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Action and World

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Action and world happen by themselves, and action and being in the mode of action are consciousness. Being and becoming find their own balance in the modality of being that is you where you are becoming the modality of being that is you. This way you become an appearance, and a collection of appearances, that make sense to you that is being you. 

And the world becomes itself without knowing itself. It might be the freedom of being where it is itself, its own being of itself, in a sense, and reality forms itself in the way it is and that modality becomes a mode of what it is. When that becomes the situation, then being becomes the mode of being. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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I'll say this my friend. 

If you are in non dual awareness, do not try and write it down and explain it. Feel it. Chew the cud of Satori. 

What you wrote only makes absolute sense to you. You have not touched the truth with your words. I know you aren't trying to, but this serves nothing. I say this from personal experience.

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