
Approaching Alone

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I am just starting out with trying to meet women. I am already quite nervous about doing this because, in the back of my mind I feel it is weird to approach women out of nowhere. (I know that is in no way the case, but the feeling is still there.) 

I have practiced a little bit by simply complimenting women I thought were attractive at a bar. I definitely learned from it but certainly need to step it up a bit more. 

I feel much weirder about approaching alone, I do have some friends to hang out with at bars, but I feel like I still need to work by myself simply to get as much experience as I can.

Does anybody know of any downsides to approaching alone? I feel like its more of a problem for nightgame though. Also how do people find wingmen?

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I've been doing solo nightgame for like a year, it's definitely doable. My biggest problem is not being allowed into clubs solo but there are plenty of ways to deal with that if you have a similar issue in your city but you still want to go out solo.

The trick is to go to busy places where people don't stay in their groups and mix around a lot, since those are the places that it's easiest to talk to lots of new people.

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