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The Life Purpose Red PIll

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Im writing this to address the underlying naïveté of the concept of "Life Purpose" as understood in this community. The main premise is that technological progress will not be halted, once you accept this, you take the Red Pill.

I think its fair to summarize the philosophy of the Life Purpose Course (which is the framework Ill be addressing here) as "Do what you love, get good at it, and youll have an awesome life!" Now this might seem great when you look at it in isolation, but precisely that is a grave mistake.

You might have noticed that the world is kind of a mess right now - Nuclear superpowers engaging in war with each other; Global warming causing natural catastrophes and biodiversity loss; Social media polarizing our society, threatening to undermine democracy; Capitalism running into planetary boundaries, making constant economic growth no longer possible; Actors like China or Andrew Tate shamelessly gaming the current system for their own benefit, creating a game theoretic imperative to either play by their rules or lose; CRISPR based bio-engineering technology being on track to become available for dimes and pennys, enabling the average Joe that is willing to do the work to build potentially catastrophic weapons of mass destruction; And of course a bunch of mad scientists racing to be the first to create General Artificial Intelligence, to hell with any kind of ethical or regulatory concerns.

I hope you realise that this is no longer the kind of world in which you can just lean back and "Do what you love." That cute little art project of yours? AI (DALL-E 2), can already create what you do - just better, and for free. Always dreamt of being a research scientist? AI has access to all information on the internet, is able to comprehend and infer from this information whatever you want to know, and will write you an academic paper that will pass the Turing-test in a matter of seconds. 

What is needed here is a massive Paradigm Shift. Its no longer just about your petty little project. Even if youre a psychopath, these realities will catch up to you and you better have a plan ready for when they do.

Im not saying you have to work on solving these problems (if you want to, that would be great of course), but at the very least you have to take them into consideration when planning your career. These realities will catch up to you sooner or later, one way or the other.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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There's some nuance to it. My "life purpose" is more a set of values. But those values don't necessarily lead to just one thing I'm doing. Like for example, posting on this forum is part of what being "in alignment" is for me, and some other things that don't "make money". And the thing that makes me money I can still do it as consciously as possible, in as much alignment as possible, and in a way that gives me autonomy and free time for these other things. I would say you gotta be pragmatic about it too and not run yourself into a financial hole by pursuing just one life purpose, some people can pull that off but that's not the majority. The immediate survival stuff needs to be taken care of so you can pursue higher goals that may or may not generate income for you. This iterative process is maybe what you're pointing to and may get overlooked. Perhaps eventually you arrive at one thing that satisfies both survival and the spiritual, but that process can take time and is not always linear. I think the term "mastery" may be more fitting.. what's something you want to be masterful at if any such thing at all? And you're not doing it for anyone, or for money, but for yourself and the satisfaction from overcoming the challenges and hurdles day in and day out. That gives your life meaning. 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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I've said this before in this thread: 

The only thing you can rely on, in each moment, are the eternal principles. What you're talking about is nothing new. Reality has always been in a state of flux, and it always will be. Even in the past, successful people had to be flexible and adapt to changing realities. 

The way I see it, Life Purpose is not about coming up with something specific. Sadhguru never could have known that he would become a YouTube Yogi. George Lucas never could have known that he would become the creator of Star Wars. In my view, Life Purpose is about following vague interests. The specifics will emerge over time as you align yourself with the eternal principles and values.

Edited by The Mystical Man

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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4 hours ago, Nilsi said:

Always dreamt of being a research scientist? AI has access to all information on the internet, is able to comprehend and infer from this information whatever you want to know, and will write you an academic paper that will pass the Turing-test in a matter of seconds. 


NLP (natural language processing) is still in its infancy. There will be a lot and i mean a lot work that will need to be done before we will talk about an AI that can compherend text better than a human. Current AI isn't capable of abstract understanding, it doesn't have an inner understanding of things like a human do, it just trying to find some patterns based on the given data.

Current AI isn't even capable to understand text like a normal human can, and its a question if it can even reach human level using the current training methods and models. Don't forget when it comes to NLP, AI can only be trained on data that was produced by humans, so for instance when it comes to making text summaries, at max it will only be as good of a summary as if it would have been produced by a human.

