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Tancrede Pouyat

How To Achieve Goals

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Hi !

After days, weeks, months, and years of struggling and failing, I finally came up with a system that anybody can - and must - use in order to achieve long-term, transforming, powerful and inspiring visions - or goals, I prefer to call them vision. I was able to implement it in my own life, and it made it easy and effortless. I am so happy to bring it to you :)


Before we get into anything, I think that it's important that you keep in mind these few points :

  • I am only giving you the Big Picture here
  • Don't settle for being a follower, be a Smart Follower  !
  • Be Your Own Leader !
  • Make your own choices, and your own decisions !
  • Do NOT think negatively of yourself whenever you do something "bad"
  • Focus on how much of an amazing person you are

The 3 Steps Toward Accomplishment

I found that there are always three distinct steps to the achievement of any goal, here they are :

  1. Planning
  2. Processing
  3. Updating

I'm going to go into detail for each and every one of these three steps, so here we go :


1. Planning

Planning is perhaps the most important step in the achievement of goals, without proper planning, you WILL NOT create success. What do I mean by planning ? Simple : I want you to choose what your next Project is going to be. The problem that a lot of people encounter is that they tend to dabble around, not making lasting change, they're stuck in homeostasis. The simple solution to that is to choose a project that is really significant to them, that they will be able to stick to it, and not get distracted by what others are doing.

How to choose a Project ? Relax, Imagine, and Make A Choice !

When you are choosing a Project, it's important that you keep your impulses, fears, doubts, and other forms of Resistance at bay. You need to see things clearly in order to know what you want to create, you can look at your values, strengths, and passions and just reflect on those. You can also travel, meditate, connect with nature, have amazing sex, and just enjoy your life a little bit, it's important that you do that. At this point, you want to Imagine, come up with at least three massive goals (e.g. : create and develop your own business, create an amazing loving relationship, get enlightened), and create a vision for each of those, you can do this simply by taking a whole hour trying to imagine how your life would change if the goal was accomplished, this right here should be enough for you to make a choice between these goals. If it's not, here's a way, try to do some initial research, go look what the best learning resources for these goals are, and try to see if you prefer one of these, something else that you can do is simply ask yourself how you would change your habits in order to support the achievement of the goal. *At this point, I highly recommend that you come up with a way that you like to use in order to help ease the choice

2. Processing

Processing is perhaps the easiest stage of achieving goals - and thank god for that, because it's also the longest. Basically, three main components of Processing, viz: Visioning, Learning, Taking Action. You want to spend time every single day reprogramming your subconscious mind with your vision (around 30 min, ideally), you also want to direct at least 90% of all the learning that you do to achieving the goal - you will understand in a minute why 90% and not 100. And you also want to take action, create a habit to support the goal (e.g. : If you want to create an amazing, you want to go out and meet girls/guys, and date around to know what kind of girls/guys you like). This step is easy because the stuff that you do is pretty intuitive, there might be some emotional labour involved but that tend to disappear pretty quickly, so have fun with this one.


3. Updating

This is why we directed only 90% of our learning to our Project, because we want to use the last 10% to update old Projects. So let's say I've had Project in the past about achieving Amazing Health, and now I'm all about my Life Purpose, but a certain change of environment happened that now, it would be nice to get an update on health, I feel like re-taking an important learning resource about health, I want to take a new important learning resource about health, or something else like that. Well, there's no harm in doing that, on the contrary, it keeps me inspired, and that's great.


The Fourth Step before the Three Steps

All of this advice is great, but I came up with it after having done some initial work. And I'm sure that if you had done the same kind of work, you would have come up with your own system, so I highly encourage you to do the same. Leo's Book List has a lot of books that you can read in order to understand how success is created, and that's ultimately what you want, so go do that ! Or simply ask yourself what is most important that you keep in mind in order to create success in your life, this will be a good start.



Anyway, that's it ! I hope you enjoyed it, and I remind you, one more time, BE YOUR OWN LEADER, COME UP WITH YOUR MAP, MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES ! If there's one thing you're taking out of this post it's this. Let me know what you think, I'll catch you guys later.

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