
Share Your Vision Board Here!

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@Captain Flint you're right. When I meditate I simply sit on the chair with my back straight. I chose this picture cos of the colors, visual quality and first impressions it gave me, such as warmth and peace. I was not motivated by the posture at all. But now when you mentioned this obvious fact I have second thoughts. 

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@Captain Flint That's not true I once meditated for 4 hours in nature with that posture. Eventually you will get confortable with any sensation even ants walking into your nose ?

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I absolutely love this post!  You guys inspired me to make another vision board! lol I've been working on mine for the last few days, and was really struggling on what to put on the board. I went on a walk yesterday morning in nature, and I think being among the trees and getting a little fresh air must have ignited something in my brain.  I started to come up with answers!   I didn't use pictures though, it's more written, but this seems to work for me right now.  Especially since I'm reevaluating what is important to me at the moment.  I was trying to figure out how to be selfless and seek enlightenment but still have the BALANCE of taking care of my body-(physical, mental, and spiritual) and pursuing my life purpose while incorporating all the knowledge I've learned from Leo and picked up recently from other books.  Who knows??  Maybe the vision board will be updated again tomorrow, if I find some new information to inspire me.

Vision Boards are interesting.  You can have one based off of your whole life or a specific part of your life or your life purpose, etc.  I was talking to my friend last light about vision boards and he had one just based off of starting his music career.  I felt I had to simplify mine because I have so many pictures that inspire and motivate me.  I have this cool habit of collecting pictures on my computer desktop and I organize them by specific topics- body, love, career etc.  So in my folder on my desktop labeled "body photos" I have all these inspiration photos of people working out and exercising.  For my Love folder- I'll have pictures of romantic relationships or inspirational love quotes.  And the same for career, etc.  That seems to work very well for me.  If I need a boost during the day, I'll just open one of these folders and browse through the photos.  I feel so amazing afterwards. 

This vision board gives me a good outline of what I need to do right now.  Thank you everyone for sharing their vision boards!  This is awesome!

My board may not make a lot of sense to others here, but I'm learning as long as it resonates with me and it motivates me...what does it matter? :) 


Vision Board 20.jpg

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19 minutes ago, Captain Flint said:

May be this topic has a potential to inspire you to buy and complete Life Purpose Course, where this "Vision Board" idea originated from?

Because explanation of HOW this Board should be created (in order to produce maximum effect) is a bit more profound, then "mesh all the random pictures you like".

The Secret.

Maybe. When the time comes.


Edited by Afonso

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I have a folder with 3000+ pictures, but also musics and videos (pinterest is useful for pictures).

All is divided in 3 main sub categories, and fit 3 aspects of my life purpose.

I would have a separate vision board for my personal life, independent from life purpose, even if there are similarities.

The whole thing is taking place over months, and evolve as time goes on, and eventually I figure out what is authentic to me.

Edited by Soulbass

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Woooooooowwww! now we're talking! So many cool vision boards! :D

@Truth Yes we can see that it's the first attempt/draft n.1 because we can really feel that there's too much "leo influence" her. Focus more on what YOU, on the person behind the nickname "Truth", on what he loves, craves, have a fetish for, that will make more the trick (unless this vision board it's what YOUR instinct it's truly push you towards, but again I'm not sure). and maybe @aryberry gave you a good hint here ;).

Simple and stupid fact: I could choose from thousands and incredible high quality sexy looking girl picture, but I choose the bottom left one because she have a book at her side (wisdom) and her feet in first plan ( :P ). So yeah, I know it's a werid example but it kinda gives you the idea that this Vision Board it's something really personal and contribute to the topic showing the importance of choosing wisely each picture keeping attention to all the little details. So yeah, good luck with your final one, share it here when you have it done :))

@Principium Nexus I've made it choosing image from internet and then assemble them with photoshop; if I remember correctly you can have a trial with photoshop :) 

@Alicja_ Someone really loved The big leap eh... Nice one! I really like the "minimal style". But at the same time what you are mainly focused here? I don't really get the idea... o.O Regarding the picture of the meditation that @Captain Flint mentioned: if just this simple "critic" can "destabilize" you it's maybe a sign that it's a good image but not the best one, so maybe it could be interesting to keep it in mind when you will update it in your future one  :).

@aryberry I really suggest you photoshop, it was super easy and enabled me to have the best quality poster; the only challenge was finding the images! 

