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A Fellow Lighter

The Myth of the Rational Man

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Hey guys... It's been a while since I made a thread. Before I delve into this topic I want to be as transparent as I can regarding the motive behind the making of this thread. Some of you will understand, most of you won't. Don't sweat it 

I am actually going through a lot right now. And I wish there was somebody I knew who is experienced and mastered what I'm currently going through who I could talk to. For those of you who have integrated chakras in your spiritual practices, the context of my issue is the following:

I've awakened to the emotional dimension of my Consciousness. And this new found awareness is really kicking me in the gut and dragging me around. 


Anyway, to speak on the topic. So it is highly held by mass society that man is a rational creature - that is our established “baseline”. You only need to look around to notice this established social belief/ideology in order to get my point. Look at the environment of any artificial setting such as our schools, our offices, our homes, our political and commercial scenery. Everything is set in accordance to the idea that under normal circumstances a man is reason-oriented being and can be reasoned with.

Do you see it? You have to really look and look closely to see it because it is so there that you might even mistake it for something so natural that it's insignificant. Look at how you'd approach other people, then look at how you'd approach.. say your pet. Look at how you would approach yourself - that is the formulation of your self-image. It really doesn't take long to notice as this is not a matter of discernment but rather of pure observation.

This myth is so popular, so idealistic that it's become confused for actually rather than being seen as a fabrication. At this point, even if we were to reconsider the idea of rationality, I don't think humans would be the most rational species. An entire flank of animals would outrank us as more rational. Don't believe me? Just take a look at how animals choose their mates and how we do it. Take a look at how animals decide the right time to have sex and how we do it. Just start comparing the most random of things like when and why animals kill and why we kill. Look at why animals go to war and why we go to war. Look at their social structures, their family structures - who has which role in the family and how well everyone executes their roles. All you have to do is compare. Compare an ant colony with any human one and tell me which one is more sophisticatedly organised.

Let's face it. Even if we were to reconsider this idea of rationality we humans would sure fall short to it. And some of you will excuse these flaws for complexity or some bullshit like that. Like are you kidding me? If other species' biology isn't as complex as ours than ours then I don't know what the hell is. A leaf is more complex than hand. It doesn't take much to understand why and how a hand is structured the way it's structured, it's utility can be easily figured out by a toddler. But a leaf on the other hand...

Yeah, we are about as complex as anything else. So that's really no excuse. 

We are very good at pretending, that's for sure. No other species comes close to matching our pretentiousness, not even the slickest of camouflaging preys and predators. We flat outrank them in that criterion. But rational? I'm sorry I just don't see. Sure we are very cognitively enabled hence all the technology that we have developed. But rational??? Pattern recognition and Math is not an indicator of rationality anymore than it is a language. Your ability to count and account for things says nothing of your ability to be rational. Only your ability to be self-organised does. We are too self-destructive to even begin to view ourselves as self-organised. 

No. I've personally interacted with my fair share of humans, including myself, to know for certain that we are not rational. That's a myth. Which begs the question: If not rational then what are we? What exactly is involved in our decision-making process? How do we even find ourselves having to make decisions in the first place?

And that, friends, is what I've woken up to. That is what I'm having trouble stomaching and has left me in the state of perpetual free-fall so to speak. That is why I wish there was somebody who understands that I could talk to about it because I'm really having trouble finding a way to integrate this in my spirituality, in my life to be less blunt. Maybe I can do nothing with it other than just remain aware. It's very uneasing but maybe I'll just get used to it. This awareness of a force that you see no chance and no point in trying to resist. 

So yeah.. that's been what's been on my mind and what's led me to create this thread. There's quite a lot that I've chosen to leave out, regarding spirituality, but there would be no point in mentioning it unless someone understands what I've already stated. Those of you who are too rooted in your identity won't. The gravity of your psyches won't let you as viability is your main concern at the moment - and not possibility, not really. But that's okay. Just writing this and expressing myself makes me feel more grounded, even if it's not on the illusion of rationality but just a sense of clarity I guess.

For those who you who really don't understand and might need a clue to what I'm talking about. Basically, waking up to your emotional nature is waking up to the designation and employment of karmic energy by your Consciousness and for the sake of completeness. I'm telling you that you're not sometimes emotional but are, in fact, always emotional. That you have understood very little of your emotional dimension, much less than what society and your education has led you to believe. Where there is motive there is emotion - try to think of your emotional nature like that and you will begin to get it. And this is just one out of seven dimensions which all have energy centres that are, today, being carelessly referred to as chakras. 

? So so much more to understand about spirituality. Yet so little intention to actually try to learn. 

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