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City logistical problem

1 post in this topic

Hi everyone. I already made a post about that, but I thought I would try again, being more precise.

I'm going to get into details, but if you can please beare with me I will be very grateful, because this is really bugging me.

I'm 25, french. I live in a small (25 000 people) town that is 50 km away from paris. Some could call that the "far away suburbs". I live there because the rent is cheap, while still being a beautiful place. Basically I can afford a 229 square feet appartement wheareas in paris I could only afford a 65 square feet appartement, and that would bum me out. 

I'm a artist, no 9 to 5 job, I'm the master of my day.

My plan is to basically be a parisian, game in paris, even tho I don't live in Paris. I can get to Paris in 1 hour in train (sometimes 30 minutes but the quik train is rarely at the right time). I don't have a driving licence, but I hear it would be worse than train (traffic, having to focus on driving, parking spaces, gaz...). The train cost is not a problem as I pay a montly subscription anyway. 

The main issue is the one hour (minimum) commute, and the fact that the last train to get back from paris is about 20 and a half pm. So basically if I'm still in paris at 22 and a half, I can't get home. 

On the plus size, I know a theatre (I'm a comedian) where I can sleep. I just crash in anytime. However, can't bring a girl there, that would be risky/not respectful. It's not the most confortable, but it's a couch, I can crash and shower. 


There, you know my situation. Now my question is : is this viable ? Can I game in Paris this way ? Is the fact that I don't have a place to pull gonna be bad ? Is the fact that I live in a small town 50 km away gonna be a problem ? Is the one hour comute going to dry me out or smthing ? I would really love feedback. 

Part of me is saying "you're just making excuses not to start, you're situation is fine, of course you can game".

The other part is like "No, you're right to be worried, this is not gonna be sustainable".


Thank's a lot in advance.

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