Tyler Robinson

Mind-state & Flame-state

1 post in this topic

So I had this insight the other day.. 

The mind-state is like the flame-state. 

The flame is no matter, but that doesnt render the flame an illusion. It is a process or a visible sign of a process concerning the change of its subsrates information.

Also the "mind" or the "self" or our "experiences of xy" are no matter (in the classic sense of what we know of after the quants collapsed). But that doesnt make them an illusion! The mind is a process in quite the same sense as in the flame is a process. 

Mind follows matter. If you want to change the flame , if you wanna make a bigger flame or moove the flame to another spot or change the color of the flame, you have to change the position or the qualitiy or quantity of the substrate! Same goes for "yourself". Change your subsrate ... what you eat, your habits, what you see, what you hear, read new things, work on new topics and you will become a different flame or even realize within the change of the flame that you are - in fact- not the substrate itself but the flame that emerges from it 

Also always be thankful for your body for giving the flame chance to emerge from it, don´t neglect and despise it. Take care of it.



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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