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The reason you are not satisfied with your life

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The fundamental reason you are not satisfied in your life and you are suffering is because you are an infinite being trying to find fulfilment and happiness in finite forms. Whether it be money ,sex, success, fame etc . 

You will never be truly Satisfied by these means .simply because they are finite .no matter how good they are ..they are still finite. Which makes them not good enough. 

Even if you have millions in your bank account will want more cash .even if you had one million orgasms with million different women. You will want to sleep with more women .  When does it end?  Of course it doesn't. 

You've engaged in your desires enough times to fill one zillion universes .and its still not enough. That's why you are still incarnated in human form. If you truly transcended all desires ,you will become formless .you transcend your desire for money ,For sex ,for success, for social interactions ..and then eventually transcend your desire for food and water and even breathing .and then you ultimately transcend your desire for the entire formed realm and you cease to exist /basically die from the high levels of consciousness that you've acquired and you rest eternally in formless heaven .

But of course that's the last thing you want to do want to keep indulging in desires for another million lifetimes. And you shouldn't put yourself down for it .I'm In the same boat as you are .all you can do is hope for that radical shift of perspective to happen. To get serious about one thing :do you actually want TRUE happiness or do you want to keep suffering endlessly? 

You might ask why is desire the cause of suffering?

It's simply because attachments are transient and loss is inevitable. Thus suffering will necessarily follow.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The fundamental reason you are not satisfied in your life and you are suffering is because you are an infinite being trying to find fulfilment and happiness in finite forms. Whether it be money ,sex, success, fame etc . 

You will never be truly Satisfied by these means .simply because they are finite .no matter how good they are ..they are still finite. Which makes them not good enough. 

Even if you have millions in your bank account will want more cash .even if you had one million orgasms with million different women. You will want to sleep with more women .  When does it end?  Of course it doesn't. 

You've engaged in your desires enough times to fill one zillion universes .and its still not enough. That's why you are still incarnated in human form. If you truly transcended all desires ,you will become formless .you transcend your desire for money ,For sex ,for success, for social interactions ..and then eventually transcend your desire for food and water and even breathing .and then you ultimately transcend your desire for the entire formed realm and you cease to exist /basically die from the high levels of consciousness that you've acquired and you rest eternally in formless heaven .

But of course that's the last thing you want to do want to keep indulging in desires for another million lifetimes. And you shouldn't put yourself down for it .I'm In the same boat as you are .all you can do is hope for that radical shift of perspective to happen. To get serious about one thing :do you actually want TRUE happiness or do you want to keep suffering endlessly? 

You might ask why is desire the cause of suffering?

It's simply because attachments are transient and loss is inevitable. Thus suffering will necessarily follow.

But what as a human is true happiness?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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The root of suffering isn’t desire but rather perception or even more accurate, misperception of reality. Desire is the essence of life.

Also, it can be good to not be satisfied. Suffering can be good. If you are satisfied with mediocrity, then it is hard to find any desire to improve and be exceptional. 

Even God, an infinite being isn’t satisfied with itself. If infinity could be satisfied, why would it want to experience limitation in this meatsuit? God wants to have fun, you want to have fun. Life is a vacation. We all have our own escapes.

Being dissatisfied is a feature of perfection, intelligence, and improvement. Enjoy the samsara. 

You got a point, you will never be satisfied because you are Infinite Spirit playing a finite human. But we should be asking, why does the Infinite Spirit want to cosplay as something that it isn’t? Maybe it is so that it can explore more of what it is.

Edited by r0ckyreed
Reason for edit? Because I can.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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28 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

But what as a human is true happiness?

Desiring nothing .wanting nothing .needing nothing .being complete and wholly content with the here and now ..with whatever God gives to you ?. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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12 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:


You got a point, you will never be satisfied because you are Infinite Spirit playing a finite human. But we should be asking, why does the Infinite Spirit want to cosplay as something that it isn’t? Maybe it is so that it can explore more of what it is.

Because its boring being in God mode and having magical powers to literally imagine anything you want into existence. So you have put some limits on yourself so that you can cosplay as human to experience maximum diversity of emotions and experiences. In God mode you are omnipotent and you can have whatever you want just by imagining it into existence. In the human form you have to struggle to get the goodies.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Desiring nothing .wanting nothing .needing nothing .being complete and wholly content with the here and now ..with whatever God gives to you ?. 

I think its the opposite. The whole point of the human experience is to experience the dualities and diversity life has to offer. You can still feel complete and do various things, not everything comes from a place of lack or neediness.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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3 minutes ago, amanen said:

I think its the opposite. The whole point of the human experience is to experience the dualities and diversity life has to offer. You can still feel complete and do various things, not everything comes from a place of lack or neediness.

You can have fun all you want .just dont fool yourself into thinking that material possessions will ever make you truly happy .

If you ask what does it take to be happy?

Well..Nothing at all. I am happy.

Happy while employed, unemployed, sick, healthy, single, married, regardless of who is in political office, during COVID, etc.

All that is needed for happiness is found within.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

You can have fun all you want .just dont fool yourself into thinking that material possessions will ever make you truly happy .

If you ask what does it take to be happy?

Well..Nothing at all. I am happy.

Happy while employed, unemployed, sick, healthy, single, married, regardless of who is in political office, during COVID, etc.

All that is needed for happiness is found within.

Material possessions are like a bonus. Not necessary, should definitely not be the goal, but you can still enjoy them.

