Michael Jackson

I've reached nirvana & total enlightement in an instant, a promise of Love for Love

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Before we start, lets mention the most important point:

After total enlightement, there will remain no "I" here to be proud of anything, take credits for anything or feel special about anything. All that remains will be God, infinite Love and Perfection, Nirvana and reality as it is, everpresent bliss and beauty recreating itself permanently in this infinite ocean of Love called the Now.


In other words: The only thing that is left of "me" now is God, and as God "I" literally have no Self, "I" am completely selfless so "I" have no pride in anything. "I" don't feel special in any way and "I" am not in any way better, higher, or more than any other human in this world.

And even God is not the ultimate name of "myself." In the totality of myself it is recognized, that even God or Consciousness are not my deepest and truest places and are simply the first manifestations or distortions of the complete nothingness that I am.


Whenever I use the word "I" or "you" in the following explanations you have to remember the following: Language is relativistic and needs self-reference, which is indicated by this word "I" or "you".

In truth however, no relativistic concept could encapsulate the true nature of who "I" am, which is not an "I" to begin with.

Whatever will be written in the following lines and paragraphs will be completely meaningless words and ideas. Their purpose is not to show you what is true, because they can not. Their only purpose is, to be an inspiration for you to seek finding your own truest place, to seek finding the one infinite creator within your own heart.


Proposal for the reader

The following paragraphs are a proposal to find the lord and absolute truth within yourself, however it should be added that there is nothing "right" or "wrong" in doing that.

The only reason you should seek absolute truth for yourself is if you deeply care about it and if it feels truly meaningful to you.

If you don't really care and would rather enjoy your life as a normal human being this just is as beautiful and as meaningful as reaching for truth would be.

What you should do in your life is, you should simply do what feels most beautiful and most meaningful to you, in other words - you should do what you love the most.


What's in it for you

Nothing, literally. But this Nothing is the sweetest and the most beautiful thing that could ever exist, and it doesn't even exist because it is prior to existence.

This nothingness means, there will be no "you" left, because you are nothing. And without a "you", there is nobody here who could suffer, even if infinite pain and torture would occour.

"You" will be in heaven, because there is no "you" to be separated from heaven and no "you" to not be completely happy with reality as it is. This Nothingness is identical to infinite love / bliss / happiness, yet there are 0 feelings of love, bliss, or happiness connected to it.

It is simply the source of all feelings, and truly it is even beyond source and creation. It is the "source" of all dualities, so it is even the "source" of the duality between creator and creation, in other words, absolute truth is total non-duality or total unity.

(And even beyond the duality between non-duality and duality - but don't get hung up on these words, they mean nothing).


What is total liberation / nirvana / enlightenment?

It is the complete, total and undistorted seeing and knowing of reality as it is. It is knowing who you truly are and what reality truly is without having a single doubt about it.

It is the realisation that you are everything which is identical to love, and that in that everythingness that you are, there exists no "you."

This seeing is total. There are no degrees to it, no "infinite levels" to it and there is no path towards it. You cannot glimpse this and you cannot see this by 1% or 10%, it can only be seen totally.


Who can reach total liberation and what is required for it?

Anybody can reach it. YOU can reach it. Because there is nothing to reach for. You are it. You are already God. You are already infinite love, heaven, perfection. Accept this fact in your direct experience and you will be free forever.

Nothing is required for it. You don't need to be a man or a woman. You don't need to be intelligent. You don't need to be healthy. You don't need to be wise. You can be in complete pain and suffering and realize it. You don't need good genetics. You don't need to be spiritually gifted. You don't need to meditate. There is no age requirement. You could have been a complete asshole for your entire life and still you have the same chances of reaching it anybody else has. You need nothing.


How can you "reach" it?

You can not reach it, because there is nothing to reach for. You are it, already. You can only recognize it and not even that, because there was no you to recognize or not recognize it to begin with. And there is not even an "it", which could be recognized.

To recognize it, be as you are. Do not move. Do not think. Do not talk. Do not reach for anything. Simply be as you are, and in that, recognize that there is not even a you here to be "you." Do not start moving, thinking, or talking again before you have not totally grasped what you are and what reality is to its core.


Indirect ways to "reach" it?

