
Supplements to help with energy and focus

25 posts in this topic

To add on the things people have said.

Having a balanced diet is a must, and when i say balanced I mean balanced not in a fancy way, but in a literal way. U need to feed your body enough carbs, enough protein and enough fats, macro nutrients that is. If that issue is not fixed u will have energy issues regardless of your amazing micro nutrient intake (vitamins, minerals ect ..) Fix your macros first, and than do something about your micros (unless its something really severe). And to do that I suggest that you do constant research, do half an hour every day, read a book, read blogs, youtube videos. You will have to commit, its not something you can just fix, you have to understand the problem at its core and than work it out. It might sound hard and harsh to you at first, but if you do it and commit, it can get you really inspired and motivated.

I suggest you look for this guy - Mike Matthews, fitness and nutrition professional, has great youtube podcasts, supplement company and is writer as well, he is also a lot into personal development. If his language sounds to complex at first u can try youtube.

Sixpack factory
Sixpack shortcuts
Insane home fat loss
Sean Nalewanyj

Also HandWritten tutorials is a good one, a lot of biochemistry there, but they have easy to grasp absorption and digestion videos.

You'll come across other such similar channels, by all means, be curious, the reason I am suggestingthese is because they are very newbie friendly, and a lot of their videos are not too long, they are short and specific. Its a good way for a newbie start, than you can move on to heavier stuff, if you wish.

Edited by Clayman

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I've been experimenting with Rhodiola, L-Tyrosine, 5-HTP and Vit D3. When I first started taking them, I was doing lots of other stuff to improve my energy levels, and the combined effect solved the problem for sure. Recently I've been doing a week on/ week off these energy supplements and have reason to believe they're not actually doing anything. Need a few more weeks to conclude though. Good diet, exercise and sleep = all ya need :D 

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I didn't read every word in this forum so I apologize if I am repeating someone else.  

I love kombucha.  Try drinking kombucha everyday and see improvement.  I love it, if I crave sugar or an unhealthy snack I'll have a bottle of kombucha and it helps with that, also I drink it out of a wine glass sometimes which is fun because I rarely drink alcohol and it has a similar taste. There are many varieties and different tastes, so don't give up until you find one you like.  I like katalyst bliss berry with a little hoppy mixed in, and also gt synergy passion berry bliss or ginger berry. Organic and raw. Yum I'm drinking some now in my wine glass.  Happy Valentine. Be mine-ful?

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On 13/06/2019 at 8:11 AM, Albersen said:

Take Super MIC B12 for energy production and supercharged body throughout the day. I took 2 bottles of it to regain my energy levels and now I am able to focus on my work more brilliantly. If you won't believe read Bioceuticals International B12 Liquid Reviews here.

This is such a BS :D 

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