I don't personally experience unhappiness regardless of the situation either (perhaps that would change were I to be tortured brutally - I've never been in such extreme situations so I don't know), but I still enjoy all the things life has to offer. I don't think happiness and variety of experience are mutually exclusive, its more like you shouldn't be trying to make some specific thing your goal for your happiness, but rather an expression of your innate happiness.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Desiring nothing .wanting nothing .needing nothing .being complete and wholly content with the here and now ..with whatever God gives to you ?. 

Happiness is found within.  It is in your Being.  You do not find happiness externally.  However, the ego does not grasp this.   It seeks happiness outside of itself and seeks to fulfill itself with something external that it feels it needs. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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the source of unhappiness is the certainty that things should be different. My father shouldn't be a shit torturing me. girls should love me. the money should flow to me. I shouldn't have leprosy and be a slave in a coltan mine when I am 8 years old. but the reality is that there is no "should be". things are exactly as they should be. you are not a guest at the fun party. you are a soldier who carries a cross. take it with joy, because it is what it should be

Edited by Breakingthewall

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But, I am going to fight to the death to escape from the mine, to try to have a lot of women, a lot of money, and to kick my father in the balls, because that is what it should be. this is a performance. relax and enjoy the show. In the end, everything will be as it should. do not suffer. or yes, suffer, but knowing that this is that should be. be happy in the suffering.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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This body has all kinds of cravings and desires.

Instead of suffering to be desireless why not have fun and attempt to see how many you can actually penetrate or accomplish.

Seriously though, what you do or do not do in this apparent life matters not... trust!

That's the freedom!



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The only real happiness is God. everything else is mud. God is the truth. the more aligned with the truth, the happier. Any lie in you is source of suffering. Lies like believe that you are you. there are many degrees, up to the total degree, realizing the absolute divinity of existence all the time. is this possible? I don't think so. I read that Ramakrishna and some of his disciples died very young, the human body is not created for that, it is created for a important part of mud, but I think we can accept the mud until its bearable and stop being the protagonist, being the protagonist happiness more or less veiled that exists, and realize the Absolute indescribable sometimes with psychedelics, or with mediation in some extent 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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At the very core of all desire is the existential yearning that manifests in consciousness when we are aware of our own awareness so often it can create discontented self instead of fulfillment in just being.

Edited by SOUL

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life is desiring pleasure despising pain

desire all pleasure imaginable - when it comes don't desire it stays - since pleasure is the birthright of humanity

despise all pain imaginable - when it comes don't desire it goes - since pain is the transcendence of humanity

this is being happy

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Maybe I'm naive, but to me, the greatest joy is still living an adventurous, meaningful life. I can bliss out whenever I want, but I'm still so fucking young and have so much energy and potential - why not go on an odyssey and put on a good show, instead of sitting on your ass all day, doing nothing? It's not that I lack anything, I'm just motivated to do it for it's own sake.

Edited by Nilsi

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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On 09/08/2022 at 0:20 AM, amanen said:

, but I still enjoy all the things life has to offer. I don't think happiness and variety of experience are mutually exclusive, its more like you shouldn't be trying to make some specific thing your goal for your happiness, but rather an expression of your innate happiness.

Exactly. You should do what brings you joy externally. Nothing wrong with that .but only after you establish a source of inner joy. So that when the external resources run out from don't fall into depression and misery with evey whim.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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On 09/08/2022 at 0:59 AM, Breakingthewall said:

the source of unhappiness is the certainty that things should be different. My father shouldn't be a shit torturing me. girls should love me. the money should flow to me. I shouldn't have leprosy and be a slave in a coltan mine when I am 8 years old. but the reality is that there is no "should be". things are exactly as they should be. you are not a guest at the fun party. you are a soldier who carries a cross. take it with joy, because it is what it should be

I disagree .we are here to be happy .what's the point of living If you cannot be happy ? I mean that's why people end up killing themselves. They can't be happy . The only question is how to generate genuine deep happiness in your life .

On 09/08/2022 at 4:42 AM, VeganAwake said:

This body has all kinds of cravings and desires.

Instead of suffering to be desireless why not have fun and attempt to see how many you can actually penetrate or accomplish.

Seriously though, what you do or do not do in this apparent life matters not... trust!

That's the freedom!



It matters and matters not at the same time . You really need a course in not conflating the relative with the absolute jk lol?

On 09/08/2022 at 7:34 PM, Nilsi said:

Maybe I'm naive, but to me, the greatest joy is still living an adventurous, meaningful life. I can bliss out whenever I want, but I'm still so fucking young and have so much energy and potential - why not go on an odyssey and put on a good show, instead of sitting on your ass all day, doing nothing? It's not that I lack anything, I'm just motivated to do it for it's own sake.

And I'm all for that too.i want money and sex and yachts and ferrari cars yada yada ..but sometimes I get the Insight that no matter what you do doesn't fucking matter will never be satisfied by anything less than infinity. Because you are Infinity. So you can only be satisfied by the Totality of yourself. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

disagree .we are here to be happy .what's the point of living If you cannot be happy ?

If than were so we would be birds, or dolphins. we're in a very well designed rat maze and there's only one way out, God. the rest are traps. the normal thing is to fall into them and never be able to get out. The majority of humanity is sad, suffers and does not even remotely understand what is happening to them


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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

If than were so we would be birds, or dolphins. we're in a very well designed rat maze and there's only one way out, God. the rest are traps. the normal thing is to fall into them and never be able to get out. The majority of humanity is sad, suffers and does not even remotely understand what is happening to them


We are all looking for happiness. If we are honest that's all we fucking care about. But Because it is our optimal state of being. It seems however, the more we look for it, the more it eludes us. Why?

Because we keep searching for happiness in the wrong place. In satisfying our own limited ego. If we look for happiness within then it be found 


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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