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Temporary using Adderall

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I have a big exam coming up, and there are too many things going on in my life, that it’s hard to focus. Is it safe to use Adderall for 1-2 months? I read one of the side effects of Adderall is insomnia.. I am already having trouble sleeping so I am worried it would make it worse. Also, should I be taking it continuously? Including exam date? Is the knowledge going to stay with me once I stop using it? 

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Knowledge will stay with after discontinuing use.

Consult with a doctor for usage. Amphetamines are serious stuff. 

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In my experience,

Around 4-5 years ago, I got around 10/30mg adderall tablets. They lasted me about a month or so. 

They are incredibly effective, your focus gets on point. It makes your brain incredible efficient and makes you smarter in a sense.

So it is an excellent tool for studying, memorizing and absorbing information.

But also, that why it's pretty easy to abuse it.

I was aware of it so I never bought it again. After I finished with what i've gotten.

The question is do you really need it? Of course you can create your own justification. That's your responsibility.

So be responsible with it and be conscious about how you are using it. Again, it's not easy since it's quite addictive.

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13 hours ago, no_name said:

I read one of the side effects of Adderall is insomnia

Coffee gives you insomina too so It depends when you take it. Study early in the morning and you won't have problems with it. 


13 hours ago, no_name said:

should I be taking it continuously?

You don't need to. The effects last several hours you will be back to normal again. Also, you will built some tolerance to it if you do it everyday. Just use it when you think you really need to.

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15 hours ago, no_name said:

nd there are too many things going on in my life

Can you do something to temporarily cut yourself out from those. Could you get a cheap airbnb somewhere in the middle of nowhere and take a month to focus on your studies? Or just find a few hours every day where you can completely isolate yourself somewhere - ideally away from your home. Are there commitments you could say no to, hobbies you could postpone, events you could cancel? Could you hire temporary meal delivery services, temporary house cleaner etc? Minimise the workload that is not necessary for survival. Ofcourse if you have children, that you cannot outsource 

Seems what you need is more available time for a Deep Work and a less busy schedule not brain chemistry altering chemicals. 2 months is long enough to get hooked on the thing. I would explore every possible alley before going for it. 


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I wouldn't recommend this at all. Please avoid at all costs. 

Just relax yourself a shit ton. Do 4 hours relaxation. Then your focus will change dramatically. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Something like modafinil could be a better alternative potentially if you insist on taking a drug to do it.

I use to take Adderall in college a bit to help cram for stuff I procrastinated on. It was going great until I stopped taking it. I don't recommend it personally. 


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27 minutes ago, Average Investor said:

It was going great until I stopped taking it.

What happened when you stopped taking it? 

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4 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:


I wouldn't recommend this at all. Please avoid at all costs. 


Why wouldn’t you recommend it? 

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@no_name Adderall is 

Loss of appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, stomach upset/pain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, fever, nervousness, and trouble sleeping

All that. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@no_name I was basically at a point where I needed something like that to operate through school. I became depressed and very unmotivated after I stopped taking it. I am not sure how much of a correlation there was to that though. 

If I were able to start building up my energy and focus naturally that would have been the best investment. I did not have the knowledge or know how at the time though. 

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37 minutes ago, Average Investor said:

If I were able to start building up my energy and focus naturally that would have been the best investment. I did not have the knowledge or know how at the time though. 

How were you able to do it naturally? Is it better now? 

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@no_name I am significantly better. I invested years into developing a healthy life style. Back when I was taking the Adderall I was eating the standard American diet and I didn't exercise much. I required a lot of things like caffine to keep me going throughout the day. 

I have eliminated all processed sugars, processed foods, and caffine. I have worked on building a whole food diet that is suited to me. I have done an elimination diet to find what foods work best for me. I also invested in my exercise heavily. Doing things like meditation daily as well seems to have helped a lot with my focus. 

At this point I am significantly more energetic, than I was back then. Sure, it is hard to beat the productivity of being on amphetamines, but it comes at a lot more of a cost. Building discipline and a healthy life style can bring some surprising results. The problem with taking something like that is it will just compound the amount of stress on you body. It will make it even harder to be a good baseline level of health and energy. 

It is a lot more work to do it naturally, than to just take a pill. There are some natural substances that could also help. However, they still will not provide the kind of results a good life style can. 


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@Average Investor but I do have a good lifestyle, my diet is good, I exercise regularly, I am addicted to caffeine though, but I did replace coffee with matcha. It’s just still very hard to focus. 

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8 hours ago, Average Investor said:


Exacly Leo recommends this instead of Adderall. 

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@no_name The caffine could still be an underlying cause for the issue. It could be related a lack of interest in your topics, burnout, stress, or other issues too. 


What do you define as a good diet? 

Edited by Average Investor

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Ye, sounds like a useful short term solution. Just have to decide whether the insomnia risk is worth it


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23 hours ago, Average Investor said:

Something like modafinil could be a better alternative potentially if you insist on taking a drug to do it.

yep yep yep

It's Love.

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On 2022-08-10 at 8:45 PM, Average Investor said:

Something like modafinil could be a better alternative

Thank you, I’ll look into this. I remember looking into it a few years ago and for some reason I remember thinking it wasn’t available in my country. But I’ll check again. 

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