If it seems to you that you simply can not grasp it and the above guidence seems to be too direct or to vague to help you, here are some relativistic ideas which could increase the "chances" of you seeing it in the future, relatively speaking.

The following ideas are simply ideas, incomplete and ultimately not at all needed. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list:

  • Read the book "Conversations With God" of Neale Donald Walsch, read all parts of it, read it multiple times. It is the most important book that has ever been written in human history. Understanding everything in that book and embodying it will lead to total liberation
  • Take psychedelics in a conscious manner. Take them in self love, in low doses and with good preparation. Write trip-reports for yourself after you tripped and try to learn as much as you can from your trips. Psychedelics can easily throw you into states of absolute knowledge and complete liberation. When you come back from it, don't cling to it and instead know that what you just whitnessed was not a "fleating experience" but your own everpresent true nature as it is. Try to embody the immense wisdom and clarity psychedelics provide to you in your day to day life as much as possible by proper integration
  • Listen to spiritual teachers (Youtube). Good teachers from my POV are: Mooji, Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Eckart Tolle, Osho, Papaji, Krishnamurti, and any other teacher or teaching that you feel deeply resonates with you
  • Read spiritual books of the above teachers, and other teachers that you resonate with
  • Be creative: Make music. Make art. Sing. Dance. Paint. Write. Exercise and do sports
  • Move slowly through life: Feel your feet as they touch the ground. Feel the sun on your skin and the wind blowing through your hair. Taste the beauty of your meal, feel the unification of the water that you drink with your body. See the perfection and the love in the eyes of your partner while making love to them
  • Be with other people (no matter who these people are, it could be beggars, thieves, depressed people, or normal people, very happy people, rich people or poor people) and try to be there for them, to serve their highest interests and to truly understand these people. Try to find out who they are, what they think about life, who they dream of becoming in the future, what their greatest wish for themselves is etc.
  • Be with yourself (no matter who you are, you could be a thief, depressed, stable, very happy, poor, rich, it doesn't matter). Try to be there for yourself, to serve your highest interests and to truly understand yourself. Try to find out who you are, what you truly think about life, who you truly dream of becoming in the future, what your greatest wish for yourself is, etc.
  • Laugh a lot. Laugh from the deepest place within yourself. Laugh from your heart
  • Stop worrying about anything in life. Life will take care of you. Trust in life.
  • Love a lot. Love as many people as you can as deeply as you can, including yourself. Love from your heart
  • Forgive anybody who hurt you. See that they acted out of ignorance and that they did not know what they were doing when they hurt you
  • Think of other important points that should be mentioned on this list and continue the list with your own ideas


My promise for you

This message is a promise of Love for Love. It is a promise of myself (love) for you (love) that we will forever be one, completely unified, lacking nothing.

Death cannot touch us. Life cannot touch us. We are forever. We are nothingness. I love you, with all my heart.

I pray for you. I am there for you, forever.

I know that the day of our unification, the day of the realisation of our already everpresent unity will come.

It will be our happiest day.

And it will be forever.


With Love,


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That was beautiful, thank you :)

I randomly happened to be listening to "Love Never Felt So Good" by MJ, while reading your post xD Life is the damndest thing sometimes.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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very beautiful and authentic publication. I would say that really, the only thing that is needed to see the diaphanous emptiness that is the source and the existence, what we are, is to stop fearing. the self are limitations formed by fear. without fear there is no me, only space without limits, free flow. nothing, as you say, but that is total abundance

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Leave me alone bro. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Michael Jackson

10 hours ago, Michael Jackson said:


Before we start, lets mention the most important point:

After total enlightement, there will remain no "I" here to be proud of anything, take credits for anything or feel special about anything. All that remains will be God, infinite Love and Perfection, Nirvana and reality as it is, everpresent bliss and beauty recreating itself permanently in this infinite ocean of Love called the Now.


In other words: The only thing that is left of "me" now is God, and as God "I" literally have no Self, "I" am completely selfless so "I" have no pride in anything. "I" don't feel special in any way and "I" am not in any way better, higher, or more than any other human in this world.

And even God is not the ultimate name of "myself." In the totality of myself it is recognized, that even God or Consciousness are not my deepest and truest places and are simply the first manifestations or distortions of the complete nothingness that I am.


