Illusory Self

How do I get over my fear of spiders?

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I got so terrified when I saw a spider on my weighing scales in the bathroom. I had one of those things to trap it so I could put it out the window but the whole process really terrified me. The spider was moving so quickly so I found it very hard to try to trap it. 

I don't get why I was so scared and how do I ger over my fear of spiders... 

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I also want to get over my fear to make my psychedelic trips safer. Look for Lucas the spider on yt. There are short children films of an animated spider with human voice to make it as non threatening as possible. 
I bought a plastic spider to inspect. Generally just get used to spiders and also learn why they are important. 

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I've got a huge ass fear of spiders...not sure why either. You might be able to do an exposure therapy at some zoo near you, which would be the most effective way of facing your fear.

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@Illusory Self I had this fear of insects since I was a young boy. When I started doing personal development, I started opening up my mind to the fact that insects are very beautiful creatures and most of them are harmless. I then started handling insects, starting from beetles and worms, to then spiders and then even cockroaches. Now I enjoy their company, they are so beautiful!!

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Accept everything that you fear.

Spidy could touch you and feel icky? - Accept that possibility

Spidy could crawl an you? - Accept that possibility

Spidy could bite you and you will die? - Accept that possibility

Spidy could climb into your mouth and you accidentally swallow it down? - Accept that possibility

It's an emotional thing.

When you have accepted all those - you will be well prepared on your next encounter.


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26 minutes ago, universe said:

Spidy could bite you and you will die? - Accept that possibility

Spidy could climb into your mouth and you accidentally swallow it down? - Accept that possibility

There are degrees of acceptance. ??

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Make friends with one. They are really good listeners. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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39 minutes ago, KH2 said:

How do you get over your fear of bears? How do you get over your fear snakes? How do you get over your fear of crocodiles?

Gee, I don't know... maybe you shouldn't??

There is phobia and there is fear. Phobia is a special kind of fear. I fear a lion for obvious reasons but I don’t have phobia. Having a strong phobia can just be annoying. If you also do psychedelics phobia can potentially be a danger. I got confronted with inner images of spiders and crabs quite frequently on psychedelics because it seems like that phobia wants to be transcended. 

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1 hour ago, KH2 said:

To be real, personally I cannot even imagine how a legit phobia feels like. Is it like an extremely obsessive fear?

Yes and I would add "instant, panic“ to it. It doesn’t really have a buildup, at least for me. 
But it doesn’t have to be extremely high. I can have moderate phobia for spiders which is obsessive, instant, panic.

Edited by Jannes

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