notice that what I'm saying is actually very positive: death isn't real. And what materialism and the ego says is very negative: death is real. And yet people get upset when told the positive news that death isn't real. The reason this twisted reaction occurs is because the mind is so attached to dreaming that it would rather die a real death than admit that everything is a dream. It has to be that way because this is how your mind constructs reality. If you didn't honestly, fully believe that death is real, you could not have reality as you know it. Once you realize death is an illusion, all of reality falls apart and nothing at all matters. And this is what you're really terrified of, perhaps even more than death itself. You are terrified of losing the construction we call material reality.

The highest levels of awakening are so conscious that you are too conscious for even reincarnation because even that is realized to be a dream. At the highest levels of consciousness there is no past or future. There is only Absolute Now, which never ends. But this is not something your mind can comprehend or imagine unless you directly experience it. An integral part of what it means to be human is to be incapable of letting go of the imagination of your death. If you stopped imagining your death, you would stop being human and you would become immortal. But you are not conscious enough to do this through your will power. Hence you are stuck inside the human dream and you will remain stuck until some day you break out of it. This breakout will either happen via awakening or what you call death.

Yes, all this feels like a slap in the face to your mind because your mind needs to believe that suffering is real. Telling the mind that all suffering is just a dream, does not please the mind at all. Even though this is the greatest news. The mind is in the business of dreaming, not Truth. The quickest way to piss someone off is to invalidate all their suffering by telling them it's imaginary. That being pissed off reaction is the defense mechanism against Truth. Truth is much more radical than people expect, so they are not capable of accepting it. This is the very core of how selfishness works. The finite self cannot accept itself as an illusion.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If life is a dream, then death is a dream.

If life is real, then death is real.

I hope you transition smoothly, @Jake Chambers !

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My heart goes out to you :x practice love and fearlessness, every moment. craving is what causes suffering

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

This is actually incorrect.

"Bodies die all the time" is your dream. No body has ever died -- you are imagining they did.

But this requires a level of consciousness which few of you here comprehend.

If you are deeply conscious enough, there literally is no such thing as death. Will this help you at the human level? No. Not at your level of consciousness. You are stuck in a dream, and your dream involves the death and suffering of bodies. But actually none of this has absolute reality. It is an elaborate illusion which you call life. And your mind clings to it.

Have you never died in your dreams? What happens?

Death is a dream. The reason this doesn't help you is because you're dreaming and terrified of the dream ending.

All this may should theoretical, but actually it is the opposite. Death is theoretical.

If you were conscious enough nothing could kill you. But you are not conscious enough, so you will die, cause that is your dream.

Realizing this is the whole point of spirituality. But it requires levels of consciousness which almost no one is capable of. From the POV of your current state of consciousness, you will die. But only from that limited POV.

As much as it might pain you to hear this, but terminal illness is still a dream. You cannot escape the fact that you're dream just by dreaming up something horrible. The most horrible shit in the world is still nothing but a dream. In fact, this is where you find salvation.

Notice that what I'm saying is actually very positive: death isn't real. And what materialism and the ego says is very negative: death is real. And yet people get upset when told the positive news that death isn't real. The reason this twisted reaction occurs is because the mind is so attached to dreaming that it would rather die a real death than admit that everything is a dream. It has to be that way because this is how your mind constructs reality. If you didn't honestly, fully believe that death is real, you could not have reality as you know it. Once you realize death is an illusion, all of reality falls apart and nothing at all matters. And this is what you're really terrified of, perhaps even more than death itself. You are terrified of losing the construction we call material reality.

The highest levels of awakening are so conscious that you are too conscious for even reincarnation because even that is realized to be a dream. At the highest levels of consciousness there is no past or future. There is only Absolute Now, which never ends. But this is not something your mind can comprehend or imagine unless you directly experience it. An integral part of what it means to be human is to be incapable of letting go of the imagination of your death. If you stopped imagining your death, you would stop being human and you would become immortal. But you are not conscious enough to do this through your will power. Hence you are stuck inside the human dream and you will remain stuck until some day you break out of it. This breakout will either happen via awakening or what you call death.