Whenever I use the word "I" or "you" in the following explanations you have to remember the following: Language is relativistic and needs self-reference, which is indicated by this word "I" or "you".

In truth however, no relativistic concept could encapsulate the true nature of who "I" am, which is not an "I" to begin with.

Whatever will be written in the following lines and paragraphs will be completely meaningless words and ideas. Their purpose is not to show you what is true, because they can not. Their only purpose is, to be an inspiration for you to seek finding your own truest place, to seek finding the one infinite creator within your own heart.


Proposal for the reader

The following paragraphs are a proposal to find the lord and absolute truth within yourself, however it should be added that there is nothing "right" or "wrong" in doing that.

The only reason you should seek absolute truth for yourself is if you deeply care about it and if it feels truly meaningful to you.

If you don't really care and would rather enjoy your life as a normal human being this just is as beautiful and as meaningful as reaching for truth would be.

What you should do in your life is, you should simply do what feels most beautiful and most meaningful to you, in other words - you should do what you love the most.


What's in it for you

Nothing, literally. But this Nothing is the sweetest and the most beautiful thing that could ever exist, and it doesn't even exist because it is prior to existence.

This nothingness means, there will be no "you" left, because you are nothing. And without a "you", there is nobody here who could suffer, even if infinite pain and torture would occour.

"You" will be in heaven, because there is no "you" to be separated from heaven and no "you" to not be completely happy with reality as it is. This Nothingness is identical to infinite love / bliss / happiness, yet there are 0 feelings of love, bliss, or happiness connected to it.

It is simply the source of all feelings, and truly it is even beyond source and creation. It is the "source" of all dualities, so it is even the "source" of the duality between creator and creation, in other words, absolute truth is total non-duality or total unity.

(And even beyond the duality between non-duality and duality - but don't get hung up on these words, they mean nothing).


What is total liberation / nirvana / enlightenment?

It is the complete, total and undistorted seeing and knowing of reality as it is. It is knowing who you truly are and what reality truly is without having a single doubt about it.

It is the realisation that you are everything which is identical to love, and that in that everythingness that you are, there exists no "you."

This seeing is total. There are no degrees to it, no "infinite levels" to it and there is no path towards it. You cannot glimpse this and you cannot see this by 1% or 10%, it can only be seen totally.


Who can reach total liberation and what is required for it?

Anybody can reach it. YOU can reach it. Because there is nothing to reach for. You are it. You are already God. You are already infinite love, heaven, perfection. Accept this fact in your direct experience and you will be free forever.

Nothing is required for it. You don't need to be a man or a woman. You don't need to be intelligent. You don't need to be healthy. You don't need to be wise. You can be in complete pain and suffering and realize it. You don't need good genetics. You don't need to be spiritually gifted. You don't need to meditate. There is no age requirement. You could have been a complete asshole for your entire life and still you have the same chances of reaching it anybody else has. You need nothing.


How can you "reach" it?

You can not reach it, because there is nothing to reach for. You are it, already. You can only recognize it and not even that, because there was no you to recognize or not recognize it to begin with. And there is not even an "it", which could be recognized.

To recognize it, be as you are. Do not move. Do not think. Do not talk. Do not reach for anything. Simply be as you are, and in that, recognize that there is not even a you here to be "you." Do not start moving, thinking, or talking again before you have not totally grasped what you are and what reality is to its core.


Indirect ways to "reach" it?

If it seems to you that you simply can not grasp it and the above guidence seems to be too direct or to vague to help you, here are some relativistic ideas which could increase the "chances" of you seeing it in the future, relatively speaking.

The following ideas are simply ideas, incomplete and ultimately not at all needed. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list:

