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Mandelbrot/Fractal Zoom Benefits?

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Are watching these videos good for raising your baseline level of consciousness? What is the brain's response to this? I couldn't find a lot of studies on this with regards to the neuroscience aspect of it. Any further info or personal experiences regarding the topic would be much appreciated!

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Yeah, it can help you get into a meditative, or even a sort of a mild ish psychedelic state. 

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Absolutely! I do it all the time. When we enter a trance/meditative state, the brain stops producing egocentric noise. The monkey mind which is usually distorting your path through time and creating thoughts and emotional discomfort.

Once the mind has sat long enough with the intention to be present, observing thoughts non-judgmentally,
the mind will more and more easily enter into state of effortless inner silence, growing towards Infinite compassion for the Self, The Lord of Love. 

Still the mind by observing and appreciating thoughts like clouds that come and go in the sky. This leaves the brain open to receive the thoughts from the Higher Self, who is your Self, from the future, or as Terrance McKenna would call it, The Transcendental Object At the End of Time. This is how revelation happens. These thoughts transcend our identity sense and just sort of dawn on us because they came from the aspect of your subconscious mind represented by the Earth, Sun, Galaxy, or Cosmic Brain.

In other words, these two brains become One in the mind.
Didn't you know, your subconscious mind extends to the edge of the observable universe and beyond?

Some other wonderful phenomena to meditate on include:

  • Literally just watch the clouds fly by. They are constantly changing and respond to your open gaze.
  • Watching the surface of water and how every tiny droplet that falls into the pond creates a wave that communicates with every other wave. The ocean is a boundless, quantum ocean.
  • Watching lightning and pondering how it seeks and finds the most efficient path to ground and sky again.
  • Watching fire and how it is positively ALIVE in every sense of the word as it twirls and dances about.
  • Watching the wind and how the billions of leaves in your field of view dynamically twirl about all without a GPU.
  • Watching the Colorado River carve the Grand Canyon over hundred of years, and seeing it evaporate the instant you stood at the edge.
  • Watching literally any episode of the Planet Earth documentaries in 4k.
  • Watching the sunrise/sunset. The Sun is literally the face of God and our skin and hair is receptive to its revelation.
  • Also, hiking these epic mountain vistas and magical mushroom grove forests. All of Nature is pure Beauty!
  • 8-Dimensional Mandelbrot Zoom Videos
  • The Logistic Map, and how exactly phenomena like that play about in unbounded Hilbert Space within which the Schrodinger Equation operates within. Moving between periods of chaos and order and chaos again, though never truly chaotic as it was perfectly self-consistent the entire time.
  • 10HR of Television Static (It's not random. At All.)
Edited by tuku747

Brains DO NOT Exist.

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On 17.8.2022 at 1:22 AM, dtlender said:

Are watching these videos good for raising your baseline level of consciousness? What is the brain's response to this? I couldn't find a lot of studies on this with regards to the neuroscience aspect of it. Any further info or personal experiences regarding the topic would be much appreciated!

It only does to the degree of you not thinking. Thats the reason sunsets can feel "mystical", because your thinking stops at the beauty of such events.

Your post also reminded me about an insight, which came up about why spiritual growth is often associated with being in nature. That is, because just like with the Mandelbrot set, plants and animals also growth and behave in non-rational, fractal-like pattern, which cannot be comprehended by the mind if you look closely. So looking at astonishing landscapes and flowers will stop the mind, if not for some seconds. 

Meanwhile an accurately shaped room can be comprehended super easily, so your can produce toxic thoughts and stories again without hindrance. 

Edited by Vynce

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