
How do you observe thoughts?

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How do you observe thoughts to create space between them and yourself?  For the past two years, I have been observing and seeking to understand my emotions and it is easier to recognize them because you can physically feel them?


How do you know when you are thinking?  What is a thought and what forms can it come in?  I am always thinking and I enjoy thinking but I am a bit curious to better understand the structure of how thoughts work now to get to that observer-witness state.

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Try something:

1. Get in ear headphones.

2. Play that track on the in-ears.

3. Consciously move around the perceived "origin" of the sound. You can concentrate and trick yourself into thinking it is playing from in front of you. Then you can move it to behind you. On top of your head. And just keep moving it around.

4. Now try to locate where it is ACTUALLY located.


I had a VERY intense breakthrough like this. The sound just flooded everywhere, but it wasn't happening anywhere at all (it was happening no"where"). And the images in my head, and thoughts, and everything like that were all pushed distant in front of me. And I was nothing. Literally I was nothing. I couldn't even be a something if I tried, because anything I thought, immediately became one of the "things" which were distant in front of me.

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  1. Sit.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Observe.

AKA, meditation.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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2 hours ago, Topspin715 said:

How do you observe thoughts to create space between them and yourself? 

It's all about the power of presence and your ability to stay as presence and not identified  with a bundle of thoughts.

When you're identified with the movement of the mind u lose presence. When you disidentify from the movement of the mind you create space between your thoughts and yourself. That yourself is called presence. 

The more you can stay as presence the bigger gap is there between your minds activity and you. When the gap becomes total or when total disidentification from mind activity happens, u reach a place beyond all suffering.

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Just do it ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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first you have to understand that your thoughts are the activity you carry out for the real-time construction of the social self, created throughout your life by language, and that it takes its energy from the social matrix created over the centuries, to become a processor connected online to billions of other processors that power the human hive. Once you understand this and see what you really are, if you remove this matrix, you will be able to easily observe your thoughts without being attached to them, since you will know that they mean nothing.

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@Topspin715 you need a realization to notice the thoughts.

Sit and do nothing for any period of time you're comfortable, you'll eventually realize that everything is known by you including the contents of your mind.

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Consciously untangle yourself from all the activities around you. And then place your focus solely on your mind. Let emotions and thoughts flow. You could write them down. Keep a track on your thoughts and if they are negative then don't be attached, just let them pass.. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Does the screen observe what is being shown on it?

Does a screen create space between it and what is being projected onto it?

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