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How does introversion begin?

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I'm guessing becoming anti social is like a defense mechanism for the mind, we crave social acceptance and "love" from other peope. When we don't get it, especially when we get the opposite of it (insults, bullying, abuse, mocking etc...)  we close ourselves up like turtles, we would rather stare into our dark empty shells then risk being hurt if we came out. 


That's exactly how I feel when I get insulted, I close myself up. Get more pissy and less talkative. Become more tense (less relaxed), mechanical, stiff and logical during conversations 

What is the correct way to respond to insults? Do I forgive that person? Do I confront them? What do I do?

Edited by MarkKol

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insults are a great spiritual teacher, until you can walk in the room take a barrage of insults and not flinch a muscle you are not waking up

meanwhile if you can't take them, you need to get out of the firing line or build a better wall ... your boundaries are ineffective



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I think it has lot to do with biological wiring. Some people are just born that way. 

Extroverts have a natural need to connect. It's brain chemistry. 

Introverts tend to express themselves in more muted less social ways. 

Introversion has a lot to do with fear and how the brain responds to external stimuli. 

Your question was how to respond to people who hurt you. 

This really depends on the context of your situation which you haven't made entirely clear. 

What is the correct way to respond to insults? Do I forgive that person? Do I confront them? What do I do?

There's no point in responding to people who are being your enemy. Yea there's always a temptation to give them back. But online or otherwise, it escalates and only makes things worse. Don't confront that person. It's their karma. You should not make it your burden. They will be consumed in their own hatred and negativity, this is their punishment. Their insults hurt giving rise to feelings of self defense. But it's nothing really. You don't need to forgive them. But you also don't need to spend your energy fighting with them. Consider them as a no show, not a part of your life.  I think you are a scorpio. A scorpio is deeply hurt when insulted and feels the need to defend. This is natural. But this makes you susceptible to getting hurt and distracted from your main goal. Throw such people out of your life and don't respond to their insults. They will eventually leave you alone. 

Also an alternative perspective to Consider is that sometimes people are angry at you due to misinterpretation or out of their own list of traumas and wounds which causes them to lash out at everyone. You don't have to forgive them.. You simply have to accept and understand that they are unstable and full of fear, not necessarily bad people 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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