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How long does it take for a horny person to exhaust their desire for sex?

13 posts in this topic

Just curious.

Plz don't be vague. Even if you don't have exact figures, give me some numbers as a benchmark.

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It depends on how long they last, but most men will be back to normal after 5-10 minutes. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Yeah, why would you not want to have great sex? I think you will be horny as long as you are human. Maybe just get a partner to have regular sex and it’ll be boring idk

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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What kind of timeframe are we talking? Within a few days? At a certain age in life?

Horny people never really stop being horny. Retirement homes are notorious for STD's spreading rampantly.


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21 minutes ago, Roy said:

What kind of timeframe are we talking? Within a few days? At a certain age in life?

Horny people never really stop being horny. Retirement homes are notorious for STD's spreading rampantly.

I agree with Roy.

Looking at this from an evolutionary perspective. With our mostly hairless and delicate bodies. This requires an extremely high sex drive over the millennia to ensure the survival of our species.

The culture ego impinges on our sexual expressions. As in the shaming of us through religious dogma and other manipulations. By dividing us against ourselves through the use of shame we become pawns on the chessboard of life for those who are in power. 
Condensing this post makes my views seem more cynical than they probably are.
This short clip of Mckenna kinda embodies the attitude and being energy of one who has dealt with the cultural conditioning of the superego. (Our internalized critic.) An obvious stumbling block is self deception which we would use to go hog wild sexually  (Our red energy, lower chakras or instinctual drives and energy.

One of my guideposts in the navigation of reclaiming my sexual expression and red energy away from the cultural conditioning is to -NOT IMPOSE MY WILL ON OTHERS. Purifying our emotional center doesn’t happen overnight. Getting a handle on our reactivity is difficult. Developing the capacity for bossing my animal around,  to put it in lighthearted terms,,,,,Metaphorically I throw mine a cookie on a regular basis and not attempt to completely bully my lower natures.

Ironically I believe this leads to awakening of conscience.
I’m still a work in progress.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Ew.  Old people having sex, what is this depravity?  It's like shipping the Pan's Labyrinth monster with itself.  Loose chicken skin flapping in the wind.  And then on top of that, rampant STD's?  Bleagh.  Nothing like the smell of medication and kidney dialysis, I suppose. 


I think people should only have sex as long as they're hot and sexy and then once you lose it, it's time to give up the ghost.

I guess I don't understand the question, do you mean like after-masturbating or age-related loss of sex drive?

For me - as a mid-30's female - I started to lose my sex drive in my late 20's and it hasn't really come back.  Because for women, their sex drive is largely connected to emotions, once I realized that men were underneath it all just dirty, gross low-key evil pervs I lost my desire for them and with that went most of my sex drive.  I'll entertain it maybe once every other month, just if there's an itch I'm trying to scratch and it's quite mechanical.  Once it's over and I don't feel horny anymore, I'm done - relieved to move on with my day.  I hear, though, that women start to regain their sex drive in their 40's so we'll see, maybe I'll end up like those gross old people?


Edited by Loba

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3 hours ago, Loba said:

men were underneath it all just dirty, gross low-key evil pervs

Why do you feel this way? @Loba

Edited by Yali

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@Yali Cuz I had an ex who was a cheater, who used my money for drugs, who had me pay rent and promise he would pay me back but left after he got a great paying job, who made a video of me when I was drunk and posted it online, who abused me emotionally and psychologically, who beat his ex with a hammer and blamed her for her friend's suicide, who blamed me for needing to go to a mental hospital for a time, who separated me from knowing his friends and never told them what he was doing with me but complained about me to them nonstop, who when I tried to kick him out told me he would break everything I own, who used rich women, who was super submissive with dominant women but treated subs like shit even though he wanted them and would pretend like he was a problem solver but was ultimately just a beta male pretending to be a big man.  I was young and wasted my youth on him because I come from a home where I was taught to acquiesce to people who appear stronger and more capable than myself and I figured if I was just "good enough" that he would love me, but he kept me on a string for a long time.

