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Curt Jaimungel interviewing Jordan Peterson

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I know we love to hate on Jordan, but I think Curt Jaimungel was able to tickle some good insights out of Peterson in this interview, definitely worth a watch:



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I mean just an nugget of insight that the literal night's sky, throughout human history, was basically used as a "harddrive" of human imagination, which allowed us to map onto a constant... well "map", concepts which were important to us, and therefore the sky served as an ankerpoint for transfering ideas throughout time, that's just amazing.


Also the idea the function of an artist can be to give direction to humanity through the usage of intuition is also amazing.



They talk about tautologies and Peterson said "That's Gods defintion of himself: I am that I am". Amazing.


Also another insight relation to Spiritual Seeking:

You can't know whether or not something leads to truth before you act it out, you have to have faith. And think about how this relates to spiritual seeking. And think about how, to spiritually seek, you have to intuit it, you have to be pulled towards it in some shape or form, and you have to have faith in that intuition.

If you do not, how would you ever stumble onto God? In other words, if God did not left a bread crumb trail for you to find him, how could you possible hope to find him?

What's interesting here is that God left bread crumb trails everywhere, so that you can find him, as long as you have faith in that which you know is Good. Without the compass, you'd be lost.

Edited by Scholar

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