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Is it possible to materialise things into existence?

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@RMQualtrough  This is certainly an interesting line of reasoning. However, you can't be forced to do anything at least not in any ultimate sense because the thing outside of you forcing you to do or experience something is also you. So free will isn't any different from total enslavement, though obviously in the human experience there is a sharply defined difference between the two.


And as a side note, you don't even need to be in the appropriate states of consciousness to bring reality under your mental control. You can do that just from a normal human state as has been demonstrated numerous times in the past. This is only particularly effective when done with herculean levels of repetition though. Unless of course, there's some kind of possibility for humans that I'm missing, which is definitely possible.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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14 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

I'm not sure there is validity. Uhm, I mean, can God "become" more God? Can nothing "become" more nothing? Can the screen "become" more screen?

It's more like ceasing to identify with the elements of it. In actuality nobody and no thing is ever more or less "it". Whatever term you use. Because there is only it. There is only it, always whole and complete and fully it, and never NOT it, because it is nothing but itself. And the images on it, like a movie scene on your TV screen, don't make it any less it or any less whole or complete.

Levels of consciousness is like... Completely not that.

There is one level of consciousness and you don't reach it, you can only recognize it. You don't do things to "become" it for example. You don't for example gain superpowers. You have to go the OPPOSITE direction to recognize it. Which is the opposite of focusing on the elements out there (e.g. becoming more powerful and manifesting objects etc - it's the opposite direction away from what people want to recognize).

God can pretend to be a human and pretend-forget that it is God and then wake up to the fact that they always were God. Dismissing states of consciousness is just ignoring direct experience.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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18 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

There aren't "levels of consciousness" that is some Leo BS. "Higher levels" of consciousness are not in fact raising consciousness but moreso shattering the layers of masks that reside on top of it.

There are levels of consciousness. Even considering your definition, that imply levels of some sort.

But in reality there are levels of consciousness as in actually higher and lower. It's hard to come up with a map for them because the levels are infinite in both directions, and because the subjective factor plays a big role, so there's always a bias at play and there's never really an accurate picture.

It's both similar to and different from -- at the same time -- levels of skill;

  1. If you're a skilled surgeon who has a lot of knowledge and experience, then it is absolutely correct to say that you possess higher medical consciousness, or in other words that you are medically higher consciousness, compared to a noob surgeon, or just an ordinary person, or a cat, or a germ.
  2. On the other hand, this example is different from spiritual levels of consciousness because you can actually measure and prove who has higher consciousness in medical knowledge and experience. It's a lot harder to do the same with spiritual attainments, and basically the best judge that could be is the judge of oneself. It becomes more speculative once it gets out to assess another person's level/attainments.

The reason why there are levels of consciousness is because consciousness is not only one, but also dual. Duality means distinction, and the consciousness that can see more distinctions is practically the higher consciousness. What's even higher than that is a consciousness that can also collapse those distinctions and return back to non-duality. Typically, a seeker is higher consciousness than a completely asleep person. And a guru is higher consciousness than a seeker. But a seeking guru is higher consciousness than everyone else.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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On 8/5/2022 at 4:52 PM, Someone here said:

It's true .sometimes you work so hard or look forward to think it will make you happy for good ..but then once you achieve it become disillusioned and disappointed. Just like every time I have an orgasm ..I realize it wasn't that much of a big deal anyways.

^ This right here is all of life. All of life is just a dopamine game until you realize that nothing outside of you will make you happy.  You only feel this way because you are young and haven't lived life.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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2 hours ago, Gesundheit2 said:

There are levels of consciousness. Even considering your definition, that imply levels of some sort.

But in reality there are levels of consciousness as in actually higher and lower. It's hard to come up with a map for them because the levels are infinite in both directions, and because the subjective factor plays a big role, so there's always a bias at play and there's never really an accurate picture.

It's both similar to and different from -- at the same time -- levels of skill;

  1. If you're a skilled surgeon who has a lot of knowledge and experience, then it is absolutely correct to say that you possess higher medical consciousness, or in other words that you are medically higher consciousness, compared to a noob surgeon, or just an ordinary person, or a cat, or a germ.
  2. On the other hand, this example is different from spiritual levels of consciousness because you can actually measure and prove who has higher consciousness in medical knowledge and experience. It's a lot harder to do the same with spiritual attainments, and basically the best judge that could be is the judge of oneself. It becomes more speculative once it gets out to assess another person's level/attainments.

The reason why there are levels of consciousness is because consciousness is not only one, but also dual. Duality means distinction, and the consciousness that can see more distinctions is practically the higher consciousness. What's even higher than that is a consciousness that can also collapse those distinctions and return back to non-duality. Typically, a seeker is higher consciousness than a completely asleep person. And a guru is higher consciousness than a seeker. But a seeking guru is higher consciousness than everyone else.

He's correct here.  There are levels of consciousness.   At the lowest level is the waking dream- in which you are a selfish bastard hung up on survival and "manifesting" things into existence.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 07/08/2022 at 5:23 PM, RMQualtrough said:

Dude you can't mention subtle dualities when you don't rn comprehend the thing you're trying to discuss...