Cuz I had a close friend who had sisters that were molested and instead of understanding their pain, he became a predator and I didn't know and after I let him know I didn't want to do anything with him, he would try for over a year, and would try to "sell me" behind my back at parties to other men and actually got me wasted and then brought a friend of his over while I was too drunk to really say no and we did it - the girl who liked that guy got mad and ended up getting with a guy I was starting to get to know - even though she was a low class escort, the friend made me look like someone that I never was - the girl, who was known for being a cheap floozy ended up starting a family with this dude and he was a total babe.  I lost out for sure because of this "friend's" actions towards me.  He knew I had been a victim of molestation as a child and when I questioned him on it I learned that he knew I had a weakness in me.  He kept all my childhood friends and I lost them when I tried to explain my side of the story despite the fact that he had been a repeat offender, and I had taken his side before seeing the whole picture, perhaps when it came 'round to my turn it was my karma for not knowing to stand up to what was right when it was happening to a friend...

I could go on, there are more experiences, but suffice to say, I look here and I see how men talk about women and it just reminds me of these moments in my life that I had with guys when I was young and stupid, and I realize that most of them aren't really much different.  I kind of shut myself off from it.  Pretty much I trust one guy on this website because he accepts me and is kind to me, but he's too young for me; and I have too much baggage and don't believe in siphoning that on other people, so I just kind of let him do his own thing - sometimes just expressing my bitterness about what happened while online kind of helps me work through it, ultimately at the end of the day I would like to not be bitter about it and I try to use humour to reign it in a bit - I know I come across as kind of bitter with a lot of ideas already put into my head, but there's a good reason for it.

It kind of stresses me out a little bit, I worry for other women and I don't want them to deal with what I went through when I was young and naïve.  I want them to find love and to be happy girls.  When we are little we are fed this idea that men are strong, protective and kind people, but then you get into the real world and you find out that this isn't that common, and that for those who are given this kind of treatment, that they have to be either very stunning looking or exemplary in some way.  It legitimately worries me that there are young women in the world who don't understand that men have a much more logical, cold hearted, predatory approach to how they deal with the opposite sex - that they go into it with the same level of blind idiocy that I had.

So I've just accepted that this is how men are.  At least to me, for some reason.  I'm the chick that gets used as the toy for a period of time, or perhaps if they need some resources for a while to keep themselves afloat, or if they're in between relationships, I often get used as kind of the sexual-emotional buffer for that.

When I realized that men were not what I thought they where growing up as a young girl, but some other terrible kind of beast, I just gave up.  My sex drive was always tied to an emotional connection and when I realized that this wasn't a common thing that men experience, and when I realized that I was starting to grow too old for such things anyways, then the need for sexual stimulation just went away.  It was like my hormones were like, "Okay, you're done now." And that was the end of it.  It wasn't even really difficult - the difficult part was bringing those feelings back online again so I could work through things that went wrong and try to resolve them.  Any time I have let my guard down to give a man a chance, he shows to me that it's just going to be the same thing - I suppose at this point, what I am going through is the last vestiges of fight left in me before everything settles down and I just really, truly, don't care anymore.  I look forward to the day where it doesn't affect me, and I don't plan to be bitter forever.  If I can turn it into a joke and try to find some humour, then that's great, it will mean that I've let everything go.  I've noticed I have my sense of humour again, I can laugh more.

And for as bitter as I am, as snarky as I can be, in the real world I am a woman who treats her pets - dog and cat, with a lot of kindness and gentleness and I feel that their happy little lives are a reflection of who I really am - and I work on getting along better with my family and am trying to let go of my bitterness and anger - it's a process - I feel myself mellowing out.  I won't be bitter forever, I just need to accept that men aren't the best.  I see the wars waged in the name of men's desires, how women are treated in third world countries, the rapes, the abuse, the femicide, and I realize that this is the real world.  Men are violent, aggressive and savage and trying to pretend that this isn't true doesn't do me any good.  The best I can do is make it into a joke, try to be more realistic and to let childhood fantasies go.

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@Loba  I'm sorry you had to deal with that but you have to ask yourself why you would let anyone, man or woman, disrespect you. If you had high self-esteem, that wouldn't be possible and you would've distanced yourself.

I agree that men can be assholes, but that's not a gender issue -- that's a human issue. I hope you find healing.


Edited by Yali

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Read happiness beyond thought by Gary Weber 

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Interesting relevant commentary in Tami Simon’s interview with Ken Wilber.

Differing levels of testosterone in men and women’s bodies and the affects of this relative to compulsive behaviors.



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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On 2022-08-09 at 9:30 AM, Magnanimous said:

Just curious.

Plz don't be vague. Even if you don't have exact figures, give me some numbers as a benchmark.

Until one becomes fully enlightened.

When one transmutes all animalistic energy into devine energy.

When one becomes a buddha.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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