
I don't have one single life purpose

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I'm just looking to discuss on here and present some of my thoughts. 

I don't think I have one single life purpose or one that coincides with my career. I have many things that give my life meaning such as my hobbies, working on myself, interests, the people in my life, and travelling etc. I'm at a place where I feel like it's important to get a job that pays enough and gives me enough work life balance for me to be able to pursue these things. I'm at a place where I simply want to experience life and do fun little fullfilling things along the way rather than having one big career related purpose to focus on. I'm not opposed to finding a fulfilling career eventually but as of right now that isn't my main concern as I'm finding a lot of fulfillment in various other areas of life. I want to focus on those other areas while having a stable job in the mean time. It doesn't have to be the best job in the world, just enough to pay the bills, have a little left over, and give me peace of mind and independence from my family.  

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Maybe working as a freelancer may give you the freedom you need. There are many taboos about it, but freelancing can work very well. 

You can define how much you want to work, for whom, from where, and when. It can be challenging, but it is possible. What is your professional area?

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Imo "life purpose" is simply the path inching you closer and closer to your "full potential". Through that process, you're also discovering who you are. And what you may think it looks like "in the end" right now could be very different from how it ends up being. But the growth have surely happened along the way and that transformation itself was the pursuit all along.


I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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4 minutes ago, Hugo Oliveira said:

Maybe working as a freelancer may give you the freedom you need. There are many taboos about it, but freelancing can work very well. 

You can define how much you want to work, for whom, from where, and when. It can be challenging, but it is possible. What is your professional area?

I'm currently a college student but I am graduating on December. While freelancing or having my own business is an aspiration of mine, it's not something that i feel compelled to pursue at this time. As someone who is entering the professional workforce for the first time, I think it would be valuable to take this journey step by step and by starting out with working a regular 9-5 for an employer first before going off and doing my own thing. I also need to get a better idea as to what kind of career I want but that isn't the thing in my life that is front and center at the moment. Right now I'm just concerned with getting a job after graduating so I can be financially independent from my parents. 

7 minutes ago, puporing said:

Imo "life purpose" is simply the path inching you closer and closer to your "full potential". Through that process, you're also discovering who you are. And what you may think it looks like "in the end" right now could be very different from how it ends up being. But the growth have surely happened along the way and that transformation itself was the pursuit all along.

I think the life purpose and getting clear on your values are something that can serve as a compass for your future goals going forward for a wide variety of situations and areas in your life. It's also something that grounds you and it can be a big goal centering you or a lot of smaller goals. Like it can look like 7 years of med school or it can look like nurturing your relationships and having travel goals. Because something that I'm noticing is that I have a lot of ambitions, it's just that none of them are career related as of right now. 

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@soos_mite_ah I think starting out anyway, that the people you work with is more important than the specific type of work. I think everyone's life purpose is the same though and it's not your career, it's just to be a peaceful and loving person, the rest is "just secondary", to quote a friend ;)

Edited by Devin

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Over time I feel like my life purpose is leeching out into other areas, or like little tendrils are reaching out and testing the waters in other areas to see if they're viable, before I commit to the next big leap. I think it's fine as long as you don't spread yourself too thin.

Fundamentally my life purpose is still the same, but I've found ways to expand it into other mediums and broaden it.

I've written non-fiction, fiction, created a podcast, made a webcomic. I'm working on a music album and planning to create a standup comedy routine before the end of the year, and a video game in the next couple of years.

It sounds like a bunch of disjointed things that don't relate to each other. But if I think about it, the same life purpose is driving all of it at the core, they all scratch the same itch, and the outcome I want from all of them is the same. It doesn't have to be about money or a career. I feel like I've got, as you put it,  "the bills and a little left over" figured out, and in many cases I find myself doing more and more just for contribution, freedom, creativity. Creativity has never been one of my top 3 values, but I think it has to be moved up when I re-do the LP course again at the end of this year.

All of this also doesn't include a bunch of hobbies that don't actually relate to my LP.

Edited by Yarco

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