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Were psychdelics always there for us?

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Since the human consciouss existance were the psychdelics always there and used for consciousness increase/god realization since the start of man?

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They seem to have developed initially as tools of protection and manipulation employed by parasites, i.e. trematode worms, fungi or toxoplasma gondii. The latter has a high correlation with schizophrenia and risk-taking behaviour (it spits a behaviour-modifying chemical into human neurons, then moves on to other brain regions... repeat X 1000).

"God realisation" may even itself be a parasitic manipulation... but we are not necessarily aware of those (?) who have set the trap.

Edited by axiom


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@axiom That's very interesting... I definitely get the sense that mushrooms have a mind of its own and I have to fight it off or get past the flavors it has that can color the truth behind it.

On the other hand, what is a psychedelic? Maybe you can become one ;).

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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@puporing Some of the behavioural modifying effects of parasites are extraordinary.

Here's a good one. If you ever see a weird looking spider's web, take a closer look at it, and you may find a wasp larva nestling in there somewhere.

The wasp lays the egg on the spider's abdomen, where it matures into a larva unnoticed. At some point the larva punctures the spider's abdomen with tiny holes and injects it with a cocktail of mind-controlling chemicals.

The spider thinks it's acting in its own best interests, but instead of making its usual-shaped web, it will construct an odd-looking web that is tailor-made to conceal the presence of the wasp lava from predators. As soon as the spider is done spinning, the larva sucks out all of the spider's insides and discards it, dropping it out of the web. It now has a comfortable environment to see it through its pupa stage, finally to emerge as a wasp.

Trematode parasites control the minds of crabs. they even inhabit and take control of their eye stalks. It's all fairly hideous but fascinating.

Massospora latches on to cicadas and injects them (or infuses them) with psilocybin, causing the cicadas to behave in various hyperactive and hypersexualised ways which allow the fungus to widely proliferate.

Who knows that these things are doing really... we cannot begin to guess at all of the motivations when it comes to humans, but we cannot rule out that we are potentially being manipulated similarly.

Edited by axiom


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7 hours ago, axiom said:

They seem to have developed initially as tools of protection and manipulation employed by parasites, i.e. trematode worms, fungi or toxoplasma gondii. The latter has a high correlation with schizophrenia and risk-taking behaviour (it spits a behaviour-modifying chemical into human neurons, then moves on to other brain regions... repeat X 1000).

"God realisation" may even itself be a parasitic manipulation... but we are not necessarily aware of those (?) who have set the trap.

What if they were really a manipulation and just that? How do we know they actually show us the truth?

Truth you don't find. Truth finds you. Sooner or later. What you then do, no one knows. If you knew, it would already have found you."


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12 hours ago, axiom said:

developed initially as tools of protection and manipulation employed by parasites,

I mean if this is true that seems to check out ;)

But I get what you mean.. there could be some interference as well.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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7 hours ago, Focus said:

What if they were really a manipulation and just that? How do we know they actually show us the truth?

Some of the entity encounters on DMT lend credence to this idea also. And you may have heard of archons…

If we consider the parasitic manipulations of insects, there are some distinct similarities. It’s not that the infected insects feel like they’ve gone mad - quite the contrary. They function almost entirely normally. It’s as if they’re experiencing a different yet entirely coherent reality in which it makes perfect sense for them to weave their webs in a different way.

The DMT experience for humans also feels entirely real, crystalline and cohesive. Just different.

Its a disturbing thought. :)


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