@Emerald Wilkins and everyone else that don't know how to share it here because of the size or the format: use this online converter to convert your Vision board in jpg so you can then share it:


@Peace and Love happy that you love this tread :) Actually I really like your vision board: it's really really personal and super original -contrary to the rest of us-, and maybe it's this his "imbalanced" side: a vision board is mentioned to be something that it's immediate, like that with just a glance you are filled w motivation (like the one that you have when you look at the pictures on the folders on your desktop). I almost feel like your vision board is a mix between a me sheet and a vision board, so maybe it will be better to separate them or add some more images/visual effect to your vision board :)But as always if you feel that this it's the right vision board for you that's it! Ray's advice are nothing in front of Peace and Love's gut feelings ;).

@Soulbass but we love naked guuurllss! 

But yeah, you really got a point here: everybody c'mon: it's clear as fuck that we are really really really bios from Leo! as I said it before: 

"we are all bios a lot from Leo's ones; but if we stick with the process and -most importantly- we follow our intuitions and look for OUR values and balance, we can find our authentic way". 

I sure resonate with Leo on some aspects, but hell I'm not Leo! I love and hyper values anime, cinema and stand up comedy (and then enlightenment and personal development): I really have to focus more on those aspects! And I think that most of us here have to do the same thing: Vision Board have to be general but at the same time focused on a particular aspect (except if we feel that we have too work on lots of different ones at the same time, but I don't think that most of us are in this case); that's what make it powerful. "Focus equals power" as Tony Robbins says. We have to be more personal on these Vision Boards. 

So yeah, thanks a lot everyone! Got good insights here: I (and YOU) have to be more personal on my Vision Board :) 


And you, boy or gurl that is reading this and have a vision board, don't be shy, express yourself here, share ;) 

Edited by Ray

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38 minutes ago, Ray said:

 and everyone else that don't know how to share it here because of the size or the format: use this online converter to convert your Vision board in jpg so you can then share it:



Thank you for the website, but I already have a file converter. I tried it as both a jpeg and as a png file. It's not the file size. It has to be under 9.77 mb to fit. As a png file, it's only 1.8 mb. As a jpeg, it's even smaller. But I told Leo about it yesterday, and he said there was a technical problem that he was working on. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Woo hoo! I finally got it! :D It makes me realize that I want a whole lot of things. 


vision board.png

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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7 hours ago, Ray said:

Woooooooowwww! now we're talking! So many cool vision boards! :D

@Truth Yes we can see that it's the first attempt/draft n.1 because we can really feel that there's too much "leo influence" her. Focus more on what YOU, on the person behind the nickname "Truth", on what he loves, craves, have a fetish for, that will make more the trick (unless this vision board it's what YOUR instinct it's truly push you towards, but again I'm not sure). and maybe @aryberry gave you a good hint here ;).

This is my old vision board from dec 2015, my vision board now may seem heavily influenced by "leo" but I just honestly love the images he used to describe god and absolute infinity, I'm also aware Leo lives in Vegas, but I've wanted to live in Vegas before I even found out about Leo. I debated even posting it for this reason, no one would really connect with it and the fact that it's not finished yet but.. I decided to anyway.


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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@Ray The core idea of this vision board is growth, understanding psychology, raising consciousness, at the same time emphasizing the importance of perseverance and trust. I am still working on how exactly materialize these ideas and impact people so that I could help them eliminate certain mental blocks in their progress.  This Is just my first draft. 

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@Captain Flint


actually, I'm going to meditate in that posture now. it appears to be beneficial to my back and shins, and I'm gonna figure out why!

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21 hours ago, Ray said:


@Peace and Love happy that you love this tread :) Actually I really like your vision board: it's really really personal and super original -contrary to the rest of us-, and maybe it's this his "imbalanced" side: a vision board is mentioned to be something that it's immediate, like that with just a glance you are filled w motivation (like the one that you have when you look at the pictures on the folders on your desktop). I almost feel like your vision board is a mix between a me sheet and a vision board, so maybe it will be better to separate them or add some more images/visual effect to your vision board :)But as always if you feel that this it's the right vision board for you that's it! Ray's advice are nothing in front of Peace and Love's gut feelings ;).


Ok, I tried doing the typical vision board this time.  It took me a few hours to do it but I was really happy with the way it turned out. I think the hardest part was trying to fit all the pictures on there!! lol  It was hard picking just one photo for certain topics!  Now all I need to do is print this out and post it on my wall!


picture board 5.jpg

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@Principium Nexus

On 2/18/2017 at 3:44 PM, Principium Nexus said:

@Ray Thanks! It's still not complete yet but those are some pics I like alot.

How did you guys make your image board, online app or photoshop?

My computer is too old to run photoshop....I used paint! lol

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A version of my vision board :D I feel that stuff are missing but Ill add them when I come across them 


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