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What is pop culture? Plus mega thread.

7 posts in this topic

   What is pop culture? I'll be sharing examples of it, and feel free to share yours too. Not just western pop culture, but eastern and other forms of pop culture too.

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"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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   Scorn is an example of a game influenced by a past pop culture, the Aliens movies and maybe the chuthulu books. Although I honestly don't see see the creativity behind that game, as it's largely Aliens and chuthulu like, in FPS format so, it's a miss to me. Doom the remastered is actually a good example of creativity via rebooting and niching down the core principles and elements that made a really good FPS game, not some re skining of other genres and forcing it into some game.

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   A really good example of a parody of pop culture of Chinese drama, and other modern eastern fads and trends, with some 4 wall breaking that somehow just works. The show's good to watch, also has a badass opening song and credit song too. Rumor of a season 2 as well:


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   A good channel that does some analysis on rap songs and rap battles:

   Also, another YouTube Channel, Knox Vill, does similar content:


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34 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   A good channel that does some analysis on rap songs and rap battles:



That is interesting

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