Jake Chambers

Transitioning Soon

152 posts in this topic

30 minutes ago, axiom said:

the self is illusory.

There is noone here already. 

From the Buddhist perspective, which is where this is coming from, I think it's important that one understands what is meant by "no-self". There is clearly a person typing this message out, and you are clearly reading it. And these individuals (me and you) and distinct and different entities, with different feelings, experiences, and emotions. These of course manifest in different personalities. But, there is a tendency to assume that this conception an individual has about their self, "who they are" "what they stand for", etc. is a permenant, fixed, unchanging entitity. We often hear expressions in our common speech, "No matter what happens I will always be this kind of person" and so on. So, there is the idea that is developed which essentially implies that this self is an entity, and it is an entity which exists beyond the confines of the physical body, almost. 

It is this self that the aforementioned philospohers are claiming as non-existent. Try this thought experiment: imagine yourself at the earliest age possible, 5, 6, 7.. however, young you can recall some sense of self with any capacity. Imagine what your favorite experiences were, your hopes, what you wanted to be as an adult, your favorite show, food, color, etc. Now, I'm sure nearly all of those things are no longer true, correct? What happened to that self? Where did it go? It changed. As you changed physically, and as you experienced more, you altered. But how? And why? And what part of that child is still with the adult? If we could locate that one thread on similarity between your earliest self and today could we say that that  is the permemenat self? Surely not. Too many things in your life would be deemed too important by the current incarnation of the self to state that the only existent true self was whatever thread connected to infancy. But the corollary is important to pay attention to as well: what aspects of your present incarnation of self that are curcial to your understanding of your unique individuality will become unimportant and trivial in twenty years from now? Will you have to reduce the self to just the thread that exists from to day to twenty years from now and infancy? No. Because there is no self.  This idea of some permement you that exists through space and time is just an illusion. 

So I get that part ..but then you go on and say :

31 minutes ago, axiom said:

 A self suffers the illusion that it can die

Didn't we just agreed that the self Is an illusion?  Then how could an illusion suffer or fear death ? How could something which doesn't even exist suffer any kind of emotion ?

32 minutes ago, axiom said:

This could be described as "death", but it's just a metaphor.

One question : a metaphor for what?

Second question: do you distinguish between ego death and physical death ,

Third question: do you  think physical death is an illusion ? If so..why ? If not..the what happens after it ?

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3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

If you ever had ego death physical death is really the same thing it's just that with ego death the dream hasn't dissolved yet.  But it gives you a taste of what death is like because you become God.  True ego death is awakening as God.   You are in God Consciousness.  It's just that the dream hasn't broke apart because you still have too many attachments.   So you are still in finite form.   With physical death you will just be pure formless, Infinite Consciousness.   You don't even need a form when you awake...it's almost as if you are formless.  So it's really the same thing plus form.  

@Inliytened1 Last awakening showed me that my body and the physical world are inside my Mind. The body was just one more piece of content, even if it had been blown into pieces it wouldn't matter, just a change in content. It was obvious how I was creating the illusion of being a human, other people around me, an outside world, etc. But like you said the physical reality didn't dissolve, even though I felt like I wanted to go deeper and deeper, it stopped there.

Was that a shallow God-realization? 

Edited by Vibes

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3 hours ago, axiom said:

Death is an illusion because there is noone there to die. 

In a way, death is already the case.


As far as Im concerned, this is bogus. Death is literally death. This dream isnt there anymore. Its just pure formlessness, but you are still there, so its more the dream that dies, not you. Although, my experiences seem to be a bit different, because when this happened to me, I was purely formless and completely alone, but still kinda weirded out by it lol. It seems like, the moment you stop being cool with it, the dream gets reconstructed (it was kind of a tug of war in my case, and I literally watched as self and other were emerging and then dropping back into this pure oneness until the "trip" slowly wore off) - thats my experience with, what Im assuming were talking about here, at least.

