When you are following your Life-Purpose and your dreams, many times you feel that you might never make it. And it is very hard to convince yourself otherwise.
I don't know what are the statistics but i assume most people never make it and never will . This is super discouraging and drives me into a low motivation state where i don't have much passion to work hard anymore.
Charles Bukowksi ''made it'' as a writer in his 50s (when finally a publisher gave him some attention) but many others never did. Eckhart Tolle would not enjoy his ridiculous level of fame and success if it wasn't for Oprah promoting his books and work. Bill Gates wouldn't become the King of Software, if it wasn't for the great private schools and the minicomputers he had access to at the time.
There is definetely an element of luck to all of this ''success' thing. And also you must have the right kind of personality and fit into a certain box.
I didn't like the video below. The fat man in the video says how ''following your dreams'' and ''you can be anything you want'' are super bad advices. He goes on to derogate these notions. Even though he himself followed his dreams. (The irony).
Its hard to keep pursuing your dreams when society and many people around you, tell you otherwise because of ''reality'' and ''statistics''.
Any thoughts? How do you deal with all this uncertainty and doubt? Is it still worth it even if you never will ''make it''?