
Andrew Tate - Good or corrupted message for society??

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Right now, Andrew Tate is one of the most well-known figures in the self-help industry. He is very charismatic and attractive to the youth. He is not afraid to voice his controversial principles and life philosophy.

Recently he has been silenced by social media as people took offense to his opinions on the treatment of woman.

I personally don't agree with all the things he has said. I do, however, applaud his clever and deliberate approach to gaining influence on social media. I greatly admire his "experience is king" approach of living, as well as his positive outlook and mental tenacity. 

In response to his social media ban, he published a video clarifying himself at https://www.freetopg.com

I am curious to what this forum thinks on Andrew Tate? Does he spread a good or corrupted message for society?

Let me know

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6 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

Right now, Andrew Tate is one of the most well-known figures in the self-help industry. He is very charismatic and attractive to the youth. He is not afraid to voice his controversial principles and life philosophy.

True. You could elaborate on his controversial principles. 

6 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

Recently he has been silenced by social media as people took offense to his opinions on the treatment of woman.

Do you think his treatment of women is fair? 

6 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

I personally don't agree with all the things he has said. I do, however,


applaud his clever and deliberate approach to gaining influence on social media.

This is his ploy. He used social media to gain popularity by making his fans post his videos. It's sort of a grift. It's clever but it's not valuable. Another word for it is clout chasing. 

6 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:


I greatly admire his "experience is king" approach of living, as well as his positive outlook and mental tenacity.

Meanwhile "experience is king" is very true, but do you really need a role model just to tell you that much. Leo tells you that everyday 

6 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:


In response to his social media ban, he published a video clarifying himself at https://www.freetopg.com

He wouldn't need to clarify if he wasn't impacted by the ban. On one hand he pretends that he doesn't care about what the internet thinks about him and on the other he releases a long video defending himself as a response to the ban. His claims that he is not impacted by anything are false as its clearly visible he is impacted by it. He also uses emotional music in his video to make people sympathize with him. Another clever trick. He is deeply insecure about the fact that he got banned otherwise he wouldn't need to make such a long response video. 


6 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

I am curious to what this forum thinks on Andrew Tate? Does he spread a good or corrupted message for society?

Let me know

He is preying on vulnerable people by making it look like he cares for the concerns of young men, he saw that this would easily attract sympathetic men towards him like moths to a flame and people began to ride on his coattails. The only thing he is truly concerned about is fame and money and mostly fame that can be converted into money. More people talk about him, it generates more money for him. That's what social media influence is all about. He knows that if he talks about controversial topics it will easily attract frustrated men to him. He has deeply misogynistic views but he makes them look trendy. He is the epitome of the collective red pill shadow that most sexually frustrated men tend to share with him but don't have the balls to express it like he does so they're in awe of him because they have found someone who is resonating with their own shadow so openly. So they want to worship him. But he doesn't give two fucks about people because he is only using them for clout and money. He will not make anyone rich nor will he help these dudes get any girls, in fact he will end up achieving the opposite for these men, by following him, a lot of men will ingrain his toxic ideology on women and this will backfire and all these men will lose their girlfriends in apocalyptic ways and if they followed his rogue tactics of approaching women, these men would not even attract women in the first place,because his strategies are women repellant, and the only reason he gets a few low self esteem women is because those women themselves are clout chasers pretty much like Leonardo. Di Caprio's arm candy girlfriends, so the reason Andrew Tate attracts non holistic women is because he has money to spend on them and he gives them air time, lots of gold diggers would love that, this earns him even more money because guys genuinely believe that he attracts women, when in reality he could be paying Insta models to just hang out with him for photops that he could use on social media to create more buzz, more buzz means more money. 

That's Andrew Tate in short. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Watch this video. 






 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I haven't been following what's going on with him too closely, aside from a couple talks he's had with other content creators. Some of his stuff has been taken out of context, but often he's intentionally inflammatory and politically incorrect as well.

But after watching his "final message" I'm not sure it's so black and white as either good or corrupted.

You can be a jerk and somewhat of a scammer, and also give tons of money to orphanages and womens charities and your church and be an overall force for good in the world. 

It seems like he's pivoting more toward the latter. Maybe entirely just in a way to save his image. But at least then needy people get millions of dollars in the process.