Summarizing is just one part, the other big problem is the "trying to figure out the meaning", because one sentence could be interpreted many many different ways. Not just that you can interpret one sentence on its own many many different ways ,but if you try to add context to it you will have to be able to see the big picture and the whole context, and then the smaller context to get the "real" meaning out of that text. I think its one of the hardest problems to be solved.

That being said, DALL-E 2 and its other upgrades will be a real threat for artists . 

Edited by zurew

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11 minutes ago, zurew said:


NLP (natural language processing) is still in its infancy. There will be a lot and i mean a lot work that will need to be done before we will talk about an AI that can compherend text better than a human. Current AI isn't capable of abstract understanding, it doesn't have an inner understanding of things like a human do, it just trying to find some patterns based on the given data. Current AI isn't even capable to understand text like a normal human can, and its a question if it can even reach human level using the current training methods and models. 

That being said, DALL-E 2 and its other upgrades will be a real threat for artists. 

I think youre deluding yourself. "Current" AI, meaning the one we get to see, is already passing the Turing-test. GPT-3 is pretty legit in understanding text. This is also just the beginning; whats coming over the next decade, nobody is ready for.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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17 minutes ago, The Mystical Man said:

I've said this before in this thread: 

The only thing you can rely on, in each moment, are the eternal principles. What you're talking about is nothing new. Reality has always been in a state of flux, and it always will be. Even in the past, successful people had to be flexible and adapt to changing realities. 

Reality has always been in a state of flux, but our world has never been facing so much catastrophe. I dont know how you can downplay this so hard.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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7 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

I think youre deluding yourself. "Current" AI, meaning the one we get to see, is already passing the Turing-test. GPT-3 is pretty legit in understanding text. This is also just the beginning; whats coming over the next decade, nobody is ready for.

Nono, the current training methods and models are having limits to them. If you learn in more depth how you train an AI and how neural networks works, then you can realise that it has its own limits to it, the question is how far the model can be maxxed. That will be answered in the next decades, but as i said, NLP is the hardest part here and it won't be solved easily thats for sure. Its naive to think that AI will just figure it out, without any major changes in its training. It might be able to figure it out but it might not we will see.

Passing the turing test doesn't really mean shit. Its parroting human text and human behaviour, but parroting doesn't require inner understanding of that particular thing. GPT-3 is still very bad in understanding text, in fact it doesn't really understand anything , it just predicts what the next word should be, or what answer should be given for a particular question based on what answer a human would give for it.

GPT3 is way too overhyped

Edited by zurew

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4 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Reality has always been in a state of flux, but our world has never been facing so much catastrophe. I dont know how you can downplay this so hard.

As far as I can tell, our world is doing fine. We've been through worse.

There never was a world in which you could just lean back and "do what you love". It's never been easy, but it's easier than ever to live a good life.

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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4 hours ago, Nilsi said:

Im writing this to address the underlying naïveté of the concept of "Life Purpose" as understood in this community. The main premise is that technological progress will not be halted, once you accept this, you take the Red Pill.

I think its fair to summarize the philosophy of the Life Purpose Course (which is the framework Ill be addressing here) as "Do what you love, get good at it, and youll have an awesome life!" Now this might seem great when you look at it in isolation, but precisely that is a grave mistake.

You might have noticed that the world is kind of a mess right now - Nuclear superpowers engaging in war with each other; Global warming causing natural catastrophes and biodiversity loss; Social media polarizing our society, threatening to undermine democracy; Capitalism running into planetary boundaries, making constant economic growth no longer possible; Actors like China or Andrew Tate shamelessly gaming the current system for their own benefit, creating a game theoretic imperative to either play by their rules or lose; CRISPR based bio-engineering technology being on track to become available for dimes and pennys, enabling the average Joe that is willing to do the work to build potentially catastrophic weapons of mass destruction; And of course a bunch of mad scientists racing to be the first to create General Artificial Intelligence, to hell with any kind of ethical or regulatory concerns.

