
Andrew tates final message

136 posts in this topic

Dont know about you guys , and it maybe that tate is just a good manipulator, but imo tate genuinely doesnt seem to be a bad guy. Maybe abit too individualistic but who isnt?

Imo his departure from the internet is a net negative. All my school friends who watch him are suddenly are studying harder than ever and hitting the gym everyday.none of them have espoused any misogynistic views.

Tate reminds of jordan peterson. Jp inspired the majority of his fans to clean their rooms and sort their lives out. But a select few misundertood his message and became anti trans/ gay fascists which isnt what he intended

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I was talking to a 14 year-old kid the other day and he was telling me how Andrew Tate is his role model and he wants to be exactly like him. So I brought up the subject of relationships and all he cares about is that she's pretty and if she does something he doesn't like then he will replace her. lol

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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A man who thinks that being banned from social media is serious adversity and "insurmountable odds." 

So much for a man proud of fighting bullies. 

He is full of shit. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@integral maybe but isnt this a problem with the interpretation of his message rather than his actuall message? Tate addresses this in the video above and takes complete responsibility

Look at leo/nondual teachers for example- a very few people have taken what nondual teacher say about being god/ death not being real etc and have commited suicide. But this isnt necessarily the teachers fault right?

When you become as famous as him(4+ million insta followers in a few months) a few people are bound to take your message out of context

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@Tyler Robinson he wasnt referring to the ban when he was talking about insurmountable odds. 

I think he was referring to becoming 4× kickboxing champion, rags to riches etc and now dealing with death threats online.

@Tyler Robinson @thepixelmonk

If you dont mind, and if you have the time ( completely understand if you dont) could you do me the favor of giving me your thought on the 

42: 08 part of the video? Especially 44:30 if you dont mind?

Take a look at the most like comments under the video. All the people talking about how much he helped them. What do you think?

Edited by 8gates

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@8gates he seems like a huge crybaby. Typical of insecure men like him. 

His only way to deal with bad situations is to use violence, the way his father taught him. So what are we expecting here? That all men should beat up each other.lol. Yea violence is so good. Good message for men. Lmao. 

Notice the emotional music in the background. Typical manipulation. 

Donating to charities is just a farce to defend his wrong actions. He is weaponizing charity work. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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If you wanna more about the shit and lies of Mr Tate. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Alpha Male: the early version of a male, before testing and bug fixes. Unstable and not suitable for the public.

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43 minutes ago, 8gates said:

Dont know about you guys , and it maybe that tate is just a good manipulator, but imo tate genuinely doesnt seem to be a bad guy. Maybe abit too individualistic but who isnt?

Imo his departure from the internet is a net negative. All my school friends who watch him are suddenly are studying harder than ever and hitting the gym everyday.none of them have espoused any misogynistic views.

Tate reminds of jordan peterson. Jp inspired the majority of his fans to clean their rooms and sort their lives out. But a select few misundertood his message and became anti trans/ gay fascists which isnt what he intended

   Man, gonna miss him shit posting on social media, what a shame. I hope he gets therapy and some help with his bitchy ex GF Claire.

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@Tyler Robinson did you see the bit where he had built an orphanage long before blowing up on social media? 

Btw everything dr. Grande say has been debunked. Try and find one interview with a girl saying tate abused her if you can. Now that hes blown up, if someone actually exposes him with real dirt and not made up lies, theyll be able to make so much money of of his back

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@8gates do we really need hyper masculine centred orange role models guiding and influencing the entire world? He's especially influential to the young generation that will all 100% misinterpret everything he says and use it as a foundation for the rest of their lives.

Edited by integral

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@8gates he might have done a few good things but his misogynistic messages outweigh that. 

He screams insecurity.

He is like the most insecure man I have ever seen. 

Why are insecure men a threat to society? 


Insecure men are weak. They can't face challenges. 

Insecure men don't allow men to openly cry and express emotions. It goes against their pride. 

Insecure men put down healthy men to feel better. 

Insecure men resort to extreme measures to prove they're confident. They will build up their body to disproportionate abnormal levels to show how strong they are. 

Insecure men will resort to violence to get what they want. Or to deal with a situation like bullying 

Insecure men will scam people to make money. 

Insecure men will resort to violence against women to stop them from challenging their power. They would not want a woman to have any authority. 

Insecure men will attack anyone who is genuinely superior to them out of jealousy. 

Insecure men will have a boatload of problems in their relationships and create tons of negative energy for their partners and friends to absorb 

Insecure men create a highly toxic environment of clash, division, drama, and monopoly, power acquisition, Power games and insane levels of corruption and narcissism to supply their endless need for power and "feel good"  demands. 

Insecure men are parasites to society because they leverage everything selfishly to their advantage at the expense of everyone else and at a huge social cost. 

