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Thehumanconditions book that'll save the world.

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   I honestly don't know where to put this topic exactly, so for now, as it is some kind of intelectual framework and philosophical book, I'm putting this here.

   I've seen many adverts now about this interview and this book by this biology science author, and I went to see this 'life changing' interview, and here it is in YouTube:

   I advice you watch it in full, and share your thoughts below. Here are my own rough thoughts about this book:

   In terms of complexity, Spiral Dynamics stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, states of being, life experiences and other domains of life and other lines of development, also learned this from Integral theory by Ken Wilbur, I think this thehumanconditions author, prof Harry Prosen, and the interviewer, along with the book he's selling as the magical cure for all of the human condition, is a fine example of the more intelligence you have that's narrowed and reductionist, the more stupid and hubris you have.

   Honestly, he's making this out as the one cure for all of human suffering, when there's so much to reality and life in terms of complexity and development, that if there ever was such a simple cure for all that existed in a form of a book or video format, then long ago humanity would've saved itself from it's own predicament when the technological development for scrolls, newspapers, books and video existed. When in human history does it show that humanity saved itself when it invented the book or the internet and video making? No such historical evidence existed of when humanity did save itself when it invented new technology, so...this is highly not the case that such a one, short sighted cure for all existed beforehand that this promotion and marketing interview makes it out to be. Notice the blindspot, epistemically speaking, that this Harry Prosen has for viewing this problem, it's mainly viewed from a stage orange/blue lens, from a biologist/scientific, and rationalistic view of the world, reducing the world and trying to generalize, distort and delete parts of the world to fit inside this Rubrics cube that his stage orange value system is trying to fit. While, in terms of cognitive development, he's well developed in terms of mathematical, logical, linguistic intelligence, other types of intelligence he seems to have lower development, like musical, bodily, spatial, natural, interpersonal, intrapersonal, philosophical and existential intelligence is a bit lower. It seems that his moral development is just above the binary good vs evil, but not enough to include other degrees of it. Also, his state of being seems to have a high degree of mind bias and head space preference versus body and heart space preference, which skews and further distorts his view of reality. While he seems to be in his 60's-70's80's, and lived a longer life, that doesn't seem like he has had richer life experiences holistically, broadly and generally in his other domains. Seems like he has just spent a good quarter chunk of his life indoctrinated into academia, and less actual life experiences in a wider sense.

   I feel like, and this part is intuitive and speculative, that his sense making of the world is hijacked by whatever indoctrination of his upbringing of the world, and because of the rigidity of his mind now, due to old age the mind is far more close minded, now it seems he's locked into this position, of forever trying to justify that his one point view, his one book he's selling, and his hijacked life's work, is enough to save the world, also called the sunk cost fallacy. The harsh, realistic, pessimistic, and Nihilistic sounding truth, even though it hurts for my idealistic and philosophical side to hear this, is actually it's not the case, but it is too late for this prof, he has forever doomed himself into a corner to fight to the death for his distorted sense of reality. Hopefully he could become humble and save himself, but it seems very unlikely.

   Waht are your thoughts about this thehumancondition? Enough to save the world?

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