  • Read the book "Conversations With God" of Neale Donald Walsch, read all parts of it, read it multiple times. It is the most important book that has ever been written in human history. Understanding everything in that book and embodying it will lead to total liberation
  • Take psychedelics in a conscious manner. Take them in self love, in low doses and with good preparation. Write trip-reports for yourself after you tripped and try to learn as much as you can from your trips. Psychedelics can easily throw you into states of absolute knowledge and complete liberation. When you come back from it, don't cling to it and instead know that what you just whitnessed was not a "fleating experience" but your own everpresent true nature as it is. Try to embody the immense wisdom and clarity psychedelics provide to you in your day to day life as much as possible by proper integration
  • Listen to spiritual teachers (Youtube). Good teachers from my POV are: Mooji, Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Eckart Tolle, Osho, Papaji, Krishnamurti, and any other teacher or teaching that you feel deeply resonates with you
  • Read spiritual books of the above teachers, and other teachers that you resonate with
  • Be creative: Make music. Make art. Sing. Dance. Paint. Write. Exercise and do sports
  • Move slowly through life: Feel your feet as they touch the ground. Feel the sun on your skin and the wind blowing through your hair. Taste the beauty of your meal, feel the unification of the water that you drink with your body. See the perfection and the love in the eyes of your partner while making love to them
  • Be with other people (no matter who these people are, it could be beggars, thieves, depressed people, or normal people, very happy people, rich people or poor people) and try to be there for them, to serve their highest interests and to truly understand these people. Try to find out who they are, what they think about life, who they dream of becoming in the future, what their greatest wish for themselves is etc.
  • Be with yourself (no matter who you are, you could be a thief, depressed, stable, very happy, poor, rich, it doesn't matter). Try to be there for yourself, to serve your highest interests and to truly understand yourself. Try to find out who you are, what you truly think about life, who you truly dream of becoming in the future, what your greatest wish for yourself is, etc.
  • Laugh a lot. Laugh from the deepest place within yourself. Laugh from your heart
  • Stop worrying about anything in life. Life will take care of you. Trust in life.
  • Love a lot. Love as many people as you can as deeply as you can, including yourself. Love from your heart
  • Forgive anybody who hurt you. See that they acted out of ignorance and that they did not know what they were doing when they hurt you
  • Think of other important points that should be mentioned on this list and continue the list with your own ideas


My promise for you

This message is a promise of Love for Love. It is a promise of myself (love) for you (love) that we will forever be one, completely unified, lacking nothing.

Death cannot touch us. Life cannot touch us. We are forever. We are nothingness. I love you, with all my heart.

I pray for you. I am there for you, forever.

I know that the day of our unification, the day of the realisation of our already everpresent unity will come.

It will be our happiest day.

And it will be forever.


With Love,


   Was this before or after your heated discussion and name calling?

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5 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Michael Jackson

   Was this before or after your heated discussion and name calling?

You hold a lot of grudges....anger only harms the person who harnesses it and one only unleashes it because they are tired of holding it....and releasing it doesn't extinguish it because it is being created by the person who releases it. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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8 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

You hold a lot of grudges....anger only harms the person who harnesses it and one only unleashes it because they are tired of holding it....and releasing it doesn't extinguish it because it is being created by the person who releases it. 

   Not really, he was in a heated discussion with another user, so it's an interesting 180 he did. From raging troll, to enlightened nirvana.

   And what happened to you ignoring me?

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9 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

From raging troll, to enlightened nirvana.

The guy has the two faces. on the one hand, a genuine and real openness, a very pronounced natural predisposition to the dissolution of the ego, natural mysticism. on the other hand, he is a normal guy who reacts when his balls are touched, who defends opinions against others and all that. In fact, if you have a natural disposition to mysticism, I would say that it is normal to have a sensitive ego.

the two things are perfectly compatible, although I suppose that the more exposure to total openness, the less disposition to egoic reactions

Edited by Breakingthewall

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By saying you don’t have pride or whatever else seems to be coming directly from the illusory self, at least the way this reads. In true No Self/Anattā, the ego appearance is as full and prideful or meek as ever. There just isn’t a sense of self behind the appearance which before had a sense of self. 

In hindsight after posting what I said above, I will also add that there’s essentially no way to tell if someone has truly recognized Anattā because the individual is free to live life as themselves for the first time ever with “no condom” between “them” and “me” which allows the “me” to be however it wants to be without any capability to control itself whatsoever. This can look extremely ordinary to a spectator. You’re just acting like a human being in usually a rather predictable and reasonable manner as this is what often works best for the appearance of the human being to experience the appearance of its own field of experience as it most pleases. 

