
Share Your Vision Board Here!

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Cool and awesome i was lately thinking about priming myself more positively with a visionboard kind of thing ....so question: 

Are you printing this out and put it on the wall or you just have it on the pc?


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My first, fairly quickly constructed vision board to use as the background on my phone!


Edited by tyy

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Hey hey hey!!! Tell me how Can I make my own,please!!! 

P.s. its freaking funny how I came across to some VB which they had sexy women combined with Leo's baldness! I almost cried of laughter! Omg Im excited to make my own and post,for fun! --------------- I did it!!!!!!


Edited by egoeimai

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@egoeimai -  Find pictures that inspire you to go after the things you want in your life, and that involve your life purpose.  Find pictures that inspire you for health, wealth, life purpose, and anything that you want.  But try to pick the best pictures or else you'll end up with a folder full of pictures, and not enough space. lol.  I did mine in paint,  but you can use Photoshop or something else.  A vision board is like something you can post in your room or somewhere you visit frequently to remind, motivate, and inspire you to go after the things you want! :)


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My vibe from my vision board is a little different than many people here.

So for an inspiration of my simplistic way to look at life, I present you my Vision board.
List of things i value:

1 family

2 marriage

3 work

4 traveling the world

5 true friendship

6 sea

7 nature

8 balance of black and white (balance of duality)

9 some inspirational shit

10 random unicorn to remind me not to take reality too seriously


I hate the fact that so many people were influenced by Leos VB and thus, were unable to design their own life.

And the fact that so many people are dissing this "ordinary 9 to 5 job" which is the biggest trap you can fall into in life and are unable to see the broad picture. Everything is as it should be and you have almost zero control over this planet and systems in it. Accept everything and be grateful for it, expect nothing and let it just be. The only thing you can change is your life, The only thing you cannot change is everything else.

vision board life.jpg

Edited by Dian

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On 3/7/2017 at 7:41 PM, egoeimai said:



Who's the girl in the top left?  Is that you?

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Happy watching :)


Edited by Quang

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On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 4:12 PM, Evilwave Heddy said:

Who's the girl in the top left?  Is that you?

I wish I was him. Lol. Its Ozzy Osbourne. My husband. No.I wish he was. Hahahahaha.

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On 2/27/2017 at 4:14 PM, JKG said:

The first draft of my new vision board!


The bull!!! I love this one. Some of these vision boards were bumming me out. This one has renewed my confidence.

nothing is anything

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Work in progress.

Vision Board.jpg

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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Vision board.PNG

Main focus lies on psychology, personal development, spirituality & conciousness, strong healthy body and getting into a relationship.

It aligns very much with my values, so I'm proud of this work ^_^.



Edited by Marinus


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@Shiva Oh I see! hahahah!

I visited Park Guell too! High five! :)


I put Park Guell in my vision board, because I wanna contribute like Guell! 

I'm gonna contribute with my artistic skills


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This is technicaly not a 'vision board', but a collage I have over my desk at my home office. It's a combination of images of people I care about, pictures and quotes that inspire me and make me feel good and notes with practical insights I want to stay reminded of. 



My first published essay

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On 23/8/2017 at 2:16 AM, Erlend K said:

This is technicaly not a 'vision board', but a collage I have over my desk at my home office. It's a combination of images of people I care about, pictures and quotes that inspire me and make me feel good and notes with practical insights I want to stay reminded of. 


You know what, I think this is even BETTER. You have put a lot of your own personal energy here. I will copy you =P

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