I hope you realise that this is no longer the kind of world in which you can just lean back and "Do what you love." That cute little art project of yours? AI (DALL-E 2), can already create what you do - just better, and for free. Always dreamt of being a research scientist? AI has access to all information on the internet, is able to comprehend and infer from this information whatever you want to know, and will write you an academic paper that will pass the Turing-test in a matter of seconds. 

What is needed here is a massive Paradigm Shift. Its no longer just about your petty little project. Even if youre a psychopath, these realities will catch up to you and you better have a plan ready for when they do.

Im not saying you have to work on solving these problems (if you want to, that would be great of course), but at the very least you have to take them into consideration when planning your career. These realities will catch up to you sooner or later, one way or the other.

We have not yet created an AI, with current AI, even as impressive as they seem, they completely lack even the most basic kind of understanding:

One of the problems here is that AI might not actually be possible under the current physical hardware constraints, as it seems to me like any form of true intelligence will require an individuated consciousness. The substance of understanding, after all, is made of a particular form of consciousness, or a particular ontology. As long as this ontology is not created, you will not have understanding.

And as it seems, this substance is related to the particular relationship-structure of the wavefunction of the brain. If there is no unified relationship structure, all you can really hope to do is imitate structures resulting from understanding.

So, the AI is not understanding anything. Humans have understanding, part of that understanding is labelling different shape-relationships. "X shape relationship = dog". And then, the AI is given the word "dog", and the shape-relationship, until it has found some sort of pattern within that shape-relationship which is constant.


Basically, what the fake-"AI" is doing is using human understanding, to then give humans certain shape-patterns which resemble a certain kind of understanding we associate with a certain label. This has nothing to do with the kind of intelligence we speak of when we talk of true artificial intelligence.



AI-researchers do not understand consciousness, which is why they will stumble in the dark for a long time until they realize the sophistication of the brain does not lie in the neural structures, but the substance which are in relationship to those structures, in other words, specific forms of consciousness.

Once they do, they will realize the monumental nature of the task of creating true artificial intelligence.

Edited by Scholar

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6 minutes ago, zurew said:


Nono, the current training methods and models are having limits to them. If you learn in more depth how you train an AI and how neural networks works, then you can realise that it has its own limits to it, the question is how far the model can be maxxed. That will be answered in the next decades, but as i said, NLP is the hardest part here and it won't be solved easily thats for sure. Its naive to think that AI will just figure it out, without any major changes in its training. It might be able to figure it out but it might not we will see.

Passing the turing test doesn't really mean shit. Its parroting human text and human behaviour, but parroting doesn't require inner understanding of that particular thing. GPT-3 is still very bad in understanding text, in fact it doesn't really understand anything , it just predicts what the next word should be, or what answer should be given for a particular question based on what answer a human would give for it.

GPT3 is way too overhyped

This is just a naive assessment. If you're not dumbstruck by what this shit is already capable of, you must be fucking shrewd. Just look at how much this technology has improved over the last decade, factor in exponential growth of technology + exponential growth in the exponent of this exponentially growth, since these improvements will contribute to ever faster improvements and you will realize that we're in for one hell of a trip.

I'm not scared, im just profoundly sad and baffled, that all of this is really happening.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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4 minutes ago, The Mystical Man said:

As far as I can tell, our world is doing fine. We've been through worse.

No we haven't. Not even close. If you're not seeing that, I don't know what to tell you.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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25 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

This is just a naive assessment. If you're not dumbstruck by what this shit is already capable of, you must be fucking shrewd. Just look at how much this technology has improved over the last decade, factor in exponential growth of technology + exponential growth in the exponent of this exponentially growth, since these improvements will contribute to ever faster improvements and you will realize that we're in for one hell of a trip.

I'm not scared, im just profoundly sad and baffled, that all of this is really happening.

Yeah im impressed as well and i am honestly kind of scared because how good the deepfakes currently are . Im just sceptical of the NLP part , but other than that, we can create specific AI-s and those can do tasks that a human could never do and they can sometimes do other impressive stuff as well.

I think the biggest problem we will have to face will be associated with deepfakes. Unfortunately the better an AI can parrot our language structure and the better it can fake our voice, and the better it can create deepfake images and videos the harder it will get to recognize which one is fake and which one is real.

