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Many won't like this perspective stop reading if it scares you

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One of the core concepts of Spirituality is that life is a dream, that it isn't real. But since the dream is being dreamt of by an all-powerful being that dream is essentially real. But also if that all powerful dreamer is able to wake up in their dream, then the dream will cease to be real. So the dreamer needs to be fooled.

We all have encountered this aspect to various degrees in our lives. When you play a game whether its a video game or a sport. When you take it serious in that moment it becomes real. Really competitive people see loss as a death, and winning as survival. They can get really angry and even violent in their attempt to win. Seriousness makes something akin to life and death, whereas playfulness is all about soaking up the moment and appreciation. 

Now if all of reality is illusion then how different is that from playing pretend? We see many kids growing up pretending to do things they see adults do and we laugh and smile and say that is so cute look at them. Yet the jokes on us, they are closer to the truth than we were. Its funny, and it makes sense why Jesus said "" Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 19:14 (KJV) He is saying when you enter heaven (enlightment) everything around you is just play. You see everything for what it is

The love of life, the love of pretend, that desire to create is child-like it is the part we lost when we became adult and the part we must reconnect with. Before the conditioning you were drawn to certain things, and loved certain things. Your creativity was infinite and not bound by conventionality and the logic of this world. If people knew how much their current desires were a result of conditioning they would realize how silly it all is.

I have seen a lot of people who are having ego backlashes into wanting to leave Spirituality and go back to other ways of thinking. Its funny to me, because I know they will come right back. Its like the story of the Prodigal Son, you want to go experience the world and go against what you have been taught and then you come crawling back and isn't what you want. 

There is really only one thing you want in life, and it is so simple. You want to possess love, share love, and have love reflected back to you. That's it. Its simple. Its not rocket science. Why do you want a career? So you can fully express yourself. You want to share all the parts of yourself your intelligence, your creativity, and you want to make a contribution of profound magnitude. Why? Love. You want to be in a relationship because you want to again express yourself in all aspects to someone and have them reflect that back to you. Again its love. You want to be remembered and not forgotten, again its love.

So do you notice this? Each of these examples described long term- deep connection of expression and that expression being shared. Anything outside of this is delusion. Its why I laugh when people try to argue against me. This is what every human desires. Then you might say but Razard monks don't want that!! To which I will reply yeah they don't want a career, but they desire to have a deep connection with the Divine and to allow that divine to have itself full expression. 

So notice? Every human wants to have a deep connection, and to have full expression. Is this not the essence of Spirituality? It is. You can't run from it. Yet you get frustrated and try to demonize Spirituality when all you want is what Spirituality points to. You want a deep connection, and you want full expression. 

Deep Connection- You cannot have deep connection without investing time and energy. You can't have deep connection without facing fears and experiencing pain and disappointment. You cannot have deep connection without vision, without a knowing that it will come to fruition. 

Full Expression- You can't have full expression without dropping judgment, you cannot have full expression if you live in an authoritative environment, you cannot have full expression if you are focused on win/loss, control, power, status, money, appearance, surface level matters. Full expression has depth, authenticity, and challenges the status quo, its bold, its fearless, its multifaceted, at the highest level it would be undefined, it would be everything, it would be God. 

The whole reason God becomes creation is to experience Deep Connection, and the whole reason man connects to God is to find Full Expression of their perspective as a finite being. If you do not tap into the divine creator in you, you will not find full expression, and if you do not find a deep connection life will be a constant endeavor of chasing that which is within you. You either chase God in creation, or within. In creation it gives finitude, within it gives completion.

Now there are many that are able to find full expression by connecting to the Divine unknowingly through insights or great displays of ability. But since these individuals have no formed a deep connection many of them seek it in win/loss, control, power, status, money, appearance, surface level matters. What usually transpires in these peoples lives is they either die/commit suicide, or have the famous coming to Jesus moment. Why? Because man's search for meaning is just man's search for a deep connection. The most fundamental question is why? The answer is love. Its cliche, its considered soft, and woo woo, but the sad thing is its the ultimate truth. What you craved as a child you still crave as an adult. Deep Connection and Full Expression. Which can simply be called Love.

You want to find your Life Purpose? Its easy. What do you feel a deep connection with? And I don't mean that sweet in front of you. What inspires you? Go towards that. What do you desire a deep connection with? Develop that. Face the fear that blocks you from those things...and obtain what even God itself cannot attain. God created you, to obtain Deep Connection. What greater connection is there between creator and creation when they are ONE? That is Full Expression, That is Deep Connection, that is God, That is You, That is Life, That is Love.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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The sad thing is Love is the ultimate truth he says heheh 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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