
Has anybody made the turn from very very lazy to driven?

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“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed Looks good. Thanks for compiling these!

(this guy I think is one of those fake-ish success gurus, but the content for this topic looks good)

Edited by narkuser

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In spite of having done all the books, journaling, videos, exercises etc... I've often found myself out of the lazy slump into driven by more action, less think. Most recently it has been jumping into copy editing which is one of those activities that when I do it, I lose track of time because I love it so much. Also doing work that earns stable income gave a big momentum / motivation boost out of financial whackery.

You got this.

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I have the same problem. So much theory yet little action. 

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On 8/2/2022 at 11:39 PM, Ulax said:

However, trauma, or neurodivergence, to my understanding, might get in the way of being able to effectively create systems.

@Ulax Why?

Not disagreeing. I think it would, but I wouldn't be able to articulate why. 

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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On 7/31/2022 at 10:36 PM, narkuser said:

I'm curious about this, because I'm really stuck... I'm just another self-help junkie so I have consumed all the content, I have done the exercises about finding your values, visualizing, defining goals, breaking them into smaller goals... dissecting my limiting beliefs, optimizing my diet for energy, etc... And I'm still stuck!!

For many months at moms basement. (And not pursuing financial independence, and living in a place where girls are more abundant so I can get some success with that..., which are my mail goals)

Maybe I'm really addicted to comfort, or I don't care enough for some reason, or I'm too unwilling to force myself... Perhaps all the enlightenment stuff totally destroyed my ambition... I don't know...

Do you guys have any resource that helped you do a 180º turn from lazy to driven? (I ask for something specific like this because I have already consumed the commonly recommended stuff) Maybe the answer can't be simple but I'm curious for recommendations...

   All the basic self help, including subconscious training like hypnosis, visualization, positive affirmations?

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On 09/08/2022 at 10:28 AM, ThePoint said:

@Ulax Why?

Not disagreeing. I think it would, but I wouldn't be able to articulate why. 

I presume you asked why re the trauma part.

Because if you're traumatised you might have a part of you that is scared of succeeding. For example, when you were a kid people may have picked on you when you one a prize at school. So, that part may, when it notices you are about to succeed, make you really exhausted whenever it thinks you're close to doing well at something because its still scared about being picked on. 

So, if that part is active in that way, no matter how good your system you'd always be restricted from doing well because of that part. 

Unless, you included addressing that part in your system.




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The only thing that helps me to get out of a rut is a complete internet/digital - unhooking. I figured that the biggest contributing factor that led me to laziness and got me stuck was pure PC internet and games at most. I got stimulated by those so much, that I got lazy to do even basic things like, taking the dishes to the sink, let alone wash them. The most basic things became so hard, every single one of them.

So nowadays to avoid all that I block my browser, steam, chat apps, and movie folders, I can only get to them by typing a series of very difficult and long passwords. If I really need any of them I will have to be willing to go through the painful process of typing that. If I do so, I get a 30 min session to use the browser and it locks itself again.

In the 2000s when the internet was getting popular, we had the expression of "internet junkie" and people were really aware of its addictive potential. Even families would argue about how much this internet was consuming their partner's attention and making them lazy and not caring for the kid ect. Nowadays, we have forgotten that, to the degree that we give little kids and even babies smart phones with all this addictive mess.

Think about it, you are probably affected by the very same thing, as most are. And it's a HUGE sink for energy and motivation. Your motivation will suffer big time if you use your smartphone/PC/internet carelessly and on a whim. You need to learn to use the internet and other digital stuff very deliberately.

Btw check out this channel.
It might help and inspire you ;)


Edited by Yog

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I'd say that most 'driven' people are not positively motivated, they're negatively motivated. If you really envy them and their lives, maybe talk to them and watch as they open up about their struggles. My point is that being driven is not going to solve all of your problems. There are lots of people who run in the rat-race all their lives and once they retire, they regret having done that with their lives and not done what they really wanted to do. 

It is perfectly fine to have a slower life and smell the roses along the way. Productivity is not everything. 

I think you're doing fine. 

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