Insecure men are extremely insidious.He is a danger. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson thanks you for taking the time to reply to me❤

I personally have a different opinion of him as he has helped me and my friends live a better life(study hard,gym,take responsibilty for everything,learn how to fight so we can be brave and protect our loved ones more effectively etc)

 but i can also see where you are coming from

I dont think arguing about him any further will be productive.

I hope you have a great life, all the best in everything❤

Edited by 8gates

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@8gates you have basically opened the proverbial can of worms when it comes argument. He is a hot button topic. And right now trending on all social media. 

You really assume that people aren't going to argue about him? 

Goodluck with the rest of the thread. I gave my opinion on that dude, I'm out. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 hour ago, 8gates said:

@Tyler Robinson he wasnt referring to the ban when he was talking about insurmountable odds. 

I think he was referring to becoming 4× kickboxing champion, rags to riches etc and now dealing with death threats online.

@Tyler Robinson @thepixelmonk

If you dont mind, and if you have the time ( completely understand if you dont) could you do me the favor of giving me your thought on the 

42: 08 part of the video? Especially 44:30 if you dont mind?

Take a look at the most like comments under the video. All the people talking about how much he helped them. What do you think?

   I think Andrew Tate is a hot topic in social media today, due to him heavily marketing himself as an alpha male business guy who smokes cigars and has a Maserati. It really depends on what worldview, stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, state of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and the meta modal you hold of the world and people and through which your mind filters reality with. If you are a stage green SJW type, cognitively binary thinking predominate, moral absolutist, extroverted personality type, who is a progressive atheist and feminist, with limited worldly travel and knowledge, and mostly lives in NY, USA, who consumes pop culture and left wing media, will most definitely interpret Andrew Tate differently than a person who's stage orange/blue and a percentage of stage yellow values, who has greater cognition and has minor schizophrenia, and moral and empathetic circle, who is more introverted, and has travelled to several countries, spoken 4 languages, holds religious and spiritual beliefs, is conservative and consumes right and left media outlets and alternative media and grown up in a European and western culture, is also different compared to a young male with stage blue/red values, who has bibolar disorder, who thinks in literal meanings, whose circle of concern and morality is to himself and his family, who has anti social personality disorder, who life experiences growing up in only Mexico, having to deal with poverty and being part of gang culture, holds traditional male values and speaks only the Mexican language. Thses three perspectives are going to interpret Andrew Tate very differently than you think.

   From what I've researched about him, he is part scammer and con artist, part insecure in his masculinity, and part traumatised,  trying to heal and cope with the traumatic event in his childhood in his own way. If it's true, it's good to know he opened up an orphanage to help those children, but unfortunately I have to still doubt the legitimacy of his claims. If he has provided some value to you, I can understand, as he is somewhat of a role model to those young males who are socially stunted, malnourished and suffer from socially related panic attacks and autism, emasculated by circumstances and society, and the bitchy Claires, the cheating hot chicks and gold diggers here and there. Unfortunately, as far a providing a hyper masculine solution, that solution is very short term, and only fulfills the first half of being a man, and being masculine, while down playing and distorting and lacking any value to help develop one's feminine qualities such as emotion intelligence, vulnerability to those who are trusted, and developing healthy intuition and holistic thinking.

   Also, many more types of women out there than the one's that reflect red pill ideology and hypergamy.

Edited by Danioover9000

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I don't like him per se, but canceling him seems like the wrong move.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

I don't like him per se, but canceling him seems like the wrong move.

Canceling him is the right thing to do. He is very toxic to young men who depend on him. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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37 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Canceling him is the right thing to do. He is very toxic to young men who depend on him. 

Banning someone for differing views is authoritarian albeit to a softer degree.

Social media sites like Youtube are becoming (if not already) a monopoly, and thus from that fact alone it requires a more open free flow of information, rather than a political echo chamber where opposing views are seen as "dangerous" and traits such as weakness are seen as virtuous. 

You can't help but feel like your opinions are getting moulded around you based off what you're allowed to see vs not see.

Answer me this, why do young men "depend on him"? Because as it stands currently in the west certain masculine traits such as assertiveness and ambition in men are seen as toxic (vs for women it's seen as empowering), and so the retaliation against that rhetoric will always go too far like with Andrew Tate, but banning him will not stop the cause of him coming up in the first place. If you ban Andrew Tate a different version of that stage red archetype will simply manifest in another form, but admitting this requires admitting what the problem is in the first place which is something nobody on the left wants to do (at least it seems). 

A lot of men simply have no masculine role models in their lives who embody traits like assertiveness and ambition because again the vast majority of men in the west have had these traits moralised out of them. There is no such thing as a positive male role model when done under the framework of what is considered politically incorrect. 

People can complain all they want, but rarely do they give alternatives. 


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You can literally say "Fuck all men" and you will be championed for it, zero consequences. 

Double standards lol. So dumb. 

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