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Doing psychedelics in a lucid dream

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If you've never done 5-MeO-DMT, but train yourself to lucid dream and smoke 5-MeO in the dream, could it be possible to have a full-blown 5-MeO experience within the context of the lucid dream?

P.S. I know I could just do it in real life, but more just a thought experiment.

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I've never really came to idea to try drugs in lucid dream, but you gave me idea to took LDS there. I've never had chance to try DMT, but I will imagine DMT too, regardles that I've never took it hehe. Tnx.

I think it will have effect, once I've got totally drunk in a reagular dream and it was the same.


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As a somewhat seasoned lucid dreamer, and someone who's studied lucid dreams in many human entities besides myself. The simple answer to your query is a definitive yes. With the caveat, however, that the laws present in a sleeping dream can be somewhat similar to the waking world, or dramatically different. When the conscious presence of the ego becomes strong in the sleeping dream state. Your sleeping dreams will often mirror your waking world experiences very intimately. And as such, the in-dream consequences of your actions will approximate their waking world counterparts to varying degrees of accuracy depending upon your lucidity, at high levels of lucidity, you get exactly the same experience you would in the waking world, or maybe something even more extreme.


Though there are certain desirable, no highly desirable differences that are likely to arise. If for example, you engage in coitus in a sleeping dream as an adept lucid dreamer, you can have experiences that not only are indistinguishable from your waking world sexual activity, but even more intense as the dream can be more vivid to your senses, or in other words more real than your waking world experience. This also applies downwind to every aspect of your experience, so for instance, you can eat a candy bar where the last bite is as good as the first, or even better than the first. Both things which are ordinarily impossible in your waking world experience, in addition to your normal human sleeping dreams.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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I've just woke up from LSD dream, because I've putted intention last night. It wasn't lucid and not vivid much, but the feeling of LSD was the same. ?

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I had dreams of smoking DMT, I had already used it before and WASN'T lucid. It worked though which is interesting, because I can't willingly induce that state while awake.

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You have a subjective representation of that experience stored in your subconscious mind, and that is what you will experience during the lucid dream. If you haven't ridden a ferrari in real life and you ride one in your lucid dream, the interior will never look like the one would look in real life. You fill in those gaps of what you don't know through your imagination. Maybe you have looked at pictures of the interior of a ferrari. Or you have watched a video of a similar sports car. It can get close, but it will always be a subjective representation that comes from your subconscious. It's those images and ideas you collect through your past experiences. If you think a DMT trip gets you into a place where you experience beautiful and colorful geometrical shapes, then that is what you most likely will experience. If you have heard stories of people meeting elves, there is a chance you will meet one during your DMT trip.

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42 minutes ago, JonasVE12 said:

You have a subjective representation of that experience stored in your subconscious mind, and that is what you will experience during the lucid dream. If you haven't ridden a ferrari in real life and you ride one in your lucid dream, the interior will never look like the one would look in real life. You fill in those gaps of what you don't know through your imagination. Maybe you have looked at pictures of the interior of a ferrari. Or you have watched a video of a similar sports car. It can get close, but it will always be a subjective representation that comes from your subconscious. It's those images and ideas you collect through your past experiences. If you think a DMT trip gets you into a place where you experience beautiful and colorful geometrical shapes, then that is what you most likely will experience. If you have heard stories of people meeting elves, there is a chance you will meet one during your DMT trip.

Lol, you have the infantile "logic" of Aristotle.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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57 minutes ago, JuliusCaesar said:

Lol, you have the infantile "logic" of Aristotle.

That's the main reason why I am here on this forum. I do feel like there is a lack of clarity in the way I reflect on things. I'd love for you to write some paragraphs about what's behind your statement. Thanks.

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4 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

You have a subjective representation of that experience stored in your subconscious mind, and that is what you will experience during the lucid dream. If you haven't ridden a ferrari in real life and you ride one in your lucid dream, the interior will never look like the one would look in real life. You fill in those gaps of what you don't know through your imagination. Maybe you have looked at pictures of the interior of a ferrari. Or you have watched a video of a similar sports car. It can get close, but it will always be a subjective representation that comes from your subconscious. It's those images and ideas you collect through your past experiences. If you think a DMT trip gets you into a place where you experience beautiful and colorful geometrical shapes, then that is what you most likely will experience. If you have heard stories of people meeting elves, there is a chance you will meet one during your DMT trip.