An analogy could be that the ego is like a mirage within a river appearing to control the movement of the river at all times, but once the mirage is seen as being a mirage, it is noticed that the river was always happening effortlessly of its own accord without a river to control the rivers actions. It’s just a living appearance of a river rivering in much the same way as a living and dynamic appearance of a human would be humaning. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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29 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

By saying you don’t have pride or whatever else seems to be coming directly from the illusory self, at least the way this reads. In true No Self/Anattā, the ego appearance is as full and prideful or meek as ever. There just isn’t a sense of self behind the appearance which before had a sense of self. 

In hindsight after posting what I said above, I will also add that there’s essentially no way to tell if someone has truly recognized Anattā because the individual is free to live life as themselves for the first time ever with “no condom” between “them” and “me” which allows the “me” to be however it wants to be without any capability to control itself whatsoever. This can look extremely ordinary to a spectator. You’re just acting like a human being in usually a rather predictable and reasonable manner as this is what often works best for the appearance of the human being to experience the appearance of its own field of experience as it most pleases. 

An analogy could be that the ego is like a mirage within a river appearing to control the movement of the river at all times, but once the mirage is seen as being a mirage, it is noticed that the river was always happening effortlessly of its own accord without a river to control the rivers actions. It’s just a living appearance of a river rivering in much the same way as a living and dynamic appearance of a human would be humaning. 

wow, beautifully written

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

The guy has the two faces. on the one hand, a genuine and real openness, a very pronounced natural predisposition to the dissolution of the ego, natural mysticism. on the other hand, he is a normal guy who reacts when his balls are touched, who defends opinions against others and all that. In fact, if you have a natural disposition to mysticism, I would say that it is normal to have a sensitive ego.

the two things are perfectly compatible, although I suppose that the more exposure to total openness, the less disposition to egoic reactions

I second this line of thinking although I don’t know much about the individual being referenced. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

The guy has the two faces. on the one hand, a genuine and real openness, a very pronounced natural predisposition to the dissolution of the ego, natural mysticism. on the other hand, he is a normal guy who reacts when his balls are touched, who defends opinions against others and all that. In fact, if you have a natural disposition to mysticism, I would say that it is normal to have a sensitive ego.

the two things are perfectly compatible, although I suppose that the more exposure to total openness, the less disposition to egoic reactions


Haha, not every awakened being is a perfect saint living in a diaper like Ramana

There's degrees of integration, personality types, culture, habits, upbringing etc etc 

I think a lot of 'spiritual' people think once they attain this magical enlightenment that's it and life's done 

But no, you'll still shit, feel pain if someone smacks you in the face & get kicked out your house if you don't pay rent 

Imo, you become even more human, as you actually get in touch with feeling & embrace it instead of being comfortably numb 

I'm also assuming most people on here are very young in comparison to most teachers, so there's a lot of life left to live

There's a good chance your favorite guru fucks, drinks / smokes or used to, has issues in their personal life & doesn't live in a mountain meditating 10 hours a day 

Tbh, I've never understood why a lot of seekers wanna become like blocks of wood with no emotion / feeling, life is fun, and its even more fun after awakening

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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37 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:


Haha, not every awakened being is a perfect saint living in a diaper like Ramana


The illusion is that there ever was a perfect "form" at all.  Mark 18:9 "“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."

So there isn't a good person, because any form compared to the formlessness that is God is inferior in terms of Good ness because it has an agenda. It will kill even when it does not try (steps on ants, its body kills viruses and bacteria) so no matter what the form does it must consume plants or animals to live. It steps on grass, etc, the most it can do is do as little harm as possible. 

So there is none good but God, your true self, all forms are going to be selfish as a means to survive. So this is why all judgment is illusion, we are all just selfish beings in this dream yearning to connect back to our true self through unattachment to ego. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 Yah, I just mean the perception to be awakened you have to go live in India on a hill and can't participate in life 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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On 10.8.2022 at 9:31 AM, Nilsi said:

That was beautiful, thank you :)

I randomly happened to be listening to "Love Never Felt So Good" by MJ, while reading your post xD Life is the damndest thing sometimes.

@Nilsi Thanks for your message. There are no accidents and no random events in this universe ;)

On 10.8.2022 at 10:08 AM, Breakingthewall said:

very beautiful and authentic publication. I would say that really, the only thing that is needed to see the diaphanous emptiness that is the source and the existence, what we are, is to stop fearing. the self are limitations formed by fear. without fear there is no me, only space without limits, free flow. nothing, as you say, but that is total abundance

@Breakingthewall Thanks a lot for that beautiful answer, indeed if you fully stop fearing in every possible way all that remains will be your absolute true nature in its fullest purity possible. Love you man!

