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Mini exercise to notice tier 1 cognition.

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   I will post the two videos below, and I suggest you watch them as you are, with your current biases, and just notice any reaction you have for either video. Observe the similarities and differences carefully:



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   I will be posting videos of contrasting points of view, to help you notice any tier 1 cognitive blind spots on your end, and to help you develop to tier 2 cognition, of noticing these tier 1 patterns of behavior. By doing these very strong contrasts, engaging your comparing and contrasting ability, you may develop an awareness of how you also can get sucked into that type of thinking. Enjoy!

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First video: I was annoyed. It felt like personal attack towards me. I don't know how, but it was something in a way things were presented that triggered me. Plus, I felt like I'm being emotionally manipulated.

Second video: There was something in a way things were presented that I didn't feel annoying at all. He sounded more convincing, because it wasn't so aggressive. 

I don't know, what now? How can I take this comparison deeper? I don't feel like I reached awareness on anything. 

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