
Need some good tips for waking up early!!

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Just tell yourself what time exactly you want to wake up tomorrow. Your subconscious mind will know and you will wake up on time.

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We all have circadian rhythms. It's not right to force yourself. Yet, if you do have to wake up early, just think about your motivation levels. Maybe you need a sense of direction. That will make you wake up even if it's hard wont it.  

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10 hours ago, hyruga said:

Just tell yourself what time exactly you want to wake up tomorrow. Your subconscious mind will know and you will wake up on time.

Done this, for it to work best need to be in tune with the subconscious, know it’s going to happen. Thanks! 

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9 hours ago, Bird Larry said:

We all have circadian rhythms. It's not right to force yourself. Yet, if you do have to wake up early, just think about your motivation levels. Maybe you need a sense of direction. That will make you wake up even if it's hard wont it.  

Yup yup yup, thanks!

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