
Sources For Self-discovery?

23 posts in this topic

@Durka_Durka Well, rereading my last post it seem's that I was quite vague. Since english isn't my native language I apologize for it.

First of all you need rationalizations, in some way. You as a human being will never fully understand on a deep level (you can only get this in an abstract way, similar to the infinity theory from Cantor) that you will never be able to see a situation (or whatever else) as it really is, since you can't see everything. If you wanna be able to know exactly where a billiard ball will land at it's 49th hit you will need to know everything that exists in the universe in a physical sense to predict it. (N. N. Taleb mentions this in one of his great books) Not including free will. Many of the things we're facing are far beyond more complex than this. What you need to do is to get rid of false rationalizing thoughts. -> I did this because of this (etc.), just suppressing your real intentions. There are rationalizations that just try to make things easier. Take them, your brain needs it, but be aware that it's a half fraud in a way. Cut off every rationalizing thought that you know is completely delusional. Some of them might even be true, but you'l never know. So it's mostly about being okay with complete uncertainty in some areas of life.

Lot of abstract stuff, I'm sorry that I couldn't explain it in a shorter way. 


Edited by Flare

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6 hours ago, Durka_Durka said:

@Elisabeth I'm doing the life purpose course at the minute and it seems so good so far. I'm reading The Hero's Journey at the minute. So from what you're saying, do you think that maybe a monthly review of my values by using Leo's values and strengths stuff might be a good way of going about it then? Because, if I understand correctly, experiential knowledge seems to be the best way to really understand your values?


I'm not sure if we do understand each other or not now - doing a (monthly, quarterly, new-years) review of values is great for sure, but my point was that you also need the actual life experience of how feels like to live your value/ miss your value as well. Go live the thing you assume to be your value, or go live without it, and see how it suits you. Expose yourself to unknown situations. You will want to do tweaks to your values list after a big new experience without needing to set a deadline for doing a review. 

Anyway, just one opinion out of many :) 

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