Maybe this is some specific quirk of mine and in your case the dream continues when you die (why not, I guess?), but yeah, thats what happened.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

From the Buddhist perspective, which is where this is coming from, I think it's important that one understands what is meant by "no-self". There is clearly a person typing this message out, and you are clearly reading it. And these individuals (me and you) and distinct and different entities, with different feelings, experiences, and emotions. These of course manifest in different personalities. But, there is a tendency to assume that this conception an individual has about their self, "who they are" "what they stand for", etc. is a permenant, fixed, unchanging entitity. We often hear expressions in our common speech, "No matter what happens I will always be this kind of person" and so on. So, there is the idea that is developed which essentially implies that this self is an entity, and it is an entity which exists beyond the confines of the physical body, almost. 

It is this self that the aforementioned philospohers are claiming as non-existent. Try this thought experiment: imagine yourself at the earliest age possible, 5, 6, 7.. however, young you can recall some sense of self with any capacity. Imagine what your favorite experiences were, your hopes, what you wanted to be as an adult, your favorite show, food, color, etc. Now, I'm sure nearly all of those things are no longer true, correct? What happened to that self? Where did it go? It changed. As you changed physically, and as you experienced more, you altered. But how? And why? And what part of that child is still with the adult? If we could locate that one thread on similarity between your earliest self and today could we say that that  is the permemenat self? Surely not. Too many things in your life would be deemed too important by the current incarnation of the self to state that the only existent true self was whatever thread connected to infancy. But the corollary is important to pay attention to as well: what aspects of your present incarnation of self that are curcial to your understanding of your unique individuality will become unimportant and trivial in twenty years from now? Will you have to reduce the self to just the thread that exists from to day to twenty years from now and infancy? No. Because there is no self.  This idea of some permement you that exists through space and time is just an illusion. 

So I get that part...

This is all a story. There is no time, there is no past. "Time" needs a self to measure it.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Didn't we just agreed that the self Is an illusion?  Then how could an illusion suffer or fear death ? How could something which doesn't even exist suffer any kind of emotion ?

The self seems to be a kind of seeking energy which erroneously takes ownership of appearances (including thoughts). It doesn't do anything else. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:
2 hours ago, axiom said:

There is noone here already. This could be described as "death", but it's just a metaphor.

One question : a metaphor for what?

A metaphor for there being noone home (so to speak)

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Second question: do you distinguish between ego death and physical death

I'm not really sure what is meant by ego death. The death of an identity, of an individual, is always illusory because there are no individuals. I would distinguish only on the grounds that they seem to appear different, and that they seem to involve a different cocktail of emotions.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Third question: do you  think physical death is an illusion ? If so..why ? If not..the what happens after it ?

Physical death (as in death of the body) seems to happen. But all appearances are just appearances. Nothing is actually happening (as per your story above about Buddhism, infancy, philosophers, physical changes etc). None of that actually happened.

If you are referring to death of the individual, then this never happens. The individual is already not there. There is nowhere to go. It's just this. Already.

Edited by axiom


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9 minutes ago, axiom said:

I'm not really sure what is meant by ego death. The death of an identity, of an individual, is always illusory because there are no individuals. I would distinguish only on the grounds that they seem to appear different, and that they seem to involve a different cocktail of emotions

When you say there is no individual..what are you exactly talking about? Here I am .I exist. It's the most obvious thing in the world . I do understand tho that there is no separation (no separate self) and that reality is unified undivided field of consciousness. But within this non-dual reality ..there appears to be separate self.sepertate bodies and so forth .

So I want you to be clear what do you mean exactly when you say there is no one home . Do you deny our physical existence as living organisms ?or are you talking about the ego being illusory? 

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@Someone here

Bodies seem to exist. Physical organisms seem to exist. This is not about denying the existence of bodies.

This is about the individual having no existence at all. 

There is no person "in there" (so to speak) who can do anything. There is no awareness. There is no free will.

Often, when this message is heard, this phrase "awareness is an illusion" can feel totally incoherent or even crazy.

So to be clearer, it turns out (after awakening) that that which was formerly considered to be awareness (i.e. before awakening) is not awareness, and never was.

"So what is it?" you might ask.

This. All that is. The appearance. Infinity.

26 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I do understand tho that there is no separation (no separate self) and that reality is unified undivided field of consciousness.

I would not use the word "consciousness". I like the word "appearance". Consciousness is a very misleading term as it gives rise to the idea of selves, "everyone" being "one consciousness" and so forth.

