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Why your life is the greatest love story each and every one of you

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Love the desire to connect, the desire to unify, the desire to be appreciated, respected, the desire to exist. 

You are born, you have no knowledge, you have no ability, you just cry, poop, and sleep, with the occasional burps. You look around you in amazement. You cannot speak, you cannot think in terms of creating stories and narratives, your mind is empty but continually taking in information to learn. Everything seems big and powerful to you. You look at your parents, and from your vantage point they are God. As you grow, you start to imitate more and more your parents and your surrounding environment to fit in. You find fitting in is its own enormous task, because depending on whatever time period you are born into various pressures are thrust upon you. You go through a period of what some call individuation, where you attempt to form a separate identity from the group you were born into. You travel upon a journey of self-discovery, to find yourself as it were as you realize to conform completely into your environment is to abdicate control and you do not like that. Your sense of control is paramount and you can only gain more control by being able to figure out what you are. So in essence you are trying to draw a map of yourself, because a map of yourself is a map of your life. 

Now depending on which culture you were born into your search will either be through travel and experimentation, or through meditation and other spiritual practices. Contrary to popular opinion both are actually valid forms of self-discovery which reveal more information about what is life. Through your own individual journey you find your answers and you reintegrate back into your environment. Each action you have taken is just a constant desire to connect. But even with your desire to connect you also have a desire to disconnect. If you pay attention, your life is just a constant desire to disconnect and reconnect and all of reality has this desire. Why? Love. Love wants to be appreciated? How can you truly appreciate love if you are always connected to it? The absence of love provides the appreciation of love. Love is also diverse. Oneness means it must be everything. Oneness is itself a duality. Oneness is a paradox. True Oneness is infinity. Infinity is separation/distinction, it is also Oneness. So as a result Life/Reality must be constant change, change is separation, then reunion is oneness. 

When you live as a finite being you experience an aspect of infinity, the change from oneness to separation/distinction. If your awareness increases you realize that the separation was an illusion and you are infinite. This is you experiencing death, or oneness. Your life is change, and your death is union. If you can truly embody infinity/unconditional love as a finite being then you become the living embodiment of the paradox of both life/death. 

Love is just a constant play of push pull. You push away, and then pull together, then you push away, then you pull together. This is the flow of life, this is Infinity, this is Oneness, this is love.

When a woman says a man is boring, she means he is not providing the push/pull that the infinite/oneness of reality is built upon. When a man say a video game or movie is boring it isn't providing the push/pull that the infinite/oneness of reality is built upon. Life is a dance of push/pull and anything that does a poor job of providing that is boring. 

Life cannot help but be constantly dynamic, constantly pushing and pulling itself for all eternity. To flow with life is to master the push and the pull that you see all around you. This is what it means to be a creator. A creator provides dynamism, consistent unexpected dynamism. If it can be predicted it becomes boring. The duality at play consistently relating to itself in its opposite is what provides the mystery and flair and awe we take for granted. Life is just learning how to dance, if you are suffering it is because you are a poor dancer. 

It does not matter, life will continue to reach out its hand to you in a constant pulling into its loving embrace, as you will be pulled or pushed to dance even if you don't know the steps. You have no choice in the matter, because you ARE life itself. Life can only be itself for all eternity. 

Your life is the greatest love story. A constant pushing away= fear, depression, loss, disappointment, betrayal, loss of hope, grief. A constant pulling together= self-confidence, grit, determination, sacrifice, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, healing.  This is the ebb and flow. There is nothing more lovely than the story of how the hero/heroine overcomes adversity and learns to love, forgive, accept, and bloom into their true power. Its like the rose that blooms through the cracks of the concrete.

The mother that sacrifices to save her child, The father that sacrifices to feed his family, the girl who was spurned in every relationship despite showing up at her best in each one finally finding the one who truly appreciates her, the man who failed every business and finally succeeds in the end. All love. 

But this is not all. The one who searches for love in everything in life and never find what they are looking for. They finally stop and seek within and discover they just wanted to feel complete and whole within. The man who fails in every business but discovers that the simple life, is just as beautiful as the lavish and enjoys the little things and each passing moment. The mother who sacrifices but loses her child and must learn to live or die with that result. The father who sacrifices to feed his family but becomes hurt and now his family must work to feed and take care of him. The father learning to live with that result. 

So learning to live without a sense of control. This too must be experienced. All the various push and pulls of life, must be experienced. It has to be this way, because....that is what it means to be love. Your life is love because YOU ARE LOVE. Even your hatred for your life is love, its just you pushing away, don't worry you will eventually pull closer in this life or your next.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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