
Have I Understood This Balance Thing Correctly?

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The diagram is from Leo's Insight blog.

So as far as I know, this balance thing is about immersing yourself in whatever area of your life that you want to work on right now, because immersion gives the best results. Compared to working on every area of your life all at once. 

So once you feel you have accomplished what you wanted, you move on to the next area and put most of your energy and focus into that. Is this what the dynamic balance thing is all about?


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Enlightenment is everything, but also it is one thing.

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24 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Enlightenment is everything, but also it is one thing.

Get in the best shape of your life.

Appreciate all your relationships and deepen them. Deepen your love.

Make millions of dollars.

Eat new foods.

You can do everything.


Yeah sure.

But pursuing them all at the same time is what I am asking about. There are only so many hours in a day and so focusing on all those things at once at the same time is in my opinion not ideal.

which is why I am asking if Leo is talking about immersing yourself in one area at the time,

Edited by Oneness

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@Oneness Yeah that is actually my take on it as well. Just keep your priorities straight.
I am currently working on my emotional stability, shadowork, integrating, and that means very little social life, and since I have/had intimacy issues, also 0 relationships or sex. 
I am not planning on living in celibacy though, not at all, it just doesn't fit in now

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@Nahm Thanks, I know I am not a newbie to it. Have been in this for a year almost now. I am approaching a breaking point.

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3 hours ago, Oneness said:

Yeah sure.

But pursuing them all at the same time is what I am asking about. There are only so many hours in a day and so focusing on all those things at once at the same time is in my opinion not ideal.

which is why I am asking if Leo is talking about immersing yourself in one area at the time,

Yeah I think that's what the dynamic part is about, going back and forth and integrating the poles e.g. Understanding science then going to mysticism then going back a bit into science to see how mysticism fits with that and then to mysticism to see where the science fits into that

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@Oneness yes, you do understand it right. Focusing all of the things at once is already not realistic. ( reality here means: under the regular, normal, physical conditions of life and consciousness, don't worry about the other types; first things first )

Check Leo's Mastery video, it'll clear your mind more esp about the diagram: in the diagram we see how things (here that is achieving the balance) work in reality when you actually do the job rather than sitting and speculating about it.

And he nuances that every single scenario requires slightly different solutions: Ex: walking is an example to dynamic balance; everyone achieves it in their own way, everyone's anatomy is different. So don't worry about the other life form's solutions.


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There are several aspects to balance.

Yes, of course you'll have to focus and use a divide-and-conquer strategy for major life goals like family, relationships, career, enlightenment, etc. Which is not to say you can't cook several things using multiple burners.

But the diagram wasn't really talking about that. The diagram represents how you will end up reconciling certain dichotomies which will inevitably come up for you in life.

For example, how will you reconcile capitalism vs communism? Or success vs spirituality? Or using psychedelics vs not using psychedelics?

The problem here is not merely one of how to allocate your time and energy. The problem goes deeper, in that you don't actually know what's right. For example, you probably don't know which areas of mysticism are wrong and which areas of science are wrong. That's gonna require reconciling.

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I mean you should be 'focusing' on things even when you're disregarding balance. It doesn't mean you need to be doing one thing and moving to another. It depends on how effective you can big/ how big what you're doing is. Some stuff lends themselves to different time scheduling and prioritization.

I don't know if you wanna make a decision to live 'spontaneously'. That's probably not a good thing for a beginner, but I can see how you can work your way up there.

Whatever it is you're gonna end up doing something in your day. How about making sure you're deliberate about it? Thinking deeply about your motivations/priorities/values. Knowing your life purpose helps with that.

As far as Enlightenment goes, I see that you should pursue it in so far as you're not fucking yourself in life. You don't know why you're studying this major in university? Maybe it's not the time to meditate for 4 hours in the morning before school. (I'm doing 2 hours xD fak itxd)


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