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Kundalini awakening experience

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I've been doing kundalini yoga for almost a month, and some days ago also started doing kriya supreme fire.
A lot of pleasent energy in chest area, pulsating, swirling, tingling. I can force the energy to go down to my legs, but not to throat and upper chakras

Just now, and a couple times before I had a weird experience. I was laying on my bed with eyes closed, until I started dreaming something unrelated (sitting on my computer), completly immersing myself within that dream, until a sudden awareness of my whole body got my attention, because it wasn't the same sensation of my body I have now, but it felt whole, and even my surroinding was felt within my body, just total beingess, or total feelingness of my body. The moment I noticed this experience happening, my mind immediately asked "Where am I?" cuz I completly forgot where I was, I didn't know whether I was sitting on my computer, or if I was laying down. Sudden laughter came out of my mouth, I opened my eyes and then I remembered where I was. 

What is this? I dont think that I just fall asleep, cuz there really is no loss of awareness, but I just get identified with what I see with my eyes closed, I even could go meta, that I was identifying with my dream character, and then even further to my actual identity, so it is not dozing off. Please enlighten me about this

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