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Is Enlightenment Just a Medical Phenomenon?

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There is something happening to all of us, beyond what words can describe. 

It causes me to look at the world and say "that's me". 

It causes me to at the same time look at the world and say "it's all not-me"

The visual static that overlays my entire visual field is due to the blood in my eyes. The visual static is me, at least it comes from my own eyes. 

In an enlightened state, my head feels light as a feather and the two eyes act entirely as one, but against my heart. My mind moves into my heart, my eyes collect, but my heart processes the world. It sees only love. 

This is the best I can describe my awakened states without saying too much. This all feels like just a medical phenomenon? Like enlightenment is what happens when you kill your brains hold of your body by thinking itself to death. 

Now this is all happening within conciousness, so I know that many would say this is a model that I am claiming and it's happening within conciousness. But at the same time, we all know that the last thing we need to throw in the trash is our own model and idea of spirituality. Spirituality is as meaningless as porn when compared to awakening. It's just a concept of something to do and think about. It's a human affair, it's part of the fucking movie. 

Language as a social phenomenon is an Absolute Truth. The awakened person utters or thinks to himself "it's all me". There is Absolute Truth in "that" that statement was said. It was said as part of a completely closed and unitive system of being. The saying of "that's all me" and the sayers experience are one. The Dharma to which he has awakened, and the awakening, as a medical phenomenon, are one. 

When I say "medical" I mean it is about us, but not of us. It is of our bodily systems and processes in a way that we are completely a slave to. In the end though, awakening is nothing at all. Conciousness, the " I am" against the world, even the medical view of the world is all there is. It's just me. That's it. 

Edited by TheOneReborn

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I didn't understand anything. Could you please try to summarise your point in a more clear and coherent way ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I didn't understand anything. Could you please try to summarise your point in a more clear and coherent way ?

Fundamentally the question is whether enlightenment and non-dual awareness has a "medical" quality or feeling for anyone else too?

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41 minutes ago, TheOneReborn said:

Fundamentally the question is whether enlightenment and non-dual awareness has a "medical" quality or feeling for anyone else too?

No, there is a fine line between enlightenment and mental disorders. What you are  describing probably isn't esoteric or mystical; yet it isn't..strictly speaking..llness.

in a way, that if you had been born in the East, your predicament would be viewed differently. You might have been labeled "God mad," which sounds more tolerant. But in India, at least, the God mad are let loose on the streets and lead quite aimless and chaotic lives on the fringes of society.

I am sympathetic with your desire to view your illuminated states as psychiatric rather than spiritual.  But it's simply a false outlook 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No, there is a fine line between enlightenment and mental disorders. What you are  describing probably isn't esoteric or mystical; yet it isn't..strictly speaking..llness.

in a way, that if you had been born in the East, your predicament would be viewed differently. You might have been labeled "God mad," which sounds more tolerant. But in India, at least, the God mad are let loose on the streets and lead quite aimless and chaotic lives on the fringes of society.

I am sympathetic with your desire to view your illuminated states as psychiatric rather than spiritual.  But it's simply a false outlook 

But when one is in a real awakened state, "mystical" along with "medical" all fade away. They are both false. One is probably closer to Absolute Truth (mystical) but because they both are dualistic terms, they are both still infinitely far from the Truth itself. They are both just models. 

I guess what I'm also trying to do is give the "medical" model more legitimacy. To view the body as just dumb matter is as legitimate a view than to view the whole world as throbbing with life and beingness. Both are true in their falsehood. 

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1 hour ago, JoeVolcano said:

I think so too. No matter how wild people seem to want describe or speculate about things sometimes with grand metaphysical notions, as far as I can tell it's still all just occurring through the human vessel, so to speak.

I don't know if the dream is necessarily locked into it, I guess it doesn't have to be. But whether it is or isn't, is not relevant to waking up from it, in my estimation.


I think we're on the same page.

What human vessel is there?

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22 minutes ago, TheOneReborn said:

But when one is in a real awakened state, "mystical" along with "medical" all fade away. They are both false. One is probably closer to Absolute Truth (mystical) but because they both are dualistic terms, they are both still infinitely far from the Truth itself. They are both just models. 

I guess what I'm also trying to do is give the "medical" model more legitimacy. To view the body as just dumb matter is as legitimate a view than to view the whole world as throbbing with life and beingness. Both are true in their falsehood. 

Yes you are partially correct . Enlightenment cannot be put onto simplified ,black and white ,categories.  In the end you have to drop everything to become enlightened. And that includes the distinction between mystical or super natural..and physical or natural (I guess that's what you mean by the term "medical ".

The bottom line is that..Enlightenment is beyond words. Do not concern yourself with the words so much.

Words are like signs along the road. some point in the right direction. Some do not. But in either case, you don’t want to get stuck somewhere, staring at the signs.

Words are descriptive. enlightenment is experience.

The second requirement for enlightenment is is knowing you can alter your consciousness. Knowing you can alter your state of mind. Knowing you can..reprogram yourself. Your ‘self.’

The first requirement is a dissatisfaction with your present state of ‘self.’ This you have shown by inquiring about ‘enlightenment.’

Your ‘self’ is really just the wetware program in your brain. It can be changed, dramatically and in important and desirable ways.

So now it comes down to developing and practicing the techniques to do this. Also required.

Though many desirable changes can be achieved without too much difficulty.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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