Think Leo

Psychedelics could become mainstream soon if liberal media is on their side.

5 posts in this topic

Hello everybody, this is my first post here. You can already see the topic, but I'll try to add couple more insights.

In a social perspective, we have way too less systemic thinkers, and most of the intelligentia (as per the liberals' claim) derives their (constructs) rationality from liberal media. Well, the general notion is most of the conservative media propagates narratives based on the political interests (not saying liberals are straight A), & liberals makes more sense when it comes to policy decisions. 

If right wants to set a narrative of Psychedelics, it's easy for them to convince most people (probably youngsters, not sure about the boomers), but if the liberal media does it, it does it in a way where the so called intelligentia would start to think that it's 'rational'.

I'm also curious to know what do you think about the media control that 'liberal' side has, and the way how they propagate it as rational and 'always' reflects the best interest of a country and its citizens.

Thank you all in advance. 

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@Think Leo Except the Republicans would block the Dems efforts to legalize psychedelics because of the Big Pharma lobby.  Too bad money reigns supreme over Truth.

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Joe bidens son got cured with ibogain from his cocaine Addiction. Elon musk, Katie Wood, they are all in on it. 

The psychedelic industry is just at the beginning. Like bitcoin it takes some time until the mass knows about it. But netflix already released a good documentary about the promising  result of a psychedelic company called mindmed which will offer psychedelic therapy in the future to fight mental health crisis

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you are too optimistic. In Europe they are practically legal. there are documentaries like "magic medicine" where experiments with mushrooms to cure depression are showed, there are Ayahuasca ceremonies, bufo, erc. but practically no one uses them. people don't dare with them, they don't want to confront themselves. I know several people who have been interested in them because they are addicted or depressed, they have tried once, and never again. people prefer to procrastinate

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@Breakingthewall you are right.even Spiritual people refuse taking psychedelics. It is hard emotional labour and not chilling. 

But these companies have a big Potential. They are finding out the key to healing and produce new psychedelics with less trippy hallucinations and just Focus on healing. Once doctors will recommend these clinics, people will give it a try. And microdosing is also a big field


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