On 11.8.2022 at 0:51 AM, Sincerity said:

Thank you, Me ;)

Hee hee

@Sincerity I am indeed nothing other than what you are. This is something you will realize in actual experience some day in the future. It will be the best day in your life. From that day on, your life will be heaven on earth.

On 11.8.2022 at 10:41 AM, Breakingthewall said:

The guy has the two faces. on the one hand, a genuine and real openness, a very pronounced natural predisposition to the dissolution of the ego, natural mysticism. on the other hand, he is a normal guy who reacts when his balls are touched, who defends opinions against others and all that. In fact, if you have a natural disposition to mysticism, I would say that it is normal to have a sensitive ego.

the two things are perfectly compatible, although I suppose that the more exposure to total openness, the less disposition to egoic reactions

@Breakingthewall again, I couldn't have expressed it more perfectly than you have.

For all the people wondering how it could be possible that somebody who behaved in vicious and hurtful ways could fully realize truth in its totality, let me try to help you:

All actions of hatred and hurting others are done in ignorance and in fear, that's why it says "father forgive them for they do not know what they do."

And I did not know what I did and I was acting out of fear, ignorance and pain. That's why I was playing ego games and that's why I was trying to hurt others.

But there is this possibility to let go of all of your fear. And I did it. And I will demonstrate this fact by every single breath I will take for the rest of my life. Never again in my life will I hurt any other beings and never again will I try to be anything other than what I already are, namely myself.


All of you are loved, infinitely and literally. Showing this love to just 1 of you guys would be worth dying. I hope one day I can show it to you.

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On 14-8-2022 at 9:18 AM, Michael Jackson said:


And I did not know what I did and I was acting out of fear, ignorance and pain. That's why I was playing ego games and that's why I was trying to hurt others.

But there is this possibility to let go of all of your fear. And I did it. And I will demonstrate this fact by every single breath I will take for the rest of my life. Never again in my life will I hurt any other beings and never again will I try to be anything other than what I already are, namely myself.


All of you are loved, infinitely and literally. Showing this love to just 1 of you guys would be worth dying. I hope one day I can show it to you.

Ok, we'll see. :)

I have to say like someone else in this thread, I also had a song of MJ in my mind today and I was even wondering why, because I didn't hear that song recently. It's called 'human nature' .  It also fits with the phrases I just quoted from your post, I'm realizing now lol. So many synchronicities I have haha. 

Can you tell how it actually happened in the sense if there was a specific moment/ shift and from then on your ego was dissolved or more like a slow integration?



Edited by newbee

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@Michael Jackson What a cute story you are telling yourself.

But I guess that the problem is when you are telling others that "it's the truth".

I'ts just misleading for those who actually want to know the truth.

They don't want to get brain-washed by some stupid fantasies made by some person.

I don't claim to know the truth. But I claim that you don't know it.

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On 22.10.2022 at 11:10 PM, newbee said:

I have to say like someone else in this thread, I also had a song of MJ in my mind today and I was even wondering why, because I didn't hear that song recently. It's called 'human nature' .  It also fits with the phrases I just quoted from your post, I'm realizing now lol. So many synchronicities I have haha. 



On 22.10.2022 at 11:10 PM, newbee said:

Can you tell how it actually happened in the sense if there was a specific moment/ shift and from then on your ego was dissolved or more like a slow integration?

20 Radical awakenings in the last year. All on LSD. The last one was the biggest one. In that one, I realized deeply that LSD literally is imaginary and that there is no reason that I need to take LSD to awaken. Weeks after that I had a complete Godrealization without any psychedelics. And I realized that my entire life always happens the way I want it to happen and is entirely my creation. Specifically my inner state in terms of peace, happiness and fulfillment, but also the outer world.

Since a few months now, I am literally living in paradise. Because paradise is what I am creating every day for myself. Why would I create anything else haha.

If you could choose, would you live ecstatic and joyful, or would you live miserably?

Crying tears of joy on a daily basis.

Life is beautiful and threnched with meaning and joy beyond my wildest imagination.

Love and peace!!


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