Btw appretiate this thread, because we will have to face reality, and yes a lot of jobs will be out of the market, because AI will take most people's place. I will say this: over the next 2 decades 20-30 % of the current jobs will be completely taken over by AI, but that % might be higher, we will see.

Edited by zurew

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5 minutes ago, Scholar said:

We have not yet created an AI, with current AI, even as impressive as they seem, they completely lack even the most basic kind of understanding:

One of the problems here is that AI might not actually be possible under the current physical hardware constraints, as it seems to me like any form of true intelligence will require an individuated consciousness. The substance of understanding, after all, is made of a particular form of consciousness, or a particular ontology. As long as this ontology is not created, you will not have understanding.

And as it seems, this substance is related to the particular relationship-structure of the wavefunction of the brain. If there is no unified relationship structure, all you can really hope to do is imitate structures resulting from understanding.

So, the AI is not understanding anything. Humans have understanding, part of that understanding is labelling different shape-relationships. "X shape relationship = dog". And then, the AI is given the word "dog", and the shape-relationship, until it has found some sort of pattern within that shape-relationship which is constant.


Basically, what the fake-"AI" is doing is using human understanding, to then give humans certain shape-patterns which resemble a certain kind of understanding we associate with a certain label. This has nothing to do with the kind of intelligence we speak of when we talk of true artificial intelligence.



AI-researchers do not understand consciousness, which is why they will stumble in the dark for a long time until they realize the sophistication of the brain does not lie in the neural structures, but the substance which are in relationship to those structures, in other words, specific forms of consciousness.

Once they do, they will realize the monumental nature of the task of creating true artificial intelligence.

It may not understand what it's doing but it's doing it anyways. We could already basically outsource many of the things humans do to AI. Even if it isn't sentient yet (and I don't see why that's even relevant), it's already a massive threat to society. Just think of all the disinformation and madness these programs can create, that are basically indistinguishable from the real thing.


“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Just now, Nilsi said:

It may not understand what it's doing but it's doing it anyways. We could already basically outsource many of the things humans do to AI. Even if it isn't sentient yet (and I don't see why that's even relevant), it's already a massive threat to society. Just think of all the disinformation and madness these programs can create, that are basically indistinguishable from the real thing.


But that's the issue, it actually can't do truly novel things, everything it will do will be restraint to it's dataset, strictly visually speaking. What it can do is actually more restraint that you think it is, this will become apparent as we look at more complex situations that require creative problem solving with understanding. Currently, what is happening is "Fake it till you make it!", but sadly, there is only so much that you can fake. It can get you very far, very fast, until you hit a wall full stop.


I don't know how threatening the disinformation thing actually is. You will probably be able to create an AI which is capable of detecting AI generated content (at least in image and video form), so social media's will simply have to employ those. Also, consider the amount of computational power that is required to generate these images, aswell as the access to absurdly large data-bases. It's not as easy and accessible as it seems.

I'm sure we are facing many new challenges, but remember technology always demands us to become more responsible and mature. Remember when Oppenheimer witnessed the first denotation of a atom bomb, he quoted:

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Yet, he has become the saviour of worlds, because mankind was forced to put aside most of it's ambitions for war, it simply became untenable to act that irresponsibly. It brought peace and prosperity to the world, because mankind grew wise enough.


Look at this as an opportunity for growth, don't fear. Each and everyone one of these changes is asking of you to become more mature, more loving, more responsible. Soon, the time for complacency might be over. One of the things AI is reminding us of, is of course that we have to take epistemology seriously. We are not taking it seriously at the moment, and the world is suffering as a result.

AI forces us into action, it gives us no choice, as so many technologies before did:

Adapt or perish.



Many people to this day believe that when the world was struck by an asteroid 66 million years ago, dinosaurs went extinct. But this is not true, instead dinosaurs took to the sky and became the rulers of the winds and the emperors of the clouds, they are doing better today than they ever have.

Be a bird, my friend.

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As an artist, these AI technologies gave me clarity and purpose. They made me understand a particular thing about the nature of art: Art is fundamentally the exploration of the human condition and experience. Therefore AI will not replace artists, it will aid them in the exploration of our humanity.