I'm not normally a fan of his kind of brash egotist strong man, but I'm growing to appreciate his unapologetic nature.

Edited by Yarco

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1 hour ago, Tyler Robinson said:

True. You could elaborate on his controversial principles. 

Do you think his treatment of women is fair?


His values of woman are most controversial. For example, he says that a woman cheating in a relationship is far worse than when a man cheats in a relationship. He justifies this view by saying that woman always need an emotional connection when having sex, whereas when men don't need to be emotionally attached to a girl to fuck her. Men can fuck other woman, and still be a true lover to one girl. I personally don't think this argument is good as I believe a relationship is a mutual contract, saying your not going to cheat then cheating is bad regardless of if your male or female.

He also believes in old fashioned gender roles, he believes men are providers and protectors whereas woman are caretakers. He admits being sexist here, he says woman are worse drivers then men. He claims that personal experience is the basis for all his arguments. I don't agree with his view here either, my experience says the contrary.

I do however think that Andrew is straw manned by social media, in the sense that people take his clips out of context and then present him as a problem. His main tactic for increasing influence is by being charismatic and funny. He says some pretty outlandish shit sometimes like " I wont give CPR to anyone that isn't a hot woman because I'm not gay", but this is very obviously exaggerated.


Although I disagree with many of his viewpoints on woman, I think his treatment of woman is totally fair. A relationship is a mutual contract, as long as both parties agree to each others terms and conditions, its totally fine. He supposedly has many girlfriends, and quiet openly has sex with other woman, but this is completely fine as the girls he is with know the man he is.

I'm busy now, I'll reply to the rest later.


Thanks for the reply!

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6 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

This is his ploy. He used social media to gain popularity by making his fans post his videos. It's sort of a grift. It's clever but it's not valuable. Another word for it is clout chasing. 

Meanwhile "experience is king" is very true, but do you really need a role model just to tell you that much. Leo tells you that everyday

Yes I am familiar with his ploy. Although Affiliate marketing is an old way to make money, he skillfully implemented it. Usually percentage commission is quiet low, affiliate marketing can also be very time consuming. In Andrew's case, affiliate marketers had a pretty easy job to do, as they just needed to promote Andrew Tate using already made content. Not only that, the percentage return was very good, people that were successful actually made a very good sum of money from this.  Affiliate marketing at this scale has not been done before.



Experience is king, is something I've only come to terms with quiet recently. I disagree with "experience is king" being a universally excepted way of understand reality. In truth, most people comply with what people around them say. Most people (including myself even), believe in whatever they believe in not because it is something they've experienced, but rather because someone drilled it into them. Leo is great in this regard, and yea he really did encourage me to take this outlook. Many people can benefit from a model to tell them the most simplest things. Leo is somewhat of a model too so I don't understand how you use that to devalue Tate. 

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1 minute ago, UpperMaster said:

how you use that to devalue Tate. 

If you already have Leo, why do you need him? 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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57 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

If you already have Leo, why do you need him? 


This post wasn't to compare him to Leo (Leo gives different and often more nuanced advice, whereas Andrew does a lot of entertainment too).

I wanted to know what other people thought about Tate as an influence to the youth, is his overall impact good or bad?

Even if we were to compare both as self improvement coaches, the argument that we have Leo so we don't need anyone else seems absurd. If we listen to only ONE person then its highly likely that we won't ever contemplate about the lessons we learn, and accept them blindly (I think this goes both for spirituality and self improvement).

I ultimately think that it is far better to listen to all teachers, field test lessons then pick the ones that work for you.    

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7 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

He wouldn't need to clarify if he wasn't impacted by the ban. On one hand he pretends that he doesn't care about what the internet thinks about him and on the other he releases a long video defending himself as a response to the ban. His claims that he is not impacted by anything are false as its clearly visible he is impacted by it. He also uses emotional music in his video to make people sympathize with him. Another clever trick. He is deeply insecure about the fact that he got banned otherwise he wouldn't need to make such a long response video.

There is no emotional music, he was affected by the ban, he does say so. He might be deeply insecure, honestly I don't know. I posted this because he has had a huge impact in real life (he has become a sensation among youth), and I wanted to here your opinions on what the ramifications are.


This part of your reply basically says your opinion, you do think he is slimy and a bad influence.

