Just had an awakening no psychedelics or other practices

By Razard86 in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
So recently I have had a desire to connect to my higher self. It was an obsession an intention I really had a strong desire for. Recently I have been woken up from sleep just out of the blue and sometimes I am in a deep dissociated state from the body and today it happened again but deeper. I didn't resist it, allowed it to happen and I was shown how easy it is to dissolve the ego and what the ego really was.  I KNEW IT!! All this demonization of the ego is so foolhardy!! The ego= your human life. You dissolve that and your gone. True ego annihilation is no more human life. The ego is like a little ice cube that formed in the ocean. That little ice cube is just floating around. It thinks it is separate, and eventually it just melts back into the ocean. It was never separate, the ice is the same as the ocean, but as long as the ice identifies as the ice cube versus the ocean it feel separate and it feels like it has no control. I was shown that I love the ego, that I don't want to melt and want to live my life as a human. When I am ready to totally melt I will. You don't need all these silly spiritual practices to experience this, just focus on connecting with your true self with your love and it will just happen. I can't say when because you are not in control, you never were. You are just the ice floating in the ocean and when you stop being so crystalized, you can connect with the flow of the ocean that is you.  Its so cool to truly connect and see that everything is me. I love it, all fear dissolves. Its so cool!!!!
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