Yes, all this feels like a slap in the face to your mind because your mind needs to believe that suffering is real. Telling the mind that all suffering is just a dream, does not please the mind at all. Even though this is the greatest news. The mind is in the business of dreaming, not Truth. The quickest way to piss someone off is to invalidate all their suffering by telling them it's imaginary. That being pissed off reaction is the defense mechanism against Truth. Truth is much more radical than people expect, so they are not capable of accepting it. This is the very core of how selfishness works. The finite self cannot accept itself as an illusion.

Really clear and profound

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

This is actually incorrect.

"Bodies die all the time" is your dream. No body has ever died -- you are imagining they did.

But this requires a level of consciousness which few of you here comprehend.

If you are deeply conscious enough, there literally is no such thing as death. Will this help you at the human level? No. Not at your level of consciousness. You are stuck in a dream, and your dream involves the death and suffering of bodies. But actually none of this has absolute reality. It is an elaborate illusion which you call life. And your mind clings to it.

Have you never died in your dreams? What happens?

Death is a dream. The reason this doesn't help you is because you're dreaming and terrified of the dream ending.

All this may should theoretical, but actually it is the opposite. Death is theoretical.

If you were conscious enough nothing could kill you. But you are not conscious enough, so you will die, cause that is your dream.

Realizing this is the whole point of spirituality. But it requires levels of consciousness which almost no one is capable of. From the POV of your current state of consciousness, you will die. But only from that limited POV.

As much as it might pain you to hear this, but terminal illness is still a dream. You cannot escape the fact that you're dream just by dreaming up something horrible. The most horrible shit in the world is still nothing but a dream. In fact, this is where you find salvation.

Notice that what I'm saying is actually very positive: death isn't real. And what materialism and the ego says is very negative: death is real. And yet people get upset when told the positive news that death isn't real. The reason this twisted reaction occurs is because the mind is so attached to dreaming that it would rather die a real death than admit that everything is a dream. It has to be that way because this is how your mind constructs reality. If you didn't honestly, fully believe that death is real, you could not have reality as you know it. Once you realize death is an illusion, all of reality falls apart and nothing at all matters. And this is what you're really terrified of, perhaps even more than death itself. You are terrified of losing the construction we call material reality.

The highest levels of awakening are so conscious that you are too conscious for even reincarnation because even that is realized to be a dream. At the highest levels of consciousness there is no past or future. There is only Absolute Now, which never ends. But this is not something your mind can comprehend or imagine unless you directly experience it. An integral part of what it means to be human is to be incapable of letting go of the imagination of your death. If you stopped imagining your death, you would stop being human and you would become immortal. But you are not conscious enough to do this through your will power. Hence you are stuck inside the human dream and you will remain stuck until some day you break out of it. This breakout will either happen via awakening or what you call death.

Yes, all this feels like a slap in the face to your mind because your mind needs to believe that suffering is real. Telling the mind that all suffering is just a dream, does not please the mind at all. Even though this is the greatest news. The mind is in the business of dreaming, not Truth. The quickest way to piss someone off is to invalidate all their suffering by telling them it's imaginary. That being pissed off reaction is the defense mechanism against Truth. Truth is much more radical than people expect, so they are not capable of accepting it. This is the very core of how selfishness works. The finite self cannot accept itself as an illusion.


Your misunderstanding a fundemental fact: dreaming is suffering, so telling people oh your going dream again a new form (re-incarnate) isn't appealing, real death is much more comforting. You have an inverted view of life, life is suffering, or dreaming is suffering, duality is suffering, no one wants to do this over and over again for infinity, especially if they have no choice over the dream. You could die and re-dream a hell, how is that appealling

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