To me, art is taking parts of our subjectivity, of our consciousness, and highlighting it, manifesting it in the world in the hope that others might experience the same that we do. It is an exploration of our subjectivity, and by expressing it, we can show to others a potential they might have not yet seen in themselves, others, or the world. Beauty does not exist in the world, it only exists in the mind, and that is why the AI cannot ever achieve what the human mind can.

Beauty only exists if the mind creates it, when it recognizes a rhythm, whether that be a rhythm of drama, a rhythm of motion, a rhythm of shape or pattern, a rhythm of sound or any other kind of rhythm that humans relate to. There are infinite potential rhythms in the world, as the world is potentially infinitely interconnected, but only some rhythms will speak to us as human beings. We feel beauty, anger, joy, sadness in response to particular patterns within the world or our minds, as a result of our biological, cultural and metaphysical legacy. Therefore, art is not mere self-expression, it is the exploration of our humanity, it is the exploration of our being, our psyche, our biology, our culture, our consciousness. We are attempting to find all of the infinite potential rhythms within the world and the mind, those rhythms that relate to our being, to who we are. Because we are all unique, we all will have different rhythms that relate to us, and because we are so similar, we all have similar rhythms that relate to us. What AI can do is recognize certain patterns within what we have expressed. It can create things that relate to us, only because we have given it things that related to us. The AI itself will relate to everything we give it, because it has no legacy, it has no experience, it has no subjectivity. I think the right way to look at AI therefore is not as something to replace us, but as something that will aid us in the discovery of our humanity, our consciousness. What else is life, but an exploration of the infinite potential of rhythms that existence has to offer? If we use it responsibly, and we face the uncertain future with bravery, hope and love, I am convince that AI will become an extention of our wisdom. We cannot allow fear and pessimism to consume us, because if we do, the tools we use will be a reflection of that.


 If your life purpose is limited to flailing paint on a canvas, whether it be real or digital, then you will be replaced. If your life purpose is the exploration of humanity itself, then no thing will ever replace you. The AI has no humanity, and even if it did, it does not have your humanity. Your particular individuated consciousness. AI infact, is a vehicle, a tool, for you to use to aid you on your journey through that which makes you what you are.


I do not know how long it might have taken me to realize this, to crystallize in me an insight into the true purpose of art, if these AI's had not been created. At first I viewed them as a threat, and then I asked myself: Why are they a threat to me, if my purpose is to create? What else could they possibly be but an opportunity to aid me on my path?


I was a dinosaur, stuck to this earth, roaming around and uncertain of my path. Now I know where my destiny lies, because of the terrifyingly beautiful star that is roaring towards the Earth.

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2 minutes ago, Scholar said:

I don't know how threatening the disinformation thing actually is. You will probably be able to create an AI which is capable of detecting AI generated content (at least in image and video form), so social media's will simply have to employ those.

That sounds good , but in practice its not that easy to just create an AI to counter an AI. Its always easier to destroy and to deceive than to protect and to recognise truth from fakeness. Its really good at faking stuff. Its so good at faking people's voice, that some scams are already in place.

If its a sophisticated scam, a scammer could create a fake version of you doing something in a video, talking about some stuff (using your voice), and if the scammer has enough data about your speeches for instance it could use this forum for data gathering, the AI could pretty well predict what words would you use in what context so it would be a really really convincing scam.

There is an AI that can remove objects from a video. It make it look like that particular object wasn't even there and it is pretty convincing and this kind of tech could be used to make even more disinfo and to be even more misleading.

10 minutes ago, Scholar said:

. Also, consider the amount of computational power that is required to generate these images, aswell as the access to absurdly large data-bases. It's not as easy and accessible as it seems.

Its not that hard to access some of these sites to use their AI to generate pretty convincing stuff for you. Of course its not so easy that a layman could do it, but we don't need several people to make a big fuckup. One person is enough who have access to a large database and an advanced AI that can generate thousands of fake scientific papers and articles and statistics in a few minutes. That one person wouldn't have to be an outsider, it could be done as an "inner job" and that would be enough to generate so much misinfo to fuck up our sensemaking ability a lot.

