
Why does the mind CONSTANTLY seeking pleasure?.

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I dont undesrtand
i notice that everything "i", my mind is trying to do throught the day is to find ways how to pleasure itself, to get satisfaction and enjoyment from anything

but why?? pleasure is not survival, right? it s logical that mind urges to do things that are necessary for survival like craving food when there is strong hunger, but why it craves junkfood when there is no hunger, just to get pleasure, for what reason

hope someoone can answer thanks


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Because that's all that there is to life .what's the point of life if you cannot get pleasure/happiness/satisfaction from it ?

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Junk food is a hyper-salient survival signal which in excess makes you less resilient. If it's causing problems, you just have to learn to consciously avoid it.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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The mind is always seeking, but in the wrong places :) 

It doesn't know that it's actually seeking oneness. It's seeking its true nature, it wants to be whole.

As long as you're not whole, you are seeking.

Words can't describe You.

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14 minutes ago, marinaaniram said:

I dont undesrtand
i notice that everything "i", my mind is trying to do throught the day is to find ways how to pleasure itself, to get satisfaction and enjoyment from anything

but why?? pleasure is not survival, right? it s logical that mind urges to do things that are necessary for survival like craving food when there is strong hunger, but why it craves junkfood when there is no hunger, just to get pleasure, for what reason

hope someoone can answer thanks


Satisfaction and feeling good are your nature, God is Love, God is Peace, God is the experience of feeling good. And what is actually weird is you thinking that wanting to feel good is something weird, because noone told you that feeling good is good, noone told you about that which is obvious. And they told you that the purpose of life is anything but feeling good and satisfied ?

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6 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

Satisfaction and feeling good are your nature, God is Love, God is Peace, God is the experience of feeling good. And what is actually weird is you thinking that wanting to feel good is something weird, because noone told you that feeling good is good, noone told you about that which is obvious. And they told you that the purpose of life is anything but feeling good and satisfied ?

God is also the most despicable evil shit you can imagine . 

Think the Holocaust. 

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This happens when you are unbalanced, and you seek balance. your intuition is wrong and tells you to look outside of yourself, as as an individual you are used to looking for things like food, information, affection, outside of yourself. your software perceives imbalance and goes into a malfunction looking for balance on the outside. a typical way to do this is through pleasure. the result of this will be more imbalance, more pleasure seeking, etc. until you become an addict. The solution is to turn inward until you see that you are already complete without anything external, and you are no longer looking for more pleasure, since life itself is pleasure.


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Pleasure is precisely survival. The reward mechanisms of the body are stimulated in response to stimuli that promotes survival and reproduction (sex, food, money, etc.). Unfortunately, humans have learned (consciously or unconsciously) to abuse this apparatus to avoid experience and to satisfy the needs of the self-mind. 

This is why, for example, a human may continue indulge in snacks even if he is overweight and satiated. This indulgence can obscure (only temporarily) feelings or emotions the individual does not want to experience. This dynamic can show why so many minds are stuck in self-destructing loops. You can also see it when individuals work for long hours to escape other facets of life, or when they are engaging obsessively in sports, or why some individuals chase sex endlessly and fall to addictions such as cigarette or alcohol consumption. Of course, there are many more examples, simple and complex, for this dynamic of mind.

So next time you encounter an internal urge to indulge or satisfy the senses in some way, inquire whether or not there is something that is present now that the mind wishes to avoid.

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We seek to feel "good" in order to get to absolute good aka god. It's all a constant chasing of god all the time.

"Survival" as some are talking about here I think is within this higher constant. We survive so that we can seek good. Pleasure itself is not survival. It's what we seek once we've survived. 

I started to think this was the case more as I uncovered my food addiction. I just had this strong association in my mind between God and food. It was hard to logically describe but everytime I thought about food, I thought about god. And if I thought about god long enough, I wanted to go eat! 

Edit: regarding survival, I think the ego does seek pleasure as a matter survival sure, but you are in every instant not the ego, the deeper constant overlaying the constant of survival is this self-seeking, and seeking of the "Good". Again, love/god/conciousness is the motive force of all being as I'm sure many would agree, we only do anything because we seek love/god/conciousness and self realization which is why when awakened there is always a deep sense like every thing that has ever happened has led perfectly to this moment



Edited by TheOneReborn

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Imo, the parts of the mind are all well-intentioned. They all think they're really doing what is best for you. However, often they are misguided. For example, they desire junk food as they see it as a high-calorie meal that will help you survive for longer.


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2 hours ago, Sincerity said:

The mind is always seeking, but in the wrong places :) 

It doesn't know that it's actually seeking oneness. It's seeking its true nature, it wants to be whole.

As long as you're not whole, you are seeking.

^ You are seeking love/oneness. You will understand when it happens you will be like OHHHH this is what I was seeking the entire time. There are a couple ways you get it, meditation and connect with your higher infinite self, psychedelic version of that, or sadly....dissolution of the form temporarily what we commonly call near death, or complete dissolution/attachment to form what we call death.

All these methods reveal the infinite love you are, that you have created a barrier between to experience what it is like to be a limited form.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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the sickness of the mind is dividing the world into yummy and yucky

it is impossible for something yummy to make you happy

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. Hsin Hsin Ming, Seng Ts'an

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@marinaaniram You are meant to feel good. This is heaven. 

But, you are to find the higher ways over the lower ways. Many of us have been programmed by a sick society to seek pleasure hit after pleasure hit. 

As a human you are here to do more than just merely survive. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Once you burn through:

Identification with pleasure

You begin to burn through:

Identification with intellect

Once you exhaust the intellect:

Identification with everything (the collapse of subject and object)


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The true nature of reality/God is bliss, love, ecstacy, goodness, etc.

All you want is what reality fundamentally is, you just want what it actually is.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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