Example: In Vedanta they have a process they call neti neti, which is where the people are taught to understand they are not the thoughts, not the images, etc... Say a guy came in without having touched realization of Brahman and was like "nah that's BS, that's a duality" it's like, oh okay, guess you'll just never get it ever then...

Only the entity referred to universally as "I" can """awaken""", AKA recognize itself. The images, your entire personness, cannot... Example: Imagine an elephant in your mind. Now stop imagining the elephant. Is the elephant now enlightened? Could the image of the elephant recognize it is only an image? Could the image of the elephant start "manifesting" things it desires?

Well there you go....... ALL of your person-ness is exactly like that. All just images. Your desire to manifest something, is an idea and that is ALSO an image...

Like I said you are still creating duality between what you call "the image "and infinite consciousness.  If there is only one substance in existence..namely consciousness..then there can't be stuff that outside or separate from it .the ego is not God. But God is the ego .as God is everything .so the ego has the power to awaken to its nature as infinite power and intelligence. And here is where manifesting comes into place . Because everything you ever wanted exists within absolute infinity. You have to only enter God mode and bring it forth .

Thoughts seed manifestations, but the only thing you can physically manifest with thoughts alone are of your own body. You can make yourself sweat, you can create new neural connections and trigger biochemical reactions by what you think.

You cannot sit in a room, alone, in the dark, and manifest objects in the palm of your hand if that is what you mean. Nor can you, under those same conditions, cause change in the external world. But that's only because you are in  finite limited hunan form at the moment. All it takes is changing your state of consciousness to become infinite and omnipotent. Then magic can happen.

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39 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Like I said you are still creating duality between what you call "the image "and infinite consciousness.  If there is only one substance in existence..namely consciousness..then there can't be stuff that outside or separate from it .the ego is not God. But God is the ego .as God is everything .so the ego has the power to awaken to its nature as infinite power and intelligence. And here is where manifesting comes into place . Because everything you ever wanted exists within absolute infinity. You have to only enter God mode and bring it forth .

Thoughts seed manifestations, but the only thing you can physically manifest with thoughts alone are of your own body. You can make yourself sweat, you can create new neural connections and trigger biochemical reactions by what you think.

You cannot sit in a room, alone, in the dark, and manifest objects in the palm of your hand if that is what you mean. Nor can you, under those same conditions, cause change in the external world. But that's only because you are in  finite limited hunan form at the moment. All it takes is changing your state of consciousness to become infinite and omnipotent. Then magic can happen.

Okay so you just straight aren't ever going to recognize it then...

Vedanta takes randomers who have not had these bizarre experiences and will tell you, "you are not your thoughts", etc (as I mentioned they do that whole neti neti process thing)... Now you will say back to them "but that's duality! I am my thoughts!" And it's like, well okay then guess you'll just have literally no chance of ever understanding it whatsoever... You're just talking about something you have never recognized as if you have recognized it, and because of that you will never recognize it... And that is ultimately why you think you "become" God and start performing magic. You will never "become" what you are. You can only ever possibly recognize what you are, but it is what you already and always were.

There will never be such a thing as a level of consciousness, there isn't any tier that is higher or lower than what is rigidly the only one there ever was, which encompasses all there is and ever could be. There isn't space for it to grow into, it is itself and it is whole with nothing outside it, not even nothingness (since nothingness is fundamentally what you are), hence why: nowhere for it to grow into. All things happen WITHIN it, like the swirling images on a screen.

All you are ever doing, it is not growing outwards into bigger and bigger pictures but seeing "through" the pictures so to speak. It is more like moving the opposite direction. Except you are already there...... Take this. You're at a cinema, super engrossed in the film, lost in it. Suddenly the movie cuts out. And you suddenly feel yourself in the seat there. You didn't "go to" the seat, or "become more seated". You were already and always there, ALWAYS just as seated and just as present in that chair. But you didn't realize because you were distracted by the movie.

Leo would understand what I am saying but he doesn't really bother to post lately.

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P.S. entering so-called "God mode" is experientially, like matryoska dolls, if you were the one on the inside and you started smashing out of the bigger ones until you smashed out of the final doll.

I know I interpreted this as "visiting heaven" yet there was no notion of God. I also interpreted it as religious, despite the lacking notion of God.

It FELT like "going up" but I think it is more the other way. Despite feeling like going up or expanding, it also felt like being "purified", so like I was expanding VIA the removal of shells rather than gaining something I did not already possess... There was no stage where I gained more consciousness. More like a weight being lifted off my shoulder type thing, like a veil being lifted from me. It was PURER I think... The effect is I think from the removal of impurity, so for example your anxieties about work and life, your ruminations over a TV show plot you're engaged in, that sort of thing being taken away.

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1 hour ago, RMQualtrough said:

Okay so you just straight aren't ever going to recognize it then...

