
Does LP need to be boiled down to one skill?

8 posts in this topic

I've been contemplating my LP seriously for over a year now. I've been going around in circles with my mind countless times trying to figure it out.

Here's some things you can say I'm passionate about doing:

  • Weightlifting
  • Programming
  • Spiritual Work

To my understanding, LP is created through something that you absolutely love doing and impacting others via doing the thing you're passionate about.

Now don't tell me that I need to align it with society because of money or some BS. I'm pretty much set in that department.

I just wanna know, from those of you who've figured it out, were you able to boil it down into a singular skill? Or is it a bit more abstract than that?

I'm starting to think I should just pick a few things that I love doing and become a master in those.

Thoughts, ideas, solutions?


Edited by Nate
removed "gaming"

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4 hours ago, Nate said:

I've been contemplating my LP seriously for over a year now. I've been going around in circles with my mind countless times trying to figure it out.

Here's some things you can say I'm passionate about doing:

  • Weightlifting
  • Programming
  • Spiritual Work

To my understanding, LP is created through something that you absolutely love doing and impacting others via doing the thing you're passionate about.

Now don't tell me that I need to align it with society because of money or some BS. I'm pretty much set in that department.

I just wanna know, from those of you who've figured it out, were you able to boil it down into a singular skill? Or is it a bit more abstract than that?

I'm starting to think I should just pick a few things that I love doing and become a master in those.

Thoughts, ideas, solutions?


   No, it should definitely not be reduced to one skill.

   For example, if someone's LP is architecture, spent a few years doing that, but discovered it's no the best fit, they quit, and pursue comic book drawing. They spend some more years into it, discover what resonates and doesn't, leaves the comic artist path to pursue authoring books and becoming a novelist. Somewhere down that path, they realized something: the person's skills they acquired from architecture, comic penciling and inking, and from writing stories, can come together to help create graphic novels, or animated graphic novels.

   You gotta pretend you are a pacman, collecting points and working towards getting star points. Even though each point may be different, you still retain those skills over the years. 

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Maybe you’ll arrive at one specific skill you want to master, but to get there may take time and trial and error, and there may be many, 5-10+ Ancillary skills to develop proficiency in.

For me, after 4 years of pursuing/creating life purpose, I have arrived at songwriting as the skill I want to master, BUT, there are many other skills I need to ace my life purpose, such as live performance, marketing, social media content creation, music production, and each of those could be broken down into “micro skills.”

Take Leo for instance. His domain of mastery (as of 2015) is personal development, we could call that the “one skill.” But there are a lot of other skills included in his life purpose package. Video editing, speaking on camera, web design, and so on.

Edited by Realms of Wonder

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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On 8/22/2022 at 9:22 AM, Nate said:

Here's some things you can say I'm passionate about doing:

  • Weightlifting
  • Programming
  • Spiritual Work


I don't see any connection between those, so I'd recommend you to pick one to master and leave others as hobbies.
I have a similar problem, I'm choosing between web dev, game dev and music.
If I choose all 3 it would be hard to master any, I'd be mediocre at all 3.

Be aware that people often like the idea of some life purpose, they only see the fruits of it, but in practice when they see what it takes to master it, they don't like it at all. Maybe you'll decide by contemplating that way.

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Have you checked thebioneer channel? His Ytchannel and work revolves around Programming , Health&fitness(includes Meditation ,Cognitive training) and writing . It's similar to yours 

I found his content to be unique ,took some inspiration , maybe you can take that in your journey too..

Edited by flyingguitarist

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No, you will need a collection of skills which are means towards a larger end. LP is the end, not the means.

Ex: My purpose is to share insight and understanding. The skills and mediums I use to do this can vary greatly, from speaking to writing to graphic design to filmmaking to coaching, etc. The skills and mediums are not the purpose.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Nate  For example, my LP is understanding life, creation of images and sounds, and worldly contributions. There are so many career paths, domains of mastery, and ideal mediums to express that general LP. personal values, character strengths, feelings each day, zone of genius, and the hundreds of goals you make for your year end resolution are mostly what makes you uniquely you, that act as hints to how you further refine your purpose.

   Some other person might have the exact same LP as me, except they express it through music, through the hip hop culture, pop culture, and specialize in rapping, and I specialize in making images and animations. Another may narrow down into martial arts or speed running games. 

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