That's true, I've heard some dmt trip reports, so probably I'll base my dream around that, but anyway let's test it sometimes. It doesn't matter will it be the same, it's simply great tool for diving into unconscious and when something is hard to imagine in a dream you need a tool for that. 

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3 hours ago, JonasVE12 said:

That's the main reason why I am here on this forum. I do feel like there is a lack of clarity in the way I reflect on things. I'd love for you to write some paragraphs about what's behind your statement. Thanks.

It's good to see that you're at least open to the possibility that you've missed something and not simply here to espouse common views dogmatically in a place where common views are known to be flawed.


In any event, there are many different angles from which I could address what you've said. If I were to speak only from direct experience with the intent to mention specifically what I feel is most relevant here. I'd mention that I've had precognitive dreams before, on two such occasions I foreknew the movements of cryptocurrency markets ahead of time. In the most recent one, I knew BTC would form a double top at around 64-66k USD as I saw exactly that in a dream weeks prior to it happening in the waking world.


And I've also read accounts of things occurring in many other human entities, that are obviously under the same basket of phenomena. Like this one guy who was practicing lucid dreaming to have sex. He was in bed with a woman in a motel in his sleeping dream, and after they ceased engaging in coitus, he told her she wasn't real because he was dreaming. And she told him angrily "We'll see who's real" and burned him with a cigarette, when he woke up in the waking world the burn mark from the cigarette was still there. So certainly, the waking world is not the material reality our culture believes it to be, but it's rather just another dream, and as such it's possible for events to carry over from one into the other.


Another angle I could take would be to use medical research to refute the erroneous belief that human consciousness arises from a physical brain. A British Neurologist named John Lorber studied humans with a condition called hydrocephalus where cerebrospinal fluid invades their cranium, destroying all or nearly all of their brain structures. In one decorated instance, Lorber while at Sheffield University in the UK, discovered a young university student with a larger than ordinary cranium who had almost no neurons in his head(which he didn't know prior to the catscan revealing this). And yet he was capable of the entire range of normal human cognition. And even graduated with an honors degree in mathematics. 


You see, the human brain acts like a filtering mechanism for consciousness in humans. And because of this, correlations arise between changes in neural activity and the individuals' personal state of consciousness. This is essentially why conventional neuroscience manages to make accurate predictions in spite of the fact that it's founded on a lie.


Just to tie everything together coherently, the things you've proposed with respect to dreaming aren't particularly valid. Due to the fact that they're founded on the wrong assumptions about reality made by the materialist paradigm. However, bear in mind that it's common for humans to have difficulty in lucid dreaming as strange as that may seem. And as such the following analogy isn't 100% fair, since most humans even many who attempt to practice lucid dreaming won't experience the kind of phenomena I'm describing. Or at least, certainly not anything as radical or as obviously demonstrative of materialist wisdom faltering.


Just as Aristotle was foolish to conclude that his suppositions were true simply because they seemed reasonable to him(like when he thought women had fewer teeth than men, even though he could have just checked his wife's mouth, or when he thought heavier objects fell faster than lighter ones, when obviously it took the scientific community about one and a half millennium later and a man called Galileo to correct that error, which is similarly ridiculous). So I also see the same kind of lack of grounding in experience in the things that you've said. Making the assertion that if you were to consider that you might be wrong about how dreams work/what reality is. You might just discover the same things about this subject I have. In much the same way that if Aristotle bothered to verify that his conclusions were experimentally valid, he would've discovered his blunders.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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I have had awakenings in dreams multiple times.

I have had an experience of becoming infinite godheads (both in dreams and irl) as depicted in Alex Grey's artwork net of being, after which I became pure emptiness. I even had immense time dilation where this felt very long. One time I became a hyperdimensional scene where I was this geometric pattern made of skulls rotating in a gravityless chamber, and in this state I became aware of immortality. I I've also had tons of more minor awakenings relating to being God in dreams.

The common point with these awakenings is me realizing that everything is a dream, and by realizing that my current experience (the nightly dream) is a dream, I can then easily extend this to include my waking reality, since I can see that both are my consciousness, and in this way I am able to have awakenings in dreams. I think by becoming lucid and contemplating consciousness it is easy to get awakenings in dreams.

I have also taken psychedelics many times in dreams, but usually they lead to magical powers, weird events, visuals, and so forth. Though one time I was with a shaman and ingested an unknown psychedelic, and when the effects were coming on the shaman told me dont you see you are going to wake up now - after which I woke up from the dream into reality.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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I’ve done dmt in a dream and it was extremely realistic 

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