
How Can I Find and Befriend Successful People That Aren't Right-Wing?

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GOD DAMN it is hard to find ONE successful entrepreneur or business people that aren't right-wing or have moronic politic stances.

Here in Brazil we are dealing with Bolsonaro (extreme right-wing moron) and he still has a large number of followers despite a desastrous (what a surprise) 4 year mandate (running for re-election right now).

Like TRUMP and his voters in USA.

I read everywhere to find a good mastermind group with successful people to hang out and learn from them but god damn it, almost all of them are right-wing and vote for Bolsonaro.

I am openly against him and left-wing, i can't stand talk with those people for long because they usually have the usual right-wing talking point (against the "woke", mildly homophobic, anti-feminism, mildly racist, toxic masculinity, christian, pro-guns etc).

Every business/entrepreneur group i find is full of those people, rarely i find someone who is AT LEAST a healthy orange/green (most are red/blue/orange).

Apart from them, almost all people i can surround myself with is mediocre AT BEST, most are losers, to be honest.

Should i shut the hell up and endure their moronic political views?

Should i take a stand/debate them?

Should i go SOLO on life and be my own influence and pray to GOD this works?

I always had awful influences, almost zero healthy successful references in my life.

This is so frustrating!


Edited by Recursoinominado

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Maybe you could say that you want to help people. That is what Christians should do. This way you may have a compromize.


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1 hour ago, Epikur said:


Maybe you could say that you want to help people. That is what Christians should do. This way you may have a compromize.


ironically enough, US christians are amongst the least conscious people of the globe. not so different from wahhabist fundamentalists from the middle east, just richer and with a military industrial complex behind them. their notion of "helping people" (which is putting themselves at the top of the capitalistic pyramid and giving alms to the poor who are at the base of said pyramid) might be what keeps our global society from evolving.


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I guess my best choice is to shut the fuck up and pretend i don't strongly disagree with them.


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when i notice signs that the person is intolerant or extremist, then i dont waste my time talking about politcs. and if the subject comes up, i gently change the subject asap.

i think it's better to focus on what the other person and I have in common.

apart from politics, do you have meaningful interactions with them?

one day this will all be memories

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Find some farmers :P

Well.... certain kinds coz it can go either way.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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