Edited by axiom


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You cannot have appearance without awareness. I really do not think you understand at all. You keep tying awareness to some story. If you lost the ability to construct a story, were mute, had no voice in your head and you were just a screen with things happening....then you are aware. If you were not aware...YOU COULD NOT TELL US ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. 

You are literally REPORTING BACK which means... YOU WERE AWARE.

This is beyond the pale at this point you are engaged in word games. If there is no awareness then there is no memory, which means...you would have no RECORD of the experience to report it. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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31 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I really do not think you understand at all.

It cannot be understood.


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9 hours ago, Razard86 said:

You cannot have appearance without awareness. I really do not think you understand at all. You keep tying awareness to some story. If you lost the ability to construct a story, were mute, had no voice in your head and you were just a screen with things happening....then you are aware. If you were not aware...YOU COULD NOT TELL US ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. 

You are literally REPORTING BACK which means... YOU WERE AWARE.

This is beyond the pale at this point you are engaged in word games. If there is no awareness then there is no memory, which means...you would have no RECORD of the experience to report it. 

It's not a something to be understood bro!

But it's recognized when the one trying to understand it goes for a long walk off a short plank ☺ 

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The duality of appearance and awareness is the very separation which fuels the seeking energy.

No such duality exists. Here's a pointer: Does there appear to be awareness?


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you talk about what it is not, but not about what it is. if they talk to you about what it is, you will say that they are stories. this is because what is has not opened for you yet. you understand that it is infinity, but you have not realized what it is. your approach has a name: neoadvaita

Edited by Breakingthewall

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That what is has infinite depth is not being denied. But what is can never be known.

You think you are a self that can know. That is duality, and duality is the great illusion.


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1 minute ago, axiom said:


That what is has infinite depth is not being denied. But what is can never be known.

You think you are a self that can know. That is duality, and duality is the great illusion.

I think it can be known in the sense of realizing that it is infinite, and realizing its quality. obviously infinity cannot be known in detail, but it is not necessary, since precisely because of its infinity it merges into a unity, and that unity is neither more nor less than you. can not it be a different way. and you can know yourself very well. 

you can't encompass yourself but you can know yourself

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think it can be known in the sense of realizing that it is infinite, and realizing its quality. obviously infinity cannot be known in detail, but it is not necessary, since precisely because of its infinity it merges into a unity, and that unity is neither more nor less than you. can not it be a different way. and you can know yourself very well. 

you can't encompass yourself but you can know yourself

Yes. Infinite. But when there is the illusion of someone being there, it will always seem finite.

It could be said that to the degree the self seems to be there, infinity will seem to present itself only in degrees of finitude.

Infinity appears to be much bigger (truly infinite), and free to simply be what it is when noone is there attempting to circumscribe it.

Edited by axiom


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@Jake Chambers At least you don’t have to experience the growing retardation of society. ?
I hope Leo could get you some hope. Seriously man, many people learned to accept death with psychedelics. 
Much love ♥️


Edited by Jannes

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4 hours ago, axiom said:

Yes. Infinite. But when there is the illusion of someone being there, it will always seem finite.

It could be said that to the degree the self seems to be there, infinity will seem to present itself only in degrees of finitude.

Infinity appears to be much bigger (truly infinite), and free to simply be what it is when noone is there attempting to circumscribe it.

4 hours ago, axiom said:


4 hours ago, axiom said:

Yes. Infinite. When there is the illusion of someone being there, it will always seem finite.


it goes against all intuition and all logic, but behind the absolute emptiness and the non-self there is one last door. this is not something that you realize because you have always had it in front of you, or a cosmic joke. it is the revelation of what infinity is. when that door opens, what you find is ....you. but the you that you are is not something that the mind can conceive. Before you opened this door, you were in the dark. only some light filtered through, always mixed with shadows. when this door is thrown wide open, light bursts. and what it is is: you. the one you always were : the total infinity

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Hey, I've been reading through this thread since its inception, and have been on the fence about whether or not I should respond, the reason being that despite my after-death experiences, I am still quite afraid of death and so it felt to me that reassuring another person about these things would come across as hypocritical.  I've decided to tell you about my experiences to help ease your transition.

