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Different perspectives God can take

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I have been really curious to what kind of perspectives can God take, because God should not have any limits from taking any imaginable perspective.

Humans, animals, and organisms in general are obviously easy for us to imagine to be possible for God to incarnate as.

Many people report taking the perspective of all kinds of animals or different humans in different realms during trips. As a personal example I have had a trip where I got completely immersed into a different reality where I lived as a completely different person, having no idea that I was tripping, and when I died I came back to my reality. I lost most of my memories during this process, probably due to the extreme time dilation experienced, but I remember enough to know that it happened.

Going a bit deeper, yet another personal example, during a DMT trip I have had an experience of becoming a tree, and living a full lifetime as this tree (extreme time dilation). When I died I started to come back to this reality. I've also heard of people taking the viewpoint of a fungus.

On the other side of things, I have also had an experience where I was a fully conscious galaxy, not being incarnated as any particular organism.

But things get more interesting when we move to inanimate objects, because people report taking perspectives of inanimate objects (notably on salvia, but happens on other psychedelics as well). Can God live a full experience from the standpoint of an object? These experiences would not necessarily even be defined in terms of life and death, but something altogether different.

What about the letter A? Can God incarnate in first person as a particular letter A and have an internal experience from this standpoint? If it can't, what would be preventing God from taking this perspective?

Is there any perspective that God can't take?

Have you had experiences of becoming something other than your current life on psychedelics?

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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