We agree that AI doesn't understand stuff, what we don't agree on is that how dangerous an AI currently is, and how dangerous can it get in the future, and how hard to counter those problems , (the big assumption hereis if its even counterable).

Its relatively cheap to create an AI drone that can shoot a person down based on face-id. Its accessible and affordable for normal people, because its not that expensive and you can get a face id chip relatively easy.

I could mention the hacking part as well. There are AI's that can be used for hacking purposes. There are counter AI's as well, but again its easier to attack than to counter and a normal layman don't have the defensive capability to defend him/herself from an AI's attack lets be it physical or cyber.

We could get more deeper into how AI could be used for military purposes because that is a huge problem as well. 

So assuming all those things will be or could be countered and solved, we still haven't talked about the fuckup problem, where we try to push more and more the current AI technology to make it more and more advanced ,without thinking 1 second about the ethical consequences, and without making sure not to make a wrong step where there is no going back.

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5 hours ago, Nilsi said:

That cute little art project of yours? AI (DALL-E 2), can already create what you do - just better, and for free. Always dreamt of being a research scientist?

See, this perfectly encapsulates the way AI makes us mature, because it forces us to question the true purpose of our path. See, if the point of my existence is to create cute little art projects, I might be easily replaced. If the point of my existence is solely to be a research scientist, I might be replaced.

But, if the point of my existence is to discover and explore humanity, AI is a tool.

If the of my existence is to discover the nature of reality, AI is a tool.

The more superficial your goals are, the easier you are replaced. The deeper your goals are, the harder it will be to replace you. That is, well, the purpose of the idea of life purpose.

Your purpose cannot be to merely want to be someone who creates cute little art projects, or someone who is a research scientist. Those are merely one of the ways with which you chose to accomplish your true purpose. If your goal is deeper, anything that will make the grunt work faster will be an opportunity to you, not a threat.

After all, why would a research scientist ever feel threatened by an AI like you have described? That should be a dream come true, the research scientist should have thousands of ideas of how he can use this new opportunity to further his goals


What you just read should give you a shocking realization:

Fear stagnates you. Fear hinders you from being a pioneer. Fear makes you blind to the holy grain. Fear manifests your own demise.


What do you keep talking about how AI will doom us? Why are you not contemplating of ways AI can save us, how AI can solve all the issues you have described?


Who do you think will rule the future? People who feared AI, or people who got inspired by it? Who will be the dinosaurs who have chosen to remain to dwell on the ground, and who will be those who have chosen to take to the skies?


God favors the bold, those filled with Love, Grace and Faith.

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If you cannot turn your fear into courage, hope and inspiration, you will be left behind, because there is no room for you in the future of this planet. Your pessimism will be extinguished, rendered an antiquity of evolution. But it is in your hands whether or not you will be the one to do so, whether or not you will accept reality as it is, and see within it the potental for Peace, Love and Prosperity.

We were never closer to it than ever before. We have everything we need to create paradise on earth. What lacks is the wisdom and courage to see it, and to actualize it. That is the number one problem we face, not AI. And the beautiful thing is, all it takes is for you to open your eyes. This is why I have faith.

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I tried 4 or 5 of the top GPT-3-based AIs to write blogs/articles and fiction for me and they were all pretty bad.

Even after spending hours learning how to best use them, they constantly get into repetitive loops, write thin/bad content, or just get the facts wrong.

They're best for storytelling but still years away from being useful to write any kind of instructional or educational non-fiction. It'd take me longer to edit and fix their work than to just write it myself.

Likewise DALL-E has a very specific look to its art and not usable for a lot of applications without someone touching it up.

AI is going to replace most jobs eventually, but I don't think it's a reason to give up on your authentic life purpose. Everybody's eventually going to run into the same problem whether they have a LP or not. But I think those who do will still be in a better position to adapt when the time comes.

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8 hours ago, Nilsi said:

No we haven't. Not even close. If you're not seeing that, I don't know what to tell you.

Change is scary. The answer is courage.

In the midst of change, find that which doesn't change; something you can trust in implicitly: the eternal principles and values. When your job gets replaced, it's time to uphold the values of courage, flexibility, and willingness; the courage to face the reality of your situation, the flexibility to retrain and evolve, and the willingness to follow through.

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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