So, I have an autoimmune disease - the doctors could not find an exact name for what was going on with me, but they came to the conclusion that it was autoimmune related, as well as an irregular heartbeat.  About every year and a half to two years, it flares up again and it creates problems in an organ in my body, to my scalp, to just general all around sickness, to chronic fever and so forth.  These episodes have caused me to work through a lot of death related anxiety, as I don't exactly know how much time I have or when this illness will strike something important, such as my heart.

In 2016, when my illness first flared up, and was at its worst, I had to go through a period of extreme self introspection.  I had not heard of spirituality around this time and knew nothing about God.  But I wanted to be ready emotionally and mentally for what was to happen.  So what I did, is I spent many grueling hours going over anything that seemed out of sync with who I wanted to be as a person, anything that seemed disingenuous, pathological or anxiety-producing, I looked into it all.  By the time I got done with this, it was about three months into this project, the real issue - my death anxiety, surfaced.  I realized that I had to actually face these fears head on, and I did. 

I had on a song with a beautiful picture of the mountains in blue mist, when I looked at this picture, I went through my fear instead of skirting around it - and I became very present in the current moment.  As I looked over the detail of this image, I began to feel absolute appreciation for its beauty.  In that moment, God appeared.  It was just behind all of my fears and traumas that life had placed over me, and it was as clear as day, and it said to me, "I exist".  It was as if I always knew it was there, but had just been blind to it.  It was so pure, and loving and genuine.

The awakening continued.  I learned that God is evolving to bring to Earth its love and perfection, that evolution is moving through a series of various offshoots in order to maximize the potential for the universe to witness itself, while aware of itself through its creations.  There is a plan for everything and everything is in its proper place, this includes all of the plants and animals on this planet, everything moves through a series of divine feedback loops in order to build upon this.  We are like God's bloom, it's flower, to witness itself, and this can be done through love and through the arts.

As the awakening continued, through the song below I was able to hear angels in the music.  It was like everyone who ever lived, who currently lives, and who will live, animals included, were all praising me for making this discovery.  They were all reaching towards some singularity that was made out of pure love in the very center, as if each soul was a partition of the whole, all connected, all perfectly placed.  Nothing out of order, and that my entire life and the pain that I went through was designed to allow me to awaken to this truth.  It felt like stepping off of a carnival ride, and you could still feel the movements of the ride despite not being on it anymore, as though time and space were forever moving forward, but that I had stepped away from this - and what I realized was that I was always there, my soul, my awareness had always been there, forever, and that there was no death and that there was no birth.  There was just Now.  It was like a chorus of angels were singing their praises for me.  And then the awakening dissolved.  Altogether, the whole thing lasted about a half an hour with a period of 2 hours afterglow.

 I've had many more awakenings, ones with different entities, I've met my soul family and partner from the other side, I've done some research here and there on near death experiences as well, and this is what people generally say when they pass on - this is what to expect:

You will pass away, and your awareness will move out of your body from the top of your head.  Some people see in 360 degrees.  You will either immediately flow upwards into a tunnel that will move you into the light, or you will stay in a waiting room for a short period of time that is pitch dark, from there someone will either come get you, or you will eventually see the light grow larger and you will move into it and become one with it.  Around this time, the light will either orchestrate your life review, previous family members might be there, or religious figures/deities, each after death experience is uniquely tailored to you, the individual.  As you go through the after life review, you will see everything, like a hologram from start to finish, where you see not only your own actions, but those around you and how you influenced them.  Some people go to heaven and remain there, and there are different descriptions of heaven, some people decide to return to earth - it is said that we have the free will to return, so we can choose to relax in the afterlife for a while.  It is similar to earth in how it looks, but is more "transparent" in that it isn't physical, and you can manifest what you desire much easier.
Some people say they go to a hell realm.  There is a way out of this, anyone who has gotten stuck there prayed.  They prayed either to the light, to Jesus or to God, and asked for forgiveness.  These experiences are very rare, but if they happen, that's the way out of that space is to pray.

My belief is that because we are connected to God, either as a partition or as the whole, that we have a say in what we want to create for ourselves in the next life.  If I were in your shoes, which in some way I am due to my own chronic illness, I would go through the journey of self evaluation, and also of writing what you wish for yourself in the next life.  What do you want to create?  I believe that part of the reason that we are here on earth is to develop a desire for what we want in the next step of existence.  That the struggles that we face, the hardships, are put there so that we have some polarity, so we can appreciate what we get in the next life.