Vedanta takes randomers who have not had these bizarre experiences and will tell you, "you are not your thoughts", etc (as I mentioned they do that whole neti neti process thing)... Now you will say back to them "but that's duality! I am my thoughts!" And it's like, well okay then guess you'll just have literally no chance of ever understanding it whatsoever... You're just talking about something you have never recognized as if you have recognized it, and because of that you will never recognize it... And that is ultimately why you think you "become" God and start performing magic. You will never "become" what you are. You can only ever possibly recognize what you are, but it is what you already and always were.

There will never be such a thing as a level of consciousness, there isn't any tier that is higher or lower than what is rigidly the only one there ever was, which encompasses all there is and ever could be. There isn't space for it to grow into, it is itself and it is whole with nothing outside it, not even nothingness (since nothingness is fundamentally what you are), hence why: nowhere for it to grow into. All things happen WITHIN it, like the swirling images on a screen.

All you are ever doing, it is not growing outwards into bigger and bigger pictures but seeing "through" the pictures so to speak. It is more like moving the opposite direction. Except you are already there...... Take this. You're at a cinema, super engrossed in the film, lost in it. Suddenly the movie cuts out. And you suddenly feel yourself in the seat there. You didn't "go to" the seat, or "become more seated". You were already and always there, ALWAYS just as seated and just as present in that chair. But you didn't realize because you were distracted by the movie.

Leo would understand what I am saying but he doesn't really bother to post lately.

Of course there are levels of Consciousness bro .are you telling me that a drunk person's Consciousness is the same as a sober persons Consciousness?

Consciousness is our perception of cognitive events and stimulus. Every perception in life is a different cognitive event. There are as many types of consciousness:

Quark Consciousness is a bit too hectic.
Proton Consciousness is so lonely.
Atom Consciousness is downright dervishly dizzying.
Molecule Consciousness is Hungry Hippos for electrons.
Cell Consciousness is certainty of a unique intent.
Body Consciousness is sufficient individuality.
Body/Mind Consciousness is sentience.
Body/Mind/Self Consciousness is human.
Self Predominates Consciousness is enlightenment.
Self Predominates Sensory Input Consciousness is God Consciousness.
Self Solely Seen Consciousness is Unity Consciousness.
Self Without Witness Consciousness is BRAHMAN.

Standard neuroscience says there are three ordinary ones: wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep.

However, by any rational standards, what’s called Stage sleep is its own state. Most people don’t even realize it’s sleep; it’s the period where you’re still dimly aware of the outside world, are fighting off sleep, and your thoughts are running off the rails into nonsense. The only reason it’s not listed with the other three is that it’s too transitory to study well.

Another distinct state that isn’t listed that almost everyone experiences at least a few times is the disorientation upon being awakened from deep sleep. It’s called “sleep drunkenness” if its pathological, but I know of no name for the ordinary version.

The number of aberrant states of consciousness is large. Your SOC is determined by the individual levels of four brain chemicals (histamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) and there are many more possible combinations of levels than the ones that create the states I’ve mentioned. 

55 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

P.S. entering so-called "God mode" is experientially, like matryoska dolls, if you were the one on the inside and you started smashing out of the bigger ones until you smashed out of the final doll.

I know I interpreted this as "visiting heaven" yet there was no notion of God. I also interpreted it as religious, despite the lacking notion of God.

It FELT like "going up" but I think it is more the other way. Despite feeling like going up or expanding, it also felt like being "purified", so like I was expanding VIA the removal of shells rather than gaining something I did not already possess... There was no stage where I gained more consciousness. More like a weight being lifted off my shoulder type thing, like a veil being lifted from me. It was PURER I think... The effect is I think from the removal of impurity, so for example your anxieties about work and life, your ruminations over a TV show plot you're engaged in, that sort of thing being taken away.

Back to are GOD .Full stop. You are God cosplaying as a human .you have infinite creative potential. You could literally create entire worlds in a finger snap .but you have deliberately denied that possibility from your current dream/human existence to make it more challenging and interesting. Because if you are in God mode are infinite and eternal and you have everything that could ever possibly be created .so its kinda boring .so you have disconnected yourself from God mode to experience duality 

Edited by Someone here

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Of course there are levels of Consciousness bro .are you telling me that a drunk person's Consciousness is the same as a sober persons Consciousness?

It is the same. People don't have consciousness, consciousness has people. Isolated by itself, it is nothing. I'm not grabbing a book and reciting some "deep" sentences, I am telling you for real it is nothing. And I don't see how even in theory you could have different nothings, since nothing is nothing.

If the problematic and counterintuitive "consciousness" term was swapped out for Western-intuitive terms like existence, reality... Then it would be obvious: "Are you telling me a drunk person's realness is the same as a sober person's?"

You see how, now, it is so blatantly obvious? A drunk person exists as much as a sober person. NOW it makes sense????

That is what all of this is. All of it. This is, we are, everything is, nothingness is (again: nothingness is what "your consciousness" is, and that can be explained also) quite literally, existence itself. We are literally existence itself. We are reality itself. That is "Brahman". And how easy to wrap your head around is that? Probably much moreso.

You are existence itself reading these words. You are existence itself feeling emotions. You are existence itself seeing from your eyes. And all of these things are, also, existence itself. Existence itself is all encompassing, it is EVERYTHING.

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