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8 hours ago, UpperMaster said:

I do, however, applaud his clever and deliberate approach to gaining influence on social media

Why would applaud that? He created a pyramid scheme to run a grift on naive young men and exploit social media algorithems. It's deeply unethical, selfish, and scammy. Nothing to applaud about it. This is not a legit way make money.

What he did is a stain on the self-help and dating advice industries. If these industries had ethics boards, he would be banned long ago.

The more of his clips I see, the worse it gets.

In the end it's all a distraction from serious development work.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why would applaud that? He created a pyramid scheme to run a grift on naive young men and exploit social media algorithems. It's deeply unethical, selfish, and scammy. Nothing to applaud about it. This is not a legit way make money.

This is how every big brand operates. 

I still don't really understand the hate. Here's this random guy who decided to become the most famous person on earth, just for the fuck of it, and the mad lad actually did it - pretty awesome if you ask me. I don't have any ethical concerns about Andrew that wouldn't apply to basically any social media personality as well. His views on women are questionable, I agree, but that's really all you can give him shit for. His core message is not even bad - he is advocating for sovereignty and responsibility. There are certainly worse things than giving motivational speeches, shallow as they may be, that one could do with this much power.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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@Tyler Robinson 

I have mixed feelings about hustlers university. I don't have personal experience here. It seems to be very generic information. I wouldn't join it personally. They do seem to have "coaches" that guide you when your stuck, which does seem like the biggest selling point. In terms of result it has been mixed too, many people have made a ton of money, but people have also failed. 

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24 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

This is how every big brand operates.

No. Not even close.

Any business that behaves like Tate's would get extreme backlash and boycotts.

The are making the classic fool's mistake of confusing popularity with something good. This kind of foolishness is exactly what Tate's success preys on.

Initially I thought Tate's cancellation was excessive. Now it's obvious he had to be banned off these platforms because he was exploiting them like a parasite and he was not going to stop unless he was banned.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why would applaud that? He created a pyramid scheme to run a grift on naive young men and exploit social media algorithems. It's deeply unethical, selfish, and scammy. Nothing to applaud about it. This is not a legit way make money.

What he did is a stain on the self-help and dating advice industries. If these industries had ethics boards, he would be banned long ago.

The more of his clips I see, the worse it gets.

Thanks for the reply man. I think that whether he is ethical or not entirely depends on the product he is selling, and the message he is spreading. The core message Andrew Tate spreads are positive in my eyes, he talks about being accountable and developing mental toughness to face adversity. I'm in high-school, and he has had a beneficial influence on my friends. Despite the fact that he is now a meme, I have noticed that my close friends' attitudes have improved as a result of him. For the better or for worse, they are more ambitious.

I have mixed feelings about the product he sells, I never tried Hustlers University so I can't say.


I don't think that exploiting social media algorithms as a way to increase popularity is unethical..isn't that the same as just optimizing your thumbnails so that more people click your content?

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Why is everyone so hyper about this guy, he speaks the same stage orange nonsense everybody else in mainstream society talk about

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38 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

I think that whether he is ethical or not entirely depends on the product he is selling, and the message he is spreading.

Yes and no. It also depends on how he is spreading it and the collateral damage the spread causes.


The core message Andrew Tate spreads are positive in my eyes

That's cause you're lost in a fog of self-centeredness and too self-absorbed to see the larger systemic consequences. You are looking at the situation in terms of what is personally good for you. But you are not the only stakeholder in this matter. If you considered the female perspective at all you would see how problematic Tate's content is. And the female perspective is far from the only consideration here. Tate not only exploits females, he also exploits males, and the broader social media ecosystem.

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26 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

Why is everyone so hyper about this guy, he speaks the same stage orange nonsense everybody else in mainstream society talk about

this. it's actually funny to think about people who do the work Leo talks about in his videos enjoying Tate's content. Its basically as broken and blatantly stupid as Trump in politics.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Palhano said:

this. it's actually funny to think about people who do the work Leo talks about in his videos enjoying Tate's content. Its basically as broken and blatantly stupid as Trump in politics.



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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8 minutes ago, Leo Palhano said:

Its basically as broken and blatantly stupid as Trump in politics.

I would love to see the Venn diagram of Trump supporters and Tate fans.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

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Just now, aurum said:

I would love to see the Venn diagram of Trump supporters and Tate fans.

Haha xD I was thinking the same. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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