I am so sorry that you are going through this, no one deserves to die young.  Just know, that - I wish I could give to you a transfer of my experiences - just know that there are good things waiting.  It absolutely isn't the end when it comes to physical death.  The prophecy is real.  God exists.  Life goes on.  Love is true.  There is a plan.  It includes you.  And you will understand and know more about your role here and there once you transition.

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On 27.8.2022 at 0:03 AM, Jake Chambers said:

I am passing on very soon from this world. I am not that scared of death.  But I am quite uneasy with what comes after it.

What you fear is death, because death is ultimate uncertainty. Death is the most radical change into the, appearing, unknown. You are terrified because you do not know what comes after, and that is okay. Look around you, trillions, in fact, infnite of your brothers and sisters facing death every day, and another infinite of them having faced death in the past. Many of them terrified, even more so than you are.

We, as worldly creatures, naturally resist death in the form it is unraveling for us. I could tell you a story that might sooth your mind, but it is likely that you will still experience the uncertainty, the terror, the fear and the dread eventually. This is because you are human. I know that you do not want to experience the fear, the suffering, the loss, the resistance. But I want to remind you that, you are allowed to fear. You are allowed to resist, to want it not to happen. You are allowed to suffer, and to resist your suffering.

In that you can find your ultimate freedom. When the suffering becomes unbearable, when your fear overwhelms you, that is okay, and it is okay for you to not be okay with it.


In fact, this is your ultimate freedom, your ultimate Love. You are Christ, bearing the unbearable, as we speak. You are just not realizing it. And that is part of your Love, your Ultimate Sacrifice, your Ultimate Selflessness. You have created yourself, you have made yourself ignorant, so that you could allow Creation to be itself. Creation, including your suffering, your fear.


And because you are the Ultimate, your suffering cannot ever harm you. No matter how much your resist, no matter how much you suffer, how much you want it to stop, it will never touch you. It will only appear and disappear in your Presence.


So go on my brother. Fear what you must fear, desire what you must desire. Allow yourself to resist, and allow yourself to be uncertain. Or do not, that you are equally allowed to do. That is the cross you bear, that is your Love. That Love, nobody can take away, not even you, no matter how blind you or anyone else might be to it.

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13 hours ago, Scholar said:

What you fear is death, because death is ultimate uncertainty. Death is the most radical change into the, appearing, unknown. You are terrified because you do not know what comes after, and that is okay. Look around you, trillions, in fact, infnite of your brothers and sisters facing death every day, and another infinite of them having faced death in the past. Many of them terrified, even more so than you are.

We, as worldly creatures, naturally resist death in the form it is unraveling for us. I could tell you a story that might sooth your mind, but it is likely that you will still experience the uncertainty, the terror, the fear and the dread eventually. This is because you are human. I know that you do not want to experience the fear, the suffering, the loss, the resistance. But I want to remind you that, you are allowed to fear. You are allowed to resist, to want it not to happen. You are allowed to suffer, and to resist your suffering.

In that you can find your ultimate freedom. When the suffering becomes unbearable, when your fear overwhelms you, that is okay, and it is okay for you to not be okay with it.


In fact, this is your ultimate freedom, your ultimate Love. You are Christ, bearing the unbearable, as we speak. You are just not realizing it. And that is part of your Love, your Ultimate Sacrifice, your Ultimate Selflessness. You have created yourself, you have made yourself ignorant, so that you could allow Creation to be itself. Creation, including your suffering, your fear.


And because you are the Ultimate, your suffering cannot ever harm you. No matter how much your resist, no matter how much you suffer, how much you want it to stop, it will never touch you. It will only appear and disappear in your Presence.


So go on my brother. Fear what you must fear, desire what you must desire. Allow yourself to resist, and allow yourself to be uncertain. Or do not, that you are equally allowed to do. That is the cross you bear, that is your Love. That Love, nobody can take away, not even you, no matter how blind you or anyone else might be to it.

Love is such an atrocity that it makes an infinite being martyrise itself for eternity. God is a slave. Love should not exist and neither should God. All horrible atrocities.

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