
How do you know when you're pushing yourself too hard?

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I only see problems with pushing yourself into burnout, but how do you recognize your limit? Or are there benefits of running yourself into burn out?

Also, I feel like I'm missing some growth opportunity when times get tough and there's no one to turn to. I make it through and I always come out with more confidence and with more awareness of my ego because it really pokes it's head out when things get hard. But I feel like there may be some rare opportunity in those instances to practice some things you otherwise wouldn't be able to, any suggestions?

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Do things with an intention because without one you're going to burn yourself. Point is to train your mind while doing chores, working out, studying, working or whatever to be disclipine and do those regardless of how you feel. Of course most people will hit wall fast, because they don't have the true fighter mentality, but you should just keep going until things become easy again. You could also just add one useful habit to your daily routine every week until you have good foundation to raise motivation and male energy.

Wink-wink, join GYM


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@Kksd74628 yeah, I actually love doing chores, .... they're cathartic to me and there's obviously purpose for doing them, you see results fast.

I'm building a house right now myself for myself and there's a balancing act of how hard to push yourself though, if you push yourself too hard even though you're working you're less productive than if you find the sweet spot, I have too much tunnel vision and things I'm thinking about which promotes my struggling to find the sweet spot. It's not just physical exhaustion but some times mental as well.

But taking the time to talk this out with you really helped me though ?, thanks, I don't really have a need to be in such a damn hurry. I think if you move out of being peaceful you are pushing too hard, I've followed this for a while apparently just needed a reminder, would still like to hear others thoughts though.

Edited by Devin

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I'd see it that you shouldn't aim for the god-realization, zen state or other spiritual goals nor for extreme success, bodybuilder type of body or dozens of girlfriends alone. Those can be your goals, but being fulfilled, happy by doing and being should be the top priority. That being said I'd still suggest you to push harder and make some routines, because actually that way you start to see that you have lot of time every day and that way your stress disappeaps. Hit couple push ups now for me and I'll smile :). Maybe even go post that to gym or/and here.

Stay strong and positive, you machine <3

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I can't even if I wanted to these days. My body feels like it's slowly "dissolving". Like I'm barely holding onto it. Don't know what's happening to me. I feel like fainting even after a light swim. 

Anyway basically working smart became a necessity.

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@Kksd74628 I hit the gym almost every night, but you can count tonight's as for you?

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8 minutes ago, Devin said:

@puporing how long has this been for?

The last 2-3 years.

Got the fibromyalgia diagnosis but they don't really understand it.

My gut feeling tells me it's related to my lack of will to "be here" as an ego, but who really knows.

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@puporing well you're not asking for it but my gut feeling is your gut feeling is right, and that it's connected with the social isolation; personally I think being a loving part of society is the only worthwhile thing in life and there's too much disconnect for me with digital society, I can only get my fix with in-person society.

Just throwing that out there. I had my share of toxic people but I've come to find positive people and it wasn't hard, I still have plenty of my personal time but I sprinkle in the social like salt on a meal, it doesn't take much. If you want some help figuring out how to go about that I'm more than willing to try to help.

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@Devin I don't know if that's the issue or not. Isolation is inevitable with this work at current time. Maybe one day they'll make awakening part of school curriculum.

Most people I tried to interact with over the years are very stuck in ego and projecting, like I mentioned before in another thread I am seen for my appearance not for what I convey and what I convey is easily dismissed if not antagonized by general population. Most people simply want to control how I live/how I think/be and box me into something they imagine is acceptable, and I don't want anything to do with this at the moment. This is not nourishing or desirable. Not to mention most people give very little if anything, they want to take alot of my time and attention but give almost none. It's really exhausting after awhile.

So yeah I'm just accepting how things are when it comes to that. I have not much issue with the isolation right now. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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@puporing yeah I wouldn't hang around people like that either, in my experience it's pretty easy to find healthy friends though.

I don't mean to try to box you in though, it just seems like you're hurting, just offering

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@Devin I appreciate it. :) It's alright I can feel plenty of connection even over the net. Everyone you interact with for a time was/is a friend, and you ;) (I can't help with that one).

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I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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@Devin I only hit burn out properly once. I was just super exhausted all the time. Before that experience I didn't take the possibility of burn out seriously. Maybe its useful to experience once so that you have an understanding of it.

I don't really know exactly how to recognise your limit. I'm sure there'll be some psychological symptoms on the web by a prominent doctor somewhere tho.

I guess you could push your limit back by using various methods/ strategies too minimise stress. So your limit may only be a limit in the context of your current stress management system.

Edited by Ulax


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You don't know it. You feel it. Like when you're lifting weights at the gym, you don't watch your count to know your limit. You just feel your limit and stop, or you rip up some muscles.

Not listening to how I felt is something that I still regret till this day. And it's not like it was something that required intelligence. It was obvious. I just suppressed, repressed, and kept pushing through.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Human is made to survive in extreme conditions and its limit is way higher than 99,9 % in this forum can even imagine. Again working and pushing hard is not the same thing than doing stupid things knowing that you'll destroy your body. The key point here is that lack of recovery is the problem not that you push yourself to extreme levels. Think about car's engine. It can move you many thousand kilometers, but without fuel, oil and overall maintance it'll die. Anyone who truly think he or she is pushing too hard I'd like to have look at your life, because I can't believe that you truly push too hard. You should be somewhere like a spartan so I'd accept that claim.


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@Kksd74628 I survived, but at the price of developing many coping mechanisms, such as OCD, insomnia, paranoia, depression, delusional thinking, and other conditions.

Surviving is not the point. If you push yourself beyond your limits for a long period of time, there's a great chance you will break or morph into some pathology. I am speaking from experience. Humans are not machines. And it's not as simple as you think it is. But don't take my word for it, go knock yourself out at the gym (for example) and see what happens. Hint: You are not Goku.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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What I just said about working hard, but smartly. Of course if you do lot of stupid decisions you have to pay for them, but I am not talking about that. What I am talking about instead is that if you do things correctly and with an intelligence you could push yourself 10x times more that you do right now. So I could phrase the whole thing as that the smarter you plan your work the harder you can easily push yourself. I am not encouraging people to punch wall 1000 times as hard as possible with your head. That would just be complete stupidity and misunderstanding of what I mean.

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Are you claiming that you couldn't be top athlete, succesful business man or otherwise very